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研究生(外文):Chang Chi-Ting
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Visual Culture in Reading Images and Gender Identities with the Viewpoints of the Female Postgraduates in Visual Art Education
外文關鍵詞:Visual CultureFemale ImageImage ReadingIdentity
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As the modern culture proceeds into a highly visually-constructed one, the perception and reading of miscellaneous visual text have since long become an experience which is at once inseparable from our life. With art education introduced as a topic of visual cultural issues, an investigation to the ideology behind the decipherment of images is therefore required. While the traditional art education falls short in the perspective of gender issue, the researcher, as a female, is prompted to probe into the text of various female images in our daily life.
As revealed in references introducing female images in the visual art, the female, in the long course of human cultural progression, is often represented as the vassal or commodity to man, while stereotypical images of the female as the “incompetent” or “frailty” abound in the historical texts – and modern media as well. This remains a common phenomenon to various cultures and societies with rare exception. Therefore, departing from the perspective of the researcher’s own role as a female, the mainstream cultural discourse, with its representation and construction of the female image, poses the central issue of the research. Hence, how the female recognizes, understands her own image, how a procedure as such is evaluated and comes to influence the individual per se – all these comprise the core of the thesis. Based on premise as such, the research by design takes the qualitative research method and probes the issue from the feminist perspective. In this research, female post-graduate students of visual art education are taken as the target of research; via interviews held on reflection of four female images in different cultures, the researcher aims to investigate the target’s reading and identity experience to the images, while background influence of the target (i.e. subject majored-in or work experience) is also examined.
Throughout the research, it is found that the reading modes of female images in different cultures can be roughly categorized into narratives of four kinds: that of “superficial recognition,” “recognition to the alien culture and to the cult image,” “association pattern,” and “reading to the esthetic of image.” While in the experience of internalizing the female images, it can also be categorized into four types: “the positive norm,” “the manipulated myth,” “the stereotype evaluation,” and “the identity of the self.” The background experience does affect the way of reading, yet the individual difference remains the primary factor that decides how the image shall be perceived.
The research reveals that in interpreting the female image, it is usually based on the visual features that the individual may come to recognize and to realize the image; which, however, results in construction of the femininity myth. It is to be noted that the individual tends to adhere to either the mainstream discourse or the subjective experience to evaluate the female image represented in different cultures; hence the biased and stereotypical representation of female image, as a consequence, is repeated and strengthened. Thus, the researcher suggests that the dialectics of image reading shall be incorporated into the realm of art education and, along with the strength of cultural education introduced, concerns to various culture and social issues may be conducted, which consequentially will help to construct the capacity of visual culture in humanity integration. Furthermore, by promoting training literacy of visual culture to the fields of artistic faculty cultivation and of college general education, the humanistic awareness of the society as a whole may be advanced – through which the value and function of visual art education can be asserted.
目 次

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究緣起 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 5
第三節 名詞界定 7
第四節 研究限制 9

第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 視覺文化與多元文化觀的藝術教育內涵 11
第二節 視覺文化中的女性形象 17
第三節 女性形象議題的檢視與人文素養的關照 25
第四節 影像分析相關理論 28

第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究理念與步驟 33
第二節 研究對象 37
第三節 研究工具 39
第四節 資料蒐集與整理 50
第五節 研究倫理 55

第四章 個別女像觀視的解讀認同 57
第一節 「職場女性」形象的呈顯 60
第二節 「好萊塢女星」形象的呈顯 74
第三節 「泰雅紋面婦女」形象的呈顯 86
第四節 「伊斯蘭蒙面女性」形象的呈顯 102

第五章 綜合影像對照的意義建構與評述 121
第一節 人物形象的關注焦點:視覺性表徵的區辨 122
第二節 相異文化女性形象的比對與評價 123
第三節 女性˙文化˙自我認同的思考 133

第六章 討論與反思 141
第一節 女性形象的解讀與認同經驗呈現 141
第二節 影像解讀的評述與討論 146
第三節 研究路徑:回顧與反省 153

第七章 啟示與展望 157
第一節 視覺文化女性議題的藝術教育啟示 157
第二節 視覺文化女性議題的藝術教育建議 159
第三節 對後續研究的建議 163

研究後記 168
參考文獻 171
附錄一:訪談同意書 176
附錄二:訪談題綱 177
附錄三:訪談稿 183
附錄四:重要名詞釋義 197
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