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研究生(外文):Min-hsun Wu
論文名稱(外文):The Exploring Study of the Drop in Cognition and Expectation in the Process of the Information System Authorization Development
指導教授(外文):Der-chian TsaihGuo-ren Yu
外文關鍵詞:Cognize DifferenceOutsourcing Information SystemsConflictExpectation Disconfirmation
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  If there is not a set of thorough information system, there will be overlaps and an ambiguity of rights and responsibilities. Today schools at every level are approaching to the outsourcing information system transmission. It is very important to transmit an effective information system. This study is to explore the phenomenon and problem in the outsourcing development of information systems and the important factors that influence the effect on information system transmission.
  This study uses the method of case study and observes the process of outsourcing information system transmission at an institute of technology. There are sixteen issues.
  Issue 1: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if a single module is transmitted before the integration has not been done, the effect on the whole information system transmission will be worse; and vice versa.
  Issue 2: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the organizing manager has better abilities of management and control, the applying effect on the transmitting schedule will be greater; and vice versa.
  Issue 3: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if there are more attendants and the information system orientation is clearer, the application of system functional development is more directional.
  Issue 4: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the information staff in the organization have better expression abilities and professional skills, there will be more understanding of business, less conflicts and cognition differences, and higher acceptance of the system; and vice versa.
  Issue 5: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the information staff in the company have better expression abilities and professional skills, there will be more understanding of business, less conflicts and cognition differences, and higher acceptance of the system; and vice versa.
  Issue 6: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the users have better expression abilities and professional skills, there will be more understanding of business, less conflicts and cognition differences, and higher acceptance of the system; and vice versa.
  Issue 7: If the project director of the outsourcing company has stronger professional managements, professional skills and communication abilities, the effect on the whole information system transmission will be greater and the conflict with the organization will be lower; and vice versa.
  Issue 8: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the executive directors give more supports and attendances, the employees will focus on the implement of the project more, the conflict with the organization will be lower, and the acceptance of the outsourcing system will be higher; and vice versa.
  Issue 9: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the transformation of the organization culture and administrative process is bigger, the conflict with the organization will be higher, and the acceptance of the outsourcing system will be lower; and vice versa.
  Issue 10: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the pressure of the schedule is heavier, the outsourcing company undertakes more projects and tend to provide more modulized products, the conflict with the organization will be higher, and the acceptance of the outsourcing system will be lower; and vice versa.
  Issue 11: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if there is a better plan for the system, the damage to the function and quality of the information system will be reduced or avoided, and the users’ satisfaction with the information system will be raised; and vice versa.
  Issue 12: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the power and status inside and outside the organization are identical, there will be a better communication and less conflicts; and vice versa.
  Issue 13: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if there is a better communication inside and outside the organization, the degree of conflicts will be lower, the differences in expectation and cognition will be less, and the degree of acceptance will be higher; and vice versa.
  Issue 14: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, in the communication of business with the departments, if the leading communication is lacked, the users'' resistance will be higher. If the system on-line speed is slower, the on-line quality will be worse; and vice versa.
  Issue 15: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the users have more uncertainties with needs, they will tend to maintain the information system by themselves.
  Issue 16: At the stage of outsourcing information system transmission and application, if the need to the information system is more urgent, to revisions of parts of the information system, the organization tend to maintain and explore by themselves; and vice versa.
書名頁 i
博碩士論文授權書 ii
論文指導教授推荐書 iii
誌謝 vi
摘要 vii
目錄 xiv
表目錄 xvi
圖目錄 xvi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 委外的定義 7
第二節 資訊系統發展過程 9
第三節 資訊系統成功之相關研究 15
第四節 資訊系統導入時所產生之問題及挑戰 18
第五節 衝突之相關研究 22
第三章 研究設計與方法 33
第一節 研究方法的選擇 33
第二節 研究設計 35
第三節 資料分析方法 37
第四章 個案背景描述 39
第一節 個案學校簡介 39
第二節 資訊部門介紹 42
第三節 個案學校合作廠商背景資料 44
第四節 教務系統專案現況 52
第五章 資料分析 66
第一節 受訪成員背景 66
第二節 資料系統導入階段 67
第三節 研究命題推導 71
第六章 結論與建議 95
第一節 學術理論的成效 95
第二節 實務面的建議 96
第二節 研究限制 97
第三節 給後續研究的建議 97
第四節 給企業的建議 98
第七章 參考文獻 99
中文部份 99
英文部份 100
附 錄 104
教務系統使用者訪談綱要 104
資訊人員訪談綱要 106
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3. 醫院組織文化、中國式領導、學習型組織、知識管理機制與整合品質管理結構對其組織績效影響之研究
4. 社團之組織文化、領導風格、服務績效與組織承諾對退會傾向之關聯性研究—以國際青年商會中華民國總會會員為例
5. 探討組織變革認知、組織氣候、工會角色認知對組織承諾、角色壓力與工作滿足之關聯性研究—以中華電信中區分公司為例
6. 資訊系統委外決策之探索性研究-以某技術學院為例
7. 國小教師休閒態度、休閒動機、休閒滿意與工作滿意線性結構關係模式分析
8. 嘉義縣溪口鄉溪口聚落發展之研究
9. 探討組織公平、內部行銷、心理契約、專業承諾對組織公民行為關聯性之研究-以嘉義市警察局為例
10. 服務品質、產品品質、產品價格對顧客滿意度關聯性之研究-以3G行動通訊服務產業為例
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