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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Combined Location and Routing-Inventory Problem in a Logistic Distribution System of Joint Maintenance Shops in the R.O.C.Army
指導教授(外文):CHEN JU LONG
外文關鍵詞:Joint maintenance shops in the R.O.CLocation Routing & Inventory ProblemHeuristic algorithmthe Saving Approach
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本研究主要的目的乃針對國軍聯保廠之區位途程存貨問題進行理論與實務的探討分析,由於國軍聯保廠配銷系統,走向物流中心規劃,符合區位途程存貨問題(Location Routing & Inventory Problem, LRIP)之特性,其應用範圍廣泛且具高度的複雜性,為近年來學界所探討的熱門主題之一;軍方之配送作業常需滿足諸多內部及外部限制條件,例如:運輸能量限制、顧客位置,物流中心區位,貨物種類與數量等,在計算求解上構成NP-Hard型態問題,故在處理複雜或較龐大配送計劃時,面臨求解時間隨著決策變數的增加而成指數(exponential-time)增加的困難,使得傳統演算法求最佳解更為困難。因而構建一適合於國軍零附件運輸補給系統之啟發式解法是當務之急。為能有效解決複雜區位途程存貨問題,配合國軍零附件運輸補給系統特性,本研究依現行配送模式發展出一改良式啟發式演算法,在最適的顧客服務水準與經濟訂購量前提下,以最低的存貨路徑總成本來規劃聯保廠的運補路線。最後採用聯保廠所提供的實際資料進行驗證,其演算結果與現行人工規劃,與單獨考慮運輸成本的節省法比較時,皆顯示本研究之求解成效較佳,可做為聯保廠運輸補給規劃相關依據。
The objective of this research is to discuss location and routing- inventory problem for the joint maintenance shops in R.O.C. Army. The application scope of Location and Routing- Inventory Problem (LRIP) is comprehensive and extremely complicated, which has recently become one of the hot topics in the academic field. The military distribution process often needs to match up to many interior and exterior limitations such as transportation capacity control, customer position, distribution center location, cargo category and quantity etc. It is obviously a typical NP-Hard problem. Therefore, while dealing with complicated and bulkier distribution plans, it faces the difficulty of increasing exponential-time with ascending policy-making variables, making it more difficult to find the optimal solution for traditional algorithm. At situations like these, the application of heuristic algorithm is more appropriate to find the solution for the distribution problem of spare parts supply system of R.O.C.Army. And supply system for the army.
To efficiently tackle the LRIP problem, which matches up the characteristics of spare parts supply system of R.O.C.Army, this research, based on the current distribution pattern, develop a modified heuristic algorithm to scheme the supplying route of the joint maintenance shops at the lowest total cost with the consideration of balancing customer service level with economic order quantity.
Finally, the numerical examples are illustrated with the existing data offered by the joint maintenance shops, the results of this proposed algorithm turn out to be superior to those from current artificial planning as well as saving method only considering the transportation cost.

Key word: Joint maintenance shops in the R.O.C.; Location Routing & Inventory Problem; Heuristic algorithm; the Saving Approach.
摘要 V
誌 謝 VIII
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XIV
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究流程 5
第二章 現行作業程序與相關文獻探討 8
2.1陸軍補給支援特性 8
2.1.1現行保修補給作業方式 10
2.1.2缺失探討: 12
2.2設施區位選擇問題 16
2.3 車輛路徑規劃 16
2.4區位途程問題 17
2.5區位途程存貨問題 18
2.6區位途程存貨問題求解策略 21
2.6.1 求解方法的探討 22
2.6.2 萬用啟發式演算法 25
2.6.3 啟發式演算法求解 29
2.7 小結 30
第三章、相關理論與演算工具介紹 31
3.1存貨管理 31
3.1.1存貨成本 31
3.1.2 經濟批量模式 32
3.2 運輸路線的規劃原則 35
3.3 節省法求解說明 36
3.4節點插入與交換改善解法 43
第四章 模型建構 45
4.1研究問題 45
4.2研究假設與限制 45
4.3符號說明與定義 46
4.4數學模式建構 48
4.5 模式推導與驗證步驟 55
4.6 模式的比較: 62
第五章 實例驗證與分析 63
5.1 實例說明與參數設定 63
5.2 演算結果之分析與比較 66
5.2.1 現行作業成本分析 67
5.2.2 Logware軟體介紹與成本分析 69
5.2.3 啟發式解法成本分析 77
5.2.4 改善啟發式解法成本分析 83
5.3 各方法成本因素分析 89
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 91
6.1 研究結論 91
6.2 建議 92
參 考 文 獻 94
一、中文部分 94
二、英文部分: 97
參 考 文 獻
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