In this study we proposed a group-level construct, empowerment climate, tested a multiple-level model integrating macro and micro approaches to empowerment. First, in the micro approach, we tested not only the relationship between psychological empowerment and individual performance, but also the moderating effect of self-efficacy. Secondly, in the macro approach, we tested the relationship between empowerment climate and group performance. Finally, a cross-level analysis using hierarchical linear modeling tested that empowerment climate moderated the relationships between psychological empowerment and individual performance, and the direct effect of empowerment climate on individual performance. Totally 55 samples of group-level and 259 samples of individual- level are collected from government and industrial organizations. After using the analytical techniques of Agreement Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Validity Analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Linear Structural Relationship and Hierarchical Linear Model, we concluded that: 1.In the individual-level analysis, psychological empowerment is positively related to individual performance; besides, self-efficacy will moderate the relationship between psychological empowerment and individual performance. 2.In the group-level analysis, empowerment climate is failed to reach the significant relationship with group performance. 3.In the cross-level analysis, empowerment climate failed to moderate the relationship between psychological empowerment and individual performance while empowerment climate is positively related to individual performance. Finally, implications for research and practice of our findings suggested that: 1.Due to the significant relationship between empowerment climate and individual performance, managers in the organizations should improve the individual performance by raising the information sharing, autonomy through boundaries and team accountability. 2.When in recruitment, high self-efficacy employees are recommended to reach much more individual performance.