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論文名稱(外文):Conflicts and Conflict Resolution Mode In Weak-Matrix Project Organization:A Case Study of Weapon System Acquisition Program
外文關鍵詞:Weak-Matrix Project OrganizationTask ConflictRelationship ConflictConflict Resolution Mode
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本研究遵循Yin(1994)的個案研究方法,以目前仍持續進行專案活動之「空軍○○專案」為個案研究範圍,擇其四個重要衝突現象個案進行探索性研究,依整個衝突事件的發展脈絡,歸納出八項因素,在衝突背景、衝突點、涉入的角色、對專案的影響、衝突解決模式、結果、後續反應等因素上,運用「類型比對(pattern matching)」找出衝突個案之間的同異觀點,直到獲得最終之解釋。
The armed forces apply weak-matrix project organization structure to execute weapon systems acquisition program management. Establish the cross-functional teams to operate different activities in the project. With the project proceeding, there has more departments were involved into the affair of project. When they have different opinions on goal, assignment, value and investment of project. Conflicts will easily happen between the departments. Researchers were more interesting on the project matrix or project team type organization structure study but less to discuss the weak-matrix project organization. We are going to research conflicts and conflict resolution mode in a weak-matrix weapon system acquisition program.
We follow the case study research approach which provided by Robert Yin(1994). Select an active weapon system acquisition project of Air Force as our research territory. Chose four major conflicts case that really happen in the project as our research stories. We included all events mentioned. In each story, we traced the eight factors on conflicts protocol and applied the pattern matching skill to found the similar or different viewpoint between the cases. Until we identify the final explanation of the case.
We recognized the conflict intensity of four conflict cases are totally difference. But all of them are affected by two or above departments, also react on the emotional and cognitive side. The procedure, process and timing of project certainly influenced the selection of conflict resolution mode for each conflict case. In according with our research find, we developed seven propositions for this case. We expected that can assist the further researcher early understand the conflict occurring timing and choose better conflict resolution mode which under the weak-matrix project organization structure.
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------------------01
1.1 研究背景----------------------------------------------------------------01
1.2 研究動機與目的-------------------------------------------------------03
1.3 研究問題----------------------------------------------------------------06
1.4 研究範圍----------------------------------------------------------------07
1.5 研究流程及章節架構-------------------------------------------------08
第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------------------10
2.1 國防武器系統獲得專案----------------------------------------------10
2.2 功能性組織與專案弱矩陣組織-------------------------------------15
2.2.1 組織結構-----------------------------------------------------------15
2.2.2 功能性組織架構--------------------------------------------------19
2.2.3 矩陣式組織架構--------------------------------------------------21
2.2.4 弱矩陣組織架構的特徵-----------------------------------------26
2.2.5 功能性組織結構與矩陣式組織結構的優缺點--------------29
2.3 跨功能任務團隊-------------------------------------------------------32
2.3.1 跨功能任務團隊的定義-----------------------------------------32
2.3.2 跨功能任務團隊之結構與效能--------------------------------32
2.3.3 跨功能任務團隊的優缺點--------------------------------------33
2.4 衝突----------------------------------------------------------------------34
2.4.1 衝突的定義--------------------------------------------------------34
2.4.2 衝突的性質--------------------------------------------------------35
2.4.3 任務衝突與關係衝突--------------------------------------------38
2.4.4 衝突解決機制-----------------------------------------------------40
2.5 文獻評論----------------------------------------------------------------47
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------49
3.1 研究設計----------------------------------------------------------------50
3.2 個案研究對象----------------------------------------------------------52
3.3 個案的弱矩陣式組織特徵-------------------------------------------53
3.4 個案分析架構----------------------------------------------------------54
3.5 資料分析方法----------------------------------------------------------56
3.6 資料蒐集----------------------------------------------------------------57
第四章 個案研究----------------------------------------------------------------59
4.1 衝突個案一-------------------------------------------------------------60
4.2 衝突個案二-------------------------------------------------------------62
4.3 衝突個案三-------------------------------------------------------------65
4.4 衝突個案四-------------------------------------------------------------67
第五章 研究分析----------------------------------------------------------------70
5.1 個案研究分析----------------------------------------------------------70
5.2 命題發展----------------------------------------------------------------72
第六章 結論----------------------------------------------------------------------85
6.1 結論----------------------------------------------------------------------85
6.2 管理意涵----------------------------------------------------------------88
6.3 研究限制----------------------------------------------------------------90
6.4 未來研究方向----------------------------------------------------------91
訪談記錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------100圖 目 錄
圖1-1 研究流程-----------------------------------------------------------------09
圖2-1 主要武器系統建案流程圖--------------------------------------------14
圖2-2 功能性組織架構圖-----------------------------------------------------21
圖2-3 矩陣式組織架構圖-----------------------------------------------------23
圖2-4 專案組織的五種架構--------------------------------------------------25
圖2-5 弱矩陣組織架構圖-----------------------------------------------------27
圖2-6 組織型態的連續體-----------------------------------------------------29
圖2-7 衝突行為的構面模式--------------------------------------------------41
圖2-8 衝突緊張連續體--------------------------------------------------------42
圖2-9 衝突行為十分量圖-----------------------------------------------------43
圖3-1 衝突分析架構-----------------------------------------------------------56

表 目 錄
表2-1 五種組織型態的構面比較表-------------------------------------------17
表2-2 五種專案組織的特徵----------------------------------------------------27
表2-3 衝突定義彙總表----------------------------------------------------------38
表2-4 衝突管理技巧-------------------------------------------------------------43
表3-1 不同研究策略的相關狀況----------------------------------------------49
表3-2 個案研究設計在效度的考量-------------------------------------------51
表3-3 個案的弱矩陣式組織特徵比較表-------------------------------------54
表3-4 衝突個案研究協定-------------------------------------------------------55
表5-1 四個衝突個案分析結果彙總表----------------------------------------71
表5-2 命題1、2個案分析結果彙總表--------------------------------------72
表5-3 命題3 個案分析結果彙總表----------------------------------------75
表5-4 命題4 個案分析結果彙總表----------------------------------------76
表5-5 命題5 個案分析結果彙總表----------------------------------------79
表5-6 命題6 個案分析結果彙總表----------------------------------------81
表5-7 命題7 個案分析結果彙總表----------------------------------------83
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