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Author (Eng.):Li-Chih Wu
Title (Eng.):A study of spiritual health, emotional states, and related factors for adolescents with brain tumors
Advisor:卓妙如卓妙如 author reflink
advisor (eng):Miao-Ju Chwo
Narrow Field:醫藥衛生學門
Detailed Field:護理學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:106
keyword (chi):腦瘤青少年靈性健康情緒狀態
keyword (eng):adolescents with brain tumorsspiritual healthemotional states
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  • Cited Cited :21
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為提昇護理人員對腦瘤青少年靈性健康照護之參考,落實「全人」的護理理念,本研究目的為探討腦瘤青少年,面臨生病挫折時的靈性健康與情緒狀態為何?且進一步分析腦瘤青少年的靈性健康、情緒狀態與個人基本資料各變項之相關性。本研究採横斷式問卷調查法進行資料收集,研究對象取自台灣北部某醫學中心之罹患腦瘤青少年,採立意取樣方式共收集82人的資料,平均年齡為13.98歲;研究工具採用「靈性健康量表」及「情緒狀態量表」。資料處理及分析採用統計軟體SPSS12.0 for Windows 2000進行,統計分析方法包括描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、無母數分析、薛費氏事後比較法、皮爾森積差相關、複廻歸分析,研究結果顯示:(一)腦瘤青少年的靈性健康與情緒狀態呈現正相關;(二)腦瘤青少年靈性健康的相關因素,包括父親的宗教信仰、接受化學治療、目前神經功能表現及情緒狀態,利用複廻歸分析,在投入各變項後之解釋力為47.4% (R=0.679, R2=0.474, p=0.000);(三)腦瘤青少年情緒狀態的相關因素,包括目前身體症狀、目前神經功能表現及靈性健康,利用複廻歸分析,在投入各變項後之解釋力為46.4% (R=0.681, R2=0.464, p=0.000)。本研究建議在護理臨床實務上應發展青少年靈性健康照護計劃,以及發展兒科護理人員靈性健康照護教育課程,並成立腦瘤青少年支持團體。
To realize “holistic” nursing quality for adolescents with brain tumors, this research explores the spiritual health of patients in critical conditions and how they deal with their emotional states. In addition, the study further analyzes the correlation among variables concerning to spiritual health, emotional states, and individual profiles. The research used a cross-sectional method via structured questionnaires to gather information on brain-tumor strapped adolescents in a northern Taiwan medical center. Purposive sampling was used to select 82 adolescents, averaging 13.98 years old. The research tool used “Spiritual Health Scale” and “Emotional States Scale” questionnaires to measure the spiritual health and emotional states. Data processing and analysis were performed through the statistical software, SPSS 12.0 (Windows 2000). Statistical analysis methods included descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, nonparametric analysis, Scheffe’s post hoc comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The research findings are as follows. (1) Patients’ spiritual health and emotional states correlated positively. (2) The related factors for spiritual health included father’s religious belief, whether undergoing chemotherapy, neurological-function status, and emotional state. Through multiple regression analysis, the explanation of their correlation is 47.4% variance (R=0.679, R2=0.474. p=0.000). (3) The related factors for emotional states included patients’ body symptom, neurological-function status, and spiritual health. Through multiple regression analysis, the explanation of their correlation is 46.4% variance (R=0.681, R2=0.464. p=0.000). This study recommends that spiritual health care plans should be developed in clinical nursing for adolescents with brain tumors. Spiritual health training programs for pediatric nursing practitioners should also be developed. Establishment of support groups for adolescents with brain tumors is also recommended.
第一章 緒論..............................................01
第一節 研究背景與重要性....................................01
第二節 研究目的...........................................04
第三節 研究假設...........................................05
第四節 名詞解釋...........................................05
第二章 文獻查證...........................................07
第一節 兒童腦瘤評估、診斷與預後.............................07
第二節 青少年發展特性與疾病對身心的影響......................17
第三節 靈性健康相關概念....................................22
第四節 情緒狀態相關概念....................................31
第五節 研究架構...........................................34
第三章 研究方法...........................................36
第一節 研究情境與研究對象..................................36
第二節 研究工具...........................................37
第三節 資料收集過程........................................42
第四節 資料處理與分析......................................43
第五節 倫理與人權考量......................................45
第四章 研究結果...........................................46
第一節 研究對象的基本資料..................................46
第二節 研究對象靈性健康與情緒狀態量表得分之描述性分析..........53
第三節 研究對象基本資料與靈性健康、情緒狀態量表得分之推論性分析..57
第四節 靈性健康、情緒狀態量表兩者的相關性分析..................65
第五章 討論................................................68
第一節 腦瘤青少年靈性健康與情緒狀態...........................68
第二節 腦瘤青少年靈性健康與情緒狀態之相關性....................83
第三節 影響腦瘤青少年靈性健康與情緒狀態之相關因素...............84
第六章 結論與建議...........................................87
第一節 總結................................................87
第二節 護理上的建議..........................................89
第三節 結論.................................................91

表1 研究目的、研究問題與統計方法......................................45
表2 研究對象個人基本特質資料.........................................48
表3 研究對象罹病時間、疾病與治療現狀、目前神經功能表現及荷爾蒙問題........49
表4 研究對象目前身體症狀.............................................50
表5 研究對象腦瘤種類分佈情形..........................................51
表6 研究對象接受化學藥物治療..........................................52
表7 研究對象接受手術治療情形..........................................52
表8 研究對象使用另類療法種類..........................................53
表9 研究對象靈性健康量表單題平均得分情形................................55

圖1 常見兒童原發性腦瘤之分類...........................................10
圖2 研究架構圖.......................................................35

附錄1 研究同意書
附錄2 個人疾病資料史資料
附錄3 個人基本資料、靈性健康量表及情緒狀態量表
附錄4 專家名單
附錄5 量表使用同意函
附表1 研究對象基本特質於靈性健康總量表得分之分析
附表2 研對對象基本特質於靈性健康分量表—與人締結得分之分析
附表3 研對對象基本特質於靈性健康分量表—活出意義得分之分析
附表4 研對對象基本特質於靈性健康分量表—超越逆境得分之分析
附表5 研對對象基本特質於靈性健康分量表—宗教寄託得分之分析
附表6 研對對象基本特質於靈性健康分量表—明己心性得分之分析
附表7 研對對象疾病、治療狀態於靈性健康總量表得分之分析
附表8 研對對象疾病、治療狀態於靈性健康分量表—與人締結得分之分析
附表9 研對對象疾病、治療狀態於靈性健康分量表—活出意義得分之分析
附表10 研對對象疾病、治療狀態於靈性健康分量表—超越逆境得分之分析
附表11 研對對象疾病、治療狀態於靈性健康分量表—宗教寄託得分之分析
附表12 研對對象疾病、治療狀態於靈性健康分量表—明己心性得分之分析
附表13 研究對象基本特質於情緒狀態總量表得分之分析
附表14 研究對象基本特質於情緒狀態分量表—快樂滿足得分之分析
附表15 研究對象基本特質於情緒狀態分量表—傷心害怕得分之分析
附表16 研究對象基本特質於情緒狀態分量表—生氣厭惡得分之分析
附表17 研究對象基本特質於情緒狀態分量表—期待得分之分析
附表18 研究對象疾病、治療狀態於情緒狀態總量表得分之分析
附表19 研究對象疾病、治療狀態於情緒狀態分量表—快樂滿足得分之分析
附表20 研究對象疾病、治療狀態於情緒狀態分量表—傷心害怕得分之分析
附表21 研究對象疾病、治療狀態於情緒狀態分量表—生氣厭惡得分之分析
附表22 研究對象疾病、治療狀態於情緒狀態分量表—期待得分之分析
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15. 林笑(2000)•靈性照護與人性關懷•榮總護理,17(2),153-158。
1. A Preliminary Study of Health-Promoting Behavior Affecting Factors among Adolescents with Asthma
2. The Study of Sleep Quality and Related Factors in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
3. The related factors of disordered eating among female nursing undergraduates
4. Physical and Psychological Symptom Distress with the quality of sleep and relevant factor in Sleep apnea patient
5. An investigation of related factors between dangerous behavior and injury frequency of preschoolers
6. An investigation of parenting styles and related factors on the self-concept of school-age children with short stature
7. The fatigue and related factors in hospitalized patients with coronary artery bypass graft surgery
8. The Effect of Acupressure on Gastric Emptying in Critically Ill Patients with Mechanical Ventilation
9. 某大專院校學生靈性健康、知覺壓力與憂鬱之相關研究
10. The effect of postnatal depression on mother-infant interaction and infant growth and development
11. The Effect of Positioning and Supportive Intervention on Preterm Infants’ Behavioral and Physiological Responses During Diaper Change
12. Effects of Video-based Breastfeeding Education to the Vocational High School Students on Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitude.
13. Investigation of Successful Extubation and Related Factors in Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients with Mechanical Ventilator
14. Pruritus and Related Factors in Uremic Dialytic Patients
15. 老人靈性健康之開展與模式探詢
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