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論文名稱(外文):Coincidence theorems on admissible convex sets
外文關鍵詞:convex spacecoincidence theoremminimax inequalities(特殊符號無法顯現請參閱PDF檔
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摘 要
設X 是一個拓樸向量空間的可允許的凸子集,Y 是一個拓樸空間,T屬於s-KKM ,F是一個從Y 映到X 的 -函數。在某些假設條件之下,我們證得T與F的一些同值點定理。我們也利用上面結果證明兩個 -函數的一些同值點定理和大中取小不等式的存在性定理
Let X be an admissible convex subset of a topological vector space, let Y be a topological space, let , and let be a . In this paper, we establish a coincidence theorem of T and F under some assumptions. By using the above theorem, we also establish a coincidence theorem for two and get the existence theorem concerning minimax inequalities.

1. INTRODUCTION-------------------------------------------------5
2. PRELIMINARIES------------------------------------------------6
3. MAIN RESULTS-------------------------------------------------10
4. REFERENCES---------------------------------------------------17

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