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研究生(外文):Lee-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Performance and Analysis of the Reinforced Soil Retaining Structures with Different Backfill Materials
指導教授(外文):Sao-Jeng Chao
中文關鍵詞:加勁擋土結構加勁擋土牆地工合成材料有限元素法界面元素Reinforced soil retaining structure
外文關鍵詞:Reinforced soil retaining wallGeosyntheticsFinite element methodInterface element
  • 被引用被引用:15
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Reinforced Soil Retaining Structures are developed rapidly and constructed widely in civil engineering practices in our country. However, this kind of structure is composed of backfill materials and reinforcements, which is relatively complicated in considering of the soil-structure interaction, and needs more advanced study to understand the mechanical behavior. Having the consideration of balancing cutting and filling as well as environmental concept in mind, to use a large range of backfill materials is accepted recently. The backfill materials are ranged from GW to CL. Thus, the limit equilibrium method with certain assumptions on the lateral earth pressure and failure surface is questionable during the designing procedure. The mechanical behavior of the reinforced soil retaining structures demands more inside study. Therefore, two 1.5m in height test reinforced soil retaining walls were constructed in laboratory site of the National I-Lan University in the summer of 2002. Strain gauges were attached along the length of the reinforcements to monitor the strain and stress distribution in the reinforcements. The measured results can be used to illustrate the behaviors of the model structures. This research keeps on conducting the monitoring program to understand the development of stress and strain under loading. Meanwhile, finite element method is employed to simulate reinforcements and soils of the structures. The predicted results are compared with the measured data of the model structures to verify the proposed FEM model. Subsequently, a parametric study will be performed using the finite element model to understand the mechanical behavior of reinforced soil retaining structures. The factors affecting the wall performance will be investigated. Last of all, design recommendations for reinforced soil retaining structures will be proposed.

第一章 緒論
1.1 前言
1.2 研究動機與目的
1.3 研究方法與流程
1.4 論文架構

第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 加勁擋土結構簡介
2.1.1 加勁土壤結構原理
2.1.2 高分子材料地工格網之性質與特性
2.1.3 加勁擋土結構之優缺點
2.1.4 加勁擋土結構於土木工程之應用
2.2 加勁擋土結構之破壞機制
2.3 加勁擋土結構之設計方法
2.3.1 土壓力平衡法
2.3.2 破壞土體極限平衡法
2.3.3 綜合法

第三章 宜大加勁擋土結構之構築
3.1 試驗場地
3.2 填築土料
3.3 加勁土包
3.4 地工合成材料
3.5 應變計及量測系統
3.5.1 應變計
3.5.2 應變計之保護
3.5.3 接著劑
3.5.4 單支高分子材料加勁格網條抗拉試驗
3.6 構築步驟流程
3.7 篩分析試驗
3.8 夯實試驗
3.9 現地密度試驗

第四章 宜大加勁擋土牆監測結果
4.1 砂土加勁牆監測結果分析
4.1.1 應力應變監測結果
4.1.2 外觀變形監測結果
4.2 黏土加勁牆監測結果分析
4.2.1 應力應變監測結果
4.2.2 外觀變形監測結果
4.3 超載重試驗分析
4.3.1 試驗方法
4.3.2 試驗結果分析

第五章 土壓力平衡法設計分析
5.1 現地監測之量測值
5.2 各種土壓力設計方法之預測值
5.3 各種土壓力設計方法預測值與現地監測量測值之比較

第六章 破壞土體極限平衡法設計分析
6.1 邊坡穩定分析程式(STABL)應用簡述
6.2 加勁材料之處理策略
6.3 宜大加勁擋土牆參數模擬分析
6.3.1 砂土加勁牆模擬結果分析
6.3.2 黏土加勁牆模擬結果分析

第七章 宜大加勁擋土牆有限元素數值模擬分析
7.1 有限元素程式PLAXIS簡介
7.2 模擬流程說明
7.3 土壤結構互制關係
7.3.1 界面元素探討
7.3.2 界面元素強度
7.4 有限元素模擬分析
7.5 拉出試驗與直接剪力試驗介紹
7.5.1 拉出試驗
7.5.2 直接剪力試驗
7.5.3 拉出試驗與直接剪力試驗之探討
7.6 宜大砂土加勁牆之模擬驗證
7.7 宜大黏土加勁牆之模擬驗證

第八章 參數分析及最佳化設計
8.1 Phi-c折減法
8.2 參數分析
8.2.1 幾何模型邊界固定條件對FS之影響
8.2.2 加勁牆牆高對FS之影響
8.2.3 加勁牆傾角對FS之影響
8.2.4 填築土料之凝聚力對FS之影響
8.2.5 填築土料之摩擦角對FS之影響
8.2.6 多階式加勁擋土牆設計分析
8.3 最佳化設計

第九章 結論與建議
9.1 結論
9.2 建議

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