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論文名稱(外文):Effects of Ischemia Precondition on centrifuge -induced brain injury in rats
中文關鍵詞: 小動物離心機 缺血前制約 鼠 腦
外文關鍵詞:small animal centrifugepreconditionratbrain
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方法:雄性SD大鼠19隻,隨機區分為baseline組(n=6)、15G/5min組(n=7)及precondition組(n=6)。大鼠在動物離心機承受+Gz作用,15G暴露5分鐘後即刻解剖取腦,測定LDH活性、Na+、K+、Ca2+及水含量等及利用光學、電子顯微鏡觀察大鼠額葉皮層和海馬回神經元形態學變化。結果:15G/5min組的大鼠腦組織LDH活性較baseline組有降低的趨勢,Na+、K+、Ca2+及水含量有升高趨勢,但以上均未達顯著意義;額葉皮層及海馬回之神經元部份呈缺血性改變較baseline組有明顯增加(p<0.05),另外還發現有細胞間質液堆積;海馬回部份神經元有超微結構改變。precondition組的腦組織LDH活性,Na+、K+及水含量較15G /5min組有回復正常水平的趨勢,但統計上亦未達顯著意義;額葉皮層及海馬回之神經元部份較15G/5min組呈缺血性改變有明顯減少(p<0.05),細胞間質液堆積也減少;超微結構改變與15G/5min組相同。
Modern aeroplanes in ROC Air Force such as F-16 and Mirage 2000 models have surpassed previous generations in terms of superior combat capability. However, this means that pilots are exposed to much high G loads. It has been demonstrated that during +Gz exposure cerebral blood flow is significantly reduced. Under certain circumstances , such as inadequate anti-G maneuver strain may result in brain ischemia. The concept of Ischemic Precondition (IPC) in which short-term exposure of ischemic insult have protective effect forward long duration ischemia, was initially proved in myocardial tissue and late extended to other organs, including brain tissue. It has been a common practice for experienced pilots to engage in low G exercises before they started high G maneuvers. This phenomenon of 〝 Warmed G 〞 could be possibly an practical application of IPC. But the detailed mechanisms of G-LOC or G induced brain ischemia as well as protective effect IPC were not clear. Animal centrifuge models are commonly used to investigate the mechanisms of +Gz-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) and their physiological effects on the brain. Objective: Firstly, observe the changes of ion contents and LDH activity of brain tissues and neuronal morphology after cerebral ischemia. Secondly, to evaluate the protective effect of ischemia- precondition on brain injuries induced by small animal centrifuge (SAC) in rats. Methods: nineteen male Sprague- Dawley rats were divided randomly into baseline (n=6), +15Gz/5min (n=7), precondition (n=6) groups. After + Gz exposure(15G,5minutes), the rats were sacrificed and brain samples were analyzed for LDH activity, Na+, K+, Ca2+, water content. Morphological changes in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus were evaluated with light microscope and electron microscope. Results: LDH activity slightly decreased after 5 min of 15Gz exposure (p>0.05), while Na+, K+, Ca2+ and water contents of brain tissues showed a tendency to increase (p>0.05). Ischemia changes increase significantly in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus (p<0.05), in addition, intercellular liquid accumulation was found. Neuron ultra structure changes were observed in hippocampus. After precondition treatment, brain tissue LDH activity as well as Na+, K+ and water contents of brain tissues showed a tendency to approach baseline values(p>0.05). Ischemia changes in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus decrease significantly when compared with +15Gz/5min group (p<0.05), In addition ,extent of intercellular liquid accumulation had also decreased. Neuron ultra structure changes were not different from +15Gz/5min group. Conclusions: 15Gz/ 5min exposure resulted in rat brain tissue edema, ion homeostasis disturbance , diminished LDH activity and morphological changes in rat brain. It also caused slight increase of blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability, but the changes disappeared after precondition treatment. Precondition treatment also improved LDH activity decrement after 15Gz/5min exposure. Neuronal injury induced by 15Gz/ 5min exposure, was also decreased substantially by precondition treatment.
【碩士論文目次】 頁 數
誌謝 …………………………………………………………………
第一章 緒言……………………………………………………………1
第一節 加速度對生理影響 …………………………………3
第二節 缺血性腦損傷 …………………………………………7
第三節 反覆高G暴露對腦部的傷害 …………………………13
第四節 大腦皮質區及海馬迴 …………………… 15
第五節 缺血前制約效應 …………………… 16
第二章 實驗目的 ……………………………………………………20
第三章 實驗材料與方法 ……………………………………………22
壹 實驗動物 ……………………………………………………22
貳 動物離心機……………………………………………………22
參 實驗方法… …………………………………………………27
肆 資料之統計與分析 ……………………………43
第四章 實驗結果………………………………………………………44
第五章 結果綜整………………………………………………………69
第六章 討論……………………………………………………………70
第七章 結論與建議……………………………………………………78

圖1 人體靜水壓差圖示 12頁
圖2 動物離心機 24頁
圖3 離心機操控電腦 25頁
圖4 老鼠專用固定器 26頁
圖5 老鼠置入固定器 28頁
圖6 離心機流程 29頁
圖7 多功能生理訊號器MP30 30頁
圖8 原子吸光譜儀 34頁
圖9 紫外光光度分析儀 37頁
圖10 開胸手術 40頁
圖11 加壓式灌流機將固定液灌入腦部 41頁
圖12穿透式電子顯微鏡 42頁
圖13 腦組織之水含量之比較 46頁
圖14 腦組織鈉離子含量之比較 48頁
圖15 腦組織鉀離子含量之比較 49頁
圖16 腦組織鈣離子含量之比較 51頁
圖17 腦組織的乳酸脫氫酶(LDH)活性之比較 52頁
圖18 control組鼠腦之額葉皮質區 55頁
圖19第二組之鼠腦皮質區及海馬迴之神經元變化 56頁
圖20第三組之鼠腦皮質區之神經元變化 57頁
圖21 control組之額葉皮質區神經元大小 58頁
圖22第二組之額葉皮質區神經元大小 59頁
圖23第三組之額葉皮質區神經元大小 60頁
圖24 control組、15G/5min及precondition組之皮質損傷分析 61頁
圖25 control組、15G/5min及precondition組之海馬損傷分析 62頁
圖26 control組腦組織海馬迴神經元(X6000) 64頁
圖27第二組和第三組(X6000)皆可發現部份海馬迴神經元 65頁
圖28第二組和第三組(X10000) 66頁
圖29 control組(a)和15G/5min組(b)注入Evans blue 68頁

表1 腦組織含水量及鈉、鉀、鈣含量統計表 45頁
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12. 周群:〈劉基--從歷史到神話的嬗變(2)〉,《大陸雜誌》第96卷第4期,(1998年4月),頁46∼48。
13. 周群:〈劉基--從歷史到神話的嬗變(1)〉,《大陸雜誌》第96卷第3期,(1998年3月),頁16∼19。
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15. 楊鴻銘:〈劉基〈司馬季主論卜〉反筆論〉,《孔孟月刊》第35卷第4期(1996年12月),頁52∼53。