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研究生(外文):WANG WEI-YUN
論文名稱(外文):Pruritus and Related Factors in Uremic Dialytic Patients
指導教授(外文):WANG KWUA-YUN
外文關鍵詞:uremic dialytic patientspruritusrelated factors
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Uremic pruritus rate of dialytic patients is still high in Taiwan, roughly lies between 55% and 90%. There are many factors interacted each other to affect their pruritic symptom including the character of demography, trait anxiety, physiologic parameter, disease and dialysis. At present, there are many researches related to uremic pruritus at overseas, but their results are inconsistent. However, there is rare data to show the uremic pruritus of dialytic patients in Taiwan. Therefore, discussing the factors related to uremic pruritus of dialytic patients is one of the important issues.
As a result, the study was a cross-sectional study design. A valid sample of 110 patients were recruited from one of the dialytic room of medical centers in Taipei city. Data were collected by structured questionnaires. The questionnaires used included the character of demography, disease, dialysis, physiologic parameter, trait anxiety and pruritic scale. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, minimal, maximal, frequency, percentile , Chi-Squire test, t test, Mann-Whithey U test, logistic regression and linear regression using SPSS Window 13.0.
Results showed that the pruritic incidence rate of uremic dialytic patients was 70.9%, the patients who received peritoneal dialysis was 72.4% and the patients who received hemodialysis was 67.6%. The mean of pruritic scale was 10.94 points in the itch patients and their mean point in the afternoon more than in the morning. However, the influential factors for pruritic symptom among uremic dialytic patients were the occupation of pre-dialysis, the kinds of renal disease, chloride and skin humidity. And the influential factors for pruritic severity among itch patients were the albumin, chloride and transepidermal water loss.
According to the results of this study, the skin humidity of uremic dialytic patients were related to the pruritic symptom and the transepidermal water loss among the itch patients were related to the severity. Therefore, we will provide patients skin nursing when they seek the intervention for relieving itch. We can teach them use the hydrant skin emollient to improve the dry skin and relieve itch. The finally propose that we want to improve the sleep disorder of the patients and gain the quality of life.
【碩士論文目次】 頁 數
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機及重要性……………………………………………1
第二節 名詞界定………………………………………………………3
第三節 研究目的………………………………………………………4
第四節 研究概念架構…………………………………………………5
第五節 研究問題………………………………………………………6
第二章 文獻查證…………………………………………………………7
第一節 尿毒透析病患搔癢症之相關概念……………………………7
第二節 影響尿毒透析病患搔癢症之因素及其相關研究……………22
第三章 研究方法與過程…………………………………………………32
第一節 研究設計………………………………………………………32
第二節 研究對象與場所………………………………………………32
第三節 研究工具………………………………………………………33
第四節 資料收集過程…………………………………………………39
第五節 資料處理與分析………………………………………………40
第六節 研究倫理的考量………………………………………………41
第四章 研究結果…………………………………………………………42
第一節 尿毒透析病患基本資料特性…………………………………42
第二節 各變項與搔癢症之關係………………………………………53
第三節 尿毒透析病患搔癢症狀之重要預測變項……………………57
第四節 有搔癢之尿毒透析病患搔癢程度的重要預測變項…………60
第五章 討論………………………………………………………………63
第一節 尿毒透析病患搔癢發生率與搔癢之特性……………………63
第二節 影響尿毒搔癢症狀及其搔癢程度之因素……………………65
第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………………72
第一節 結論……………………………………………………………72
第二節 建議……………………………………………………………75
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