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論文名稱(外文):Authentication in Ad Hoc Networks for Information Warfare
中文關鍵詞:Ad Hoc網路身分識別資訊戰智慧卡驗證金鑰
外文關鍵詞:Ad Hoc NetworksAuthenticationInformation WarfareSmart CardAuthenticated Key
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Ad Hoc網路源起於軍事通訊的需求,因具機動性及易於各種環境操作的獨特條件,所以非常適合於軍事作戰、急難搜救等機動性任務使用。波灣戰爭以來,世界各先進國家莫不漸次明暸資訊戰(Information Warfare,IW)為贏得戰爭勝利之碁石,也證明了科技領先者主宰戰爭勝負,因此皆積極開發相關技術。而資訊戰之要角首推網路戰,通訊網路目前已為我軍傳遞情資之重要媒介,因此如何建立一套完備的網路安全環境,其重要性不言可喻。
資訊戰中欲透過網路進行情資交換前,雙方如何確認身分為首要之務,當雙方身分驗證無誤,接下來依彼此的傳輸需求,傳遞的資訊可能具有機密性而需加以保護,因此,為通訊的雙方分配一把共有且兼具鑑別性的會議金鑰(session key)以做為傳遞資訊的安全之用,也已逐漸成為伴隨身分驗證的基本需求。本論文以身分識別機制及後續如何為雙方建立具鑑別性之會議金鑰為主要研究方向,提出適用於Ad-Hoc網路環境,具安全性的方案,並結合智慧卡的使用,降低Ad-Hoc網路中行動設備計算成本與電力消耗,同時兼顧效率性,或可為我軍資訊戰之參考。
Ad Hoc network starts from the need of military communication. It is very suitable for using in such flexible tasks as military fighting, misfortune search and rescue, etc. Because it possess mobility and easy to operate under various kinds of environments. Each world advanced country have got to understand that Information Warfare (IW) is the victorious foundation of wining war and proved technological leading one deciding the war since Gulf War. So all of them developed relevant technology actively. The protagonist of the IW is a fight of the network. Communication network is the important media that we have already transmitted the information at present. It is very momentous how to set up a perfect network security environment.
It is the primary affair that how to confirm the identity both sides before exchanging the information through the network in IW. The confidential information transmitted needs protection according to the mutual transmission demand as the identities of both sides are verified correctly. It has already become the basic demand and followed that the identity verifies gradually for distributing a session key for both sides owning in common and authentication as securely transmitting information. The main department in research is identity authentication and setting up authenticated key. We try to put forward the secure scheme with smart card for Ad Hoc network. It can reduce the calculation and electricity consuming of mobility equipment efficiently. Perhaps it can be for our troops reference.
摘 要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究範圍與限制 5
1.4 研究步驟與流程 5
1.5 論文結構 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 Ad Hoc網路 10
2.2 資訊戰 12
2.3 密碼學背景知識介紹 17
2.3.1 單向雜湊函數 17
2.3.2 互斥或特性 18
2.3.3 橢圓曲線密碼系統之研究 19
2.4 無線網路攻擊類型 23
2.5 智慧卡 26
2.6 本研究相關技術 30
2.6.1結合智慧卡之遠端身分認證機制 31
2.6.2以Diffie-Hellman為基礎的驗證金鑰協定 35
2.6.3橢圓曲線驗證金鑰協定 37
第三章 雙向身分識別機制 40
3.1 系統運作模式 40
3.2 雙向身分識別機制演算法 41
3.3 雙向身分識別機制實例說明 47
3.3.1註冊階段 47
3.3.2登入階段 48
3.3.3驗證階段 48
3.3.4通行碼變更階段 49
第四章 驗證金鑰建立模式 51
4.1 系統運作模式 51
4.2 機密情資傳遞演算法 52
第五章 安全性與效率分析 56
5.1 效率方面 56
5.2 安全方面 58
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 63
6.1 結論 63
6.2 未來發展方向 64
參考文獻 67
中文部分 67
英文部分 70
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