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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Professional Position and Fatigue Among Elementary and Junior High School Educators in Yilan County
外文關鍵詞:Staff ChiefJob CharacteristicsJob Burnout
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一、 對教育行政當局的建議:1.訂定在職進修辦法,鼓勵學校幹事人員在職進修學位,以提高學歷。2.定期為偏遠地區幹事人員舉辦各項聯誼,以消弱其工作倦怠感。3. 檢討國民小學行政專任人力之設置。
二、對學校當局的建議:1. 加強輔導男性幹事,增加其與學校同仁間的工作聯誼並賦予較重要的工作 任務。2. 適時輪調學務處幹事人員,以避免持續工作倦怠感的產生。3. 加強輔導年資在11至15年的幹事人員,重視其工作交誼性。4. 定期舉辦校內外的各項聯誼活動,強化學校幹事人員的友誼歸屬。5. 適當賦予學校幹事人員重要的工作任務,並適時給予建設性的回饋。
三、對學校幹事人員的建議:1. 男性幹事宜積極爭取工作表現,以便獲得學校當局賦予工作重要性。2. 學校幹事人員宜積極營造友誼的氣氛,結交校外內的好友。3. 年資在11至15年的幹事人員宜提高警覺,加強重視本身的交誼性。
四、對後續研究之建議:1. 研究範圍之擴展-可擴展至不同產業、不同專業人員,以更進一步瞭解職場上工作倦怠之情形。2. 研究變項之擴展-可擴展研究工作倦怠之後果項,如服務態度等。3. 工作交誼性有待深入探討-透過徑路分析尋求影響工作倦怠的前因變項。
The structure of an education system and the delegation of authority strongly influence the quality of education. A schools administration is a cooperative team and the correct division of labor and management of human during resources are the backbone of any organization a complete structural revision of the education system a school must also unceasingly restructure its internal management. The characteristics of a manager's responsibilities during mass structural reforms are worth researching. Providing typical management support to an administrative staff during structural reform is not enough to achieve timely improvements.
It the management cannot fulfill these duties and efficiently manage resources then the members of the administration will gradually lose- their confidence, their sense of value and their sense of achievement. If these employees have no outlet to express their frustration, then the long-term result will be collective exhaustion and apathy.
While playing the influential part of manager one should be aware that employee exhaustion would have a negative impact on the quality of education. If properly managed however, the school’s quality will unceasingly improve Therefore today’s managers cannot ignore important issues. The goal of this research is to explore managers' responsibilities in the event of collective employee exhaustion. This paper will also explore the various ways managers of different backgrounds have coped with employee apathy. This paper will also discuss the influence of job characteristics on employee exhaustion this paper will for an organizations potential based on the organizations background and characteristics. Finally the paper will offer methods for employee of administrative organization to resolve and alleviate employee exhaustion.

The key findings of this research, based on analysis of actual events, are summarized below:
1. On the whole managers found their companies many characteristics to be on par with other companies. They cited a cooperative spirit displayed among employees as their strongest quality, and reported a low rate of selfishness.
2. Managers also ranked the level of corporate exhaustion in their company as on par with other companies. They reported that employee exhaustion most often manifested itself as a decrease in employee morale, and least commonly as a drop in productivity.
3. There were differences in both the perceptions of a company’s individual qualities and the discernment of corporate exhaustion between managers of different genders, educational background. What duties the manager attended and how long a manager worked in a school also seemed to affect their opinions. There were also differences in perception based on the schools qualities, such as the school’s location, the age of students taught at the school, and the size of the school.
4. There was a significant inverse relationship between a manager’s estimation of a company’s qualities and her measure of employee exhaustion.
5. There was also a significant inverse correlation between inter-employee amicability and corporate exhaustion. From this correlation a company’s potential for corporate exhaustion can be estimated.
6. In the Yilan elementary schools that were investigated in this study a school’s background variables and job characteristics all significantly influenced the school’s likelihood for corporate exhaustion.

In conclusion this research offers the following recommendations:
1、To prevent corporate exhaustion we encourage managers of educational administrative personnel to execute the following: (1). Continue their education and pursue a higher degree;(2). Maintain friendly relationships with managers from other regions and periodically meet with these managers to discuss ways to relieve and prevent corporate exhaustion;(3). Periodically critically investigate their own school’s existing method of managing and employing human resources.
2. To employees we suggest the following: (1). Male staff shall be given with environment facilitating the social in jobs with other coworkers in the school and important missions.(2). Timely rotate the job of staff in Faculty Department so as to avoid the emergence of continuous job fatigue. (3) .The staff with seniority of 11 to 15 years shall be addressed with the connections in jobs with other part of the school and the community. (4).Hold inter-school and intra-school social activities and events regularly to build up the relationship orientation of school staff.(5). Hold inter-school and intra-school social activities and events regularly to build up the relationship orientation of school staff.
3. Suggestions to staff of school:(1). Male staff shall actively demonstrate his job performance to be empowered by school authority for important job or attach importance to job currently handling.(2) . Staff of school shall positively build friendly environment and make friends inside and outside the school.(3) .Staff with seniority of 11- 15 years shall look out and equip himself with sociability.
4. Suggestions to coming research: (1). Expansion of field of research: it may be expanded to different industry and different profession to further understand the job fatigue in workplace. (2). Expansion of variables of research – the consequential variables may be expanded, such as service attitude.(3). In-Depth of Job Sociality– Through Path-Analysis, the causal variable of job fatigue may be explored.
第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------1

第一節 研究動機與目的----------------------------------------------------------------------------2
第二節 待答問題與名詞釋義----------------------------------------------------------------------6
第三節 研究範圍與研究限制----------------------------------------------------------------------8

第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------11

第一節 學校幹事人員任用及職掌之探討------------------------------------------------------11
第二節 工作特性內涵之探討----------------------------------------------------------------------20
第三節 工作倦怠意涵之分析----------------------------------------------------------------------29
第四節 行政人員工作特性與工作倦怠之相關實證研究-----------------------------------44

第三章 研究設計與實施---------------------------------------------------49

第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49
第二節 研究對象---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
第三節 研究工具---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------56
第四節 研究過程---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------71
第五節 資料處理---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73

第四章 研究結果分析與討論-----------------------------------------------75
第一節 宜蘭縣國民中小學幹事人員工作特性與工作倦怠之現況分析-----------------75
第二節 不同背景變項的國民中小學幹事人員在工作特性與工作倦怠的差異情形---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------80
第三節 宜蘭縣國民中小學幹事人員工作特性與工作倦怠之相關與多元逐步迴歸預測分析----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------105
第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------115
第一節 結論-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------115
第二節 建議-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------118



附錄一 宜蘭縣國民中小學幹事工作狀況之調查問卷(原始版)----------------------129
附錄二 宜蘭縣國民中小學幹事工作狀況之調查問卷(正式版)-----------------------133
附錄三 教育部國民小學與國民中學職員員額編制準則修正後條文-------------------137
附錄四 宜蘭縣國民中小學職員員額編制準則------------------------------------------------138
附錄五 宜蘭縣國民中學幹事兼任工作一覽表------------------------------------------------139
附錄六 宜蘭縣國民小學幹事兼任工作一覽表------------------------------------------------140
附錄七 宜蘭縣國民中小學幹事工作狀況之專家內容效度問卷-------------------------143

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