This research investigates four areas of perception of the teaching of local history field trips in Yilan in order to understand the current model for field trips in local history, differences and similarities from school to school, correlation bertween each school’s field trips, and the different factors that influence perceptions. This research was done in 2005, and surveyed 438 full time instructors. 349 questionaires were returned.
In order to reach the research goals, data and documents were first gathered and discussed to understand the theoretical basis of cognition, identification and behavior about the perception of local history field trips in Yilan City, and use the information gained from the questionaire in analyzing results. This researcher gathered data by method of a written survey, and used the SPSS 12.0, t -test, one-way analysis of variance, canonical correlation analysis and step wise regression analysis to calculate the statistics. Here the researcher discusses the data and then makes some reccomendations for local history field trips taken in the future. The conclusion of the research is as follows.
Conclusion 1. Ilan City Elementary school teachers, on the chart of cognition, scored an average of 11 points, the probability of accuracy was 79.4%. The highest point scored was 14, and the lowest point scored was 2. The field trips themselves scored the highest with the probability of accuracy at 89.3% at the highest, and the teaching materials scored the lowest with the probability of accuracy at 69.5%. 2. Ilan City Elementary school teachers, on the chart of identification, scored an average of 109.5 points, the standard margin of error was 11.1. The highest point was 135, and the lowest point scored was 58. The average score for each question was 4.04. Among the four parts, the idea of curricular design was the highests at 4.19. Materials and teaching activities was the lowest at 3.95. 3. The background variations on local history field trip teaching and teaching content for cognition had the most significant differences, with four variations. 4. The background variations on local history education and the selection of teaching materials had the least significant differences, with only one variation. 5. The background variations on curricular design and materials and teaching activities for identification had the most significant differences, with four variations. 6. The background variations on assistance which relates to teaching had the least significant differences, with only two variations. 7. The background variations on activity planning, related resources, and activiy methodology for behavior had the most significant differences, with ten variations. 8. The background variations on reflections on teaching for behavior had the least significant differences, with only six variations. 9. For elementary school teachers in Yilan City, the cognition and identification of local history field trip teaching are significantly related. The teaching content for cognition, the activity planning, related resources, activiy methodology, and reflections on teaching for behavior has the most related frequency. Cognition and behavior also reach a significant correlation. 10. Among all of the basic data received about the identification of local history field trip teaching in elementary schools in Yilan City there are some variations that appear to have a positive correlation such as (a. teachers with three computers vs. teachers with two computers, (b. teachers of Lee-ming Elementary School vs. teachers of Chong-shan Elemenatry School, (c. teachers of Kai-shyuen Elementary School vs. teachers of Chung-shan Elementary School. There were some variations that appeared to have a negative correlation such as (a. grade two teachers vs. grade one teachers, (b. teachers without a TV vs. teachers with two TVs (c. teachers of Gwang-fu Elementary School vs. teachers of Chung-shan Elementary School, and (d. teachers of Lee-hsing Elementary School vs. teachers of Chung-shan Elementary School.
On the basis of the above conclusions, there are some suggestions to be presented in regards to the current local history field trip education in the elementary school. 1. The educational authorities have to continue to emphasize the teaching of local history field trips, and increase the yearly budget for expenditures to expand the computer equipment and improve the educational environment. 2. Teachers have to meld the local history teaching into the different content areas over the nine-straight-year curriculum. 3. The relevant persons should strengthen the cultivation of the local history teaching consulting group and provide and provide an platform for teachers to consult and exchange experiences. 4. Executive units should assist according to the needs of the teaching group to improve the efficiency of teaching. 5. The relevant persons should encourage individual schools to use their local environmental resources and create their own suitable local history teaching material. 6. Each teaching-related institute should strengthen the training for tour guides to meet the needs of teaching. 7. Each school should map out a plan to deal with the decreasing birth rate.