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研究生(外文):Li-mei Tung
論文名稱(外文):Scenarios of Household Projection in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ching-li Yang
外文關鍵詞:Household CompositionStandard SchedulesHousehold ProjectionMulti-State Life-Table ModelSummary Measures
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  我們使用曾毅等人所發展的多維家庭生命表模型,推估台灣至2050年的家庭結構變遷,同時以2000年的戶籍與普查資料比對家戶推計的結果,以評估此一推計程序的有效性。此模型考慮的變項有年齡、性別、婚姻狀況、與父母居住型態、生育子女數、同居子女數,依照個體特徵的組成,導出不同的家戶型態、規模,共歸納出一代家戶、二代家戶與三代家戶三大類,三大類再細分為十二小類的家戶型態;需要的資料分為基礎資料(base population)、標準年齡組成(standard schedules)與總體參數(summary measures)三部份。
  Assertions of extended family was popular before modern society and modernization caused the transition of family structure were visible in literature. However, positive studies indicated that no matter in western or eastern society, household size normally was less than six because of economic difficulty, psychological conflict and survival constraint, therefore, stem family was an upper limit of family growth. Specifically speaking, factors affecting family structure can be categorized to willingness and availability of intergenerational co-residence, and the willingness works only within the constraint of availability. Availability depends on fertility, mortality and migration, while willingness on propensity of leaving parental home. In Taiwan unmarried birth-giving is discouraged so that marriage is also an important factor affecting the trend of family change. Using a multi-dimensional household projection model developed by Zeng et al., this paper projects the number and composition of family households in Taiwan up to the year 2050 to explore the impacts of population change and propensity of intergenerational co-residence on the change of household composition.
  Three categories of data -- base population, standard schedules and summary measures are required. We use 1990 census but not 2000 census as the base population for two reasons. Firstly, there is a shortage of 290,033 persons comparing with registered population in 2000 while the shortage in 1990 is only 79,976. Secondly, we can make a comparison between the results of projection and registration/census in 2000 to evaluate the accuracy of this model. Standard schedules define the stable age pattern of vital rates. They will be combined to variable summary measures in order to capture the sex-age-specific vital rates in the future. We derived sex-age specific vital rates including mortality, fertility, nuptiality, international migration and living parental home from recent survey or registered data to make standard schedules and set three scenarios for summary measures including life expectancy at birth, total fertility rate by marital status and parity, probability of ever marrying, probability of a marriage end in divorce, probability of remarriage from divorce and widowed, mean age at first marriage, propensity of living parental home, and number of emigrant and immigrant.
  Results firstly show the population differences between projection and registration on sex-age-specific number of persons and the household differences between projection and census for the year 2000. In sex-age-specific number of persons, due to the original deficit of military forces in the 1990 base population, we get the largest deviation on age group 34-44 which accounts 1.7% of registered persons. Nevertheless, there is only one percent of deviation in overall. In household composition, our projection may be more reliable than census because there is an unreasonable proportion of one person household -- 21.52% in census 2000 while it is only 13.44% in 1990 census and our result is 13.85%. We suspect it is resulted from the extension of a special data collecting method -- official informing system.
  There are three scenarios of household projections to demonstrate the trend of population and household change. The middle projection generally owns all summary measure in the current level. For example, the TFR will go on decreasing, then fixed at 1.10 from 2010 to 2050. The high projection owns the highest fertility rates, propensity of marrying, and lowest probability of leaving parental home. The low projection owns the lowest fertility rates, propensity of marrying, and highest probability of leaving parental home. Under the middle projection, the proportion of 65 years old and above is 15.22% and the proportion of 14 years old and below is 12.75% in 2020, corresponding to a dependent ratio of 38.83%, and the dependent ratio will rise to 74.14% in 2050. Under the low projection with TFR decreasing to 0.8 on 2010 and after, the proportion of 65 years old and above is 37.97%. If the TFR begins to go up to the replacement level in 2010, then the proportion of 65 years old and above is 26.58%.
  About changes in the household composition, it''s found that due to the under- replacement fertility since the early 1980s, single generation households will be dramatically increasing on and after 2020 while the increase of elderly households contribute substantially to the growth of this category. In 2050, more than 15% of the elderly will be living alone under moderate assumptions. This entails some grave conditions for the implementation and operation of national pension program, and the long-term care programs. In another hand, single-parent household will be much more prevalent because of the growing divorce rate, especially for divorced women since the probability of remarriage from divorce for female is lower than their male counterpart.
中文摘要 Ⅳ
第一章 研究背景與目的1
第二章 人口變遷與家戶組成變遷
第一節 家戶組成之歷史探討 3
第二節 人口變遷對家戶組成變遷的影響4
第三節 代間同居意願的變化9
第三章 家戶推計方法
第一節 家戶推計方法回顧12
第二節 總體模擬之模型設計14
第三節 資料說明17
第四章 家戶推計結果
第一節 2000年推計結果與實際資料之比較31
第二節 年齡與婚姻組成的變遷趨勢33
第三節 家戶組成的變遷趨勢35
第五章 結論40

圖1-1 台灣地區的人口成長率,1906-2004年5
圖2-1 台灣15歲以上人口之婚姻率,1980與2003年8
圖2-2 子女數量、同居傾向與老年的居住安排10
圖3-1 1995年兩性年齡別存活率變化圖18
圖3-2 子女離家的變化,1990-1997年20
圖3-3 年齡別與婚姻別之胎次晉級率20
圖3-4 兩性年齡別遷移機率的變化21
圖3-5 台灣地區平均餘命的發展趨勢,1906-2100年22
圖3-6 婚姻事件轉移的狀態空間23
圖3-7a 多次離家的居住狀態移轉28
圖3-7b 單次離家的居住狀態移轉28
圖3-8 兩性年齡別未離家的比例1990-1997年28
圖4-1 台灣地區高中低推計之人口年齡結構與婚姻狀態組成之變遷34
圖4-2 台灣地區家戶規模之變遷(中推計)36
圖4-3 台灣地區家戶規模之變遷(中推計)36
圖4-4 台灣地區獨居以及僅與配偶同居的老人家戶(中推計)39
表1-1 台灣15歲以上人口之婚姻狀況,1980年與2003年7
表1-2 子女數與同居傾向對老年居住安排影響的設算10
表2-1 標示個人特徵的人口變項14
表2-2 家戶組成類型及其數量16
表2-3 台灣地區婚姻狀態之移轉按性別分,1980與2003 26
表2-4 家戶推計的總體參數設定30
表3-1 戶籍資料與推計資料的比較32
表3-2 2000年台灣地區的家戶類型與家戶規模33
表3-3 65歲以上老年人的居住安排(中推計)38
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