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研究生(外文):Wen-Ching Liao
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Optimal Ordering Policy for Buyback Contract Model among Supply Chain Partners- A Case Study for One Period of Two Echelon Inventory
外文關鍵詞:supply chain contractbuyback contractstochastic model
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As the integration and coordination among the supply chain partners form the base for good supply chain management. The supply chain partners develop supply chain contracts to help the cooperation with each other lower the risks and increase the profits for both manufacturer and retailer of the supply chain.
Buyback contract, one of the popular supply chain contracts, uses pre-agreed buyback price to buyback unsold products of the retailers. Due to the academic and practical value, this study formulates a stochastic model for buyback contract to maximize the expected profit of manufacturer and retailer. Also, special distributions such as uniform distribution and normal distribution are used as the demand distribution to deduce an optimal solution. Finally, by design of experiment, this study performs numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis to find out the significant factors influencing the expected profit.
The study results show that in the case of demand distribution is uniform distribution, the product wholesales price, buyback price and distribution parameter are the significant factors to influence manufacturer’s decision and the product price, the product wholesales price are the significant factors influence retailer’s decision. In the case of demand distribution is normal distribution, the product wholesales price, buyback price and the product cost are the significant factors to influence manufacturers’ decision and the product price is the significant factors influence retailers’ decision.
第一章 緒論 .................................... 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ............................ 1
1.2 研究問題與目的.............................. 5
1.3 研究方法流程 .............................. 6
1.4 論文架構 .................................. 8
第二章 文獻探討................................... 9
2.1 供應鏈契約之定義與功能........................ 9
2.2 供應鏈契約結構之分類........................ .13
2.3 單期存貨決策下報童問題之相關文獻................16
2.3.1 傳統報童單期單次存貨決策之相關文獻............16
2.3.2 報童問題單期多次存貨決策之相關文獻............18
2.4 購回合約相關文獻回顧......................... 21
2.5 小结........................................26
第三章 購回合約之模型建立與求解.....................28       
3.1 模型情境說明..................................28
3.2 模型基本假設 .................................30
3.3 參數與決策變數定義.............................31
3.4 購回合約一般模式數學模型之建立與求解.............33
3.4.1 購回合約一般模式數學模型之建構...............33
3.4.2 購回合約一般模式數學模型之求解...............35
3.5 購回合約均等分配數學模型之建立與求解.............38
3.5.1 購回合約均等分配下數學模型之建構..............38
3.5.2 購回合約均等分配下數學模型之求解..............40
3.6 購回合約在常態分配下數學模型之建立與求解..........42
3.6.1 購回合約常態分配下數學模型之建構..............42
3.6.2 購回合約常態分配下數學模型之求解..............45
第四章 數值模擬分析.................................48
4.1 均等分配下廠商利潤模式之求解範例 .................48
4.1.1 均等分配下製造商利潤模式之求解範例...........49
4.1.2 均等分配下零售商利潤模式之求解範例...........50
4.3 敏感度分析 .................................. 54
4.3.1 均等分配下製造商購回合約模組之決策模式........54
4.3.2 均等分配下零售商購回合約模組之決策模式........58
4.3.3 常態分配下製造商購回合約模組之決策模式........61
4.3.4 常態分配下零售商購回合約模組之決策模式........64
4.4 小結 .........................................67
第五章 結論與建議..................................68
5.1 研究結論..................................... 68
5.1 研究貢獻..................................... 69
5.3 研究限制與後續研究建議..........................69
參考文獻 .........................................71
附錄 .........................................75
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