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Author (Eng.):Yung-Hisn Hsueh
Title (Eng.):New Generation Employees’ Work Values, Incentive Methods, Personal-Organizational Compatibility and Job Satisfaction Related ResearchNew Generation Employees’ Work Values, Incentive Methods, Personal-Organizational Compatibility and Job Satisfaction Re
Advisor:張蓓蒂張蓓蒂 author reflink
advisor (eng):Betty-Chang
Narrow Field:商業及管理學門
Detailed Field:企業管理學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:108
keyword (chi):新世代工作價值觀激勵理論個人-組織契合度工作滿意度
keyword (eng):New GenerationWork ValuesIncentive MethodsPersonal-Organizational CompatibilityJob Satisfaction
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  • Cited Cited :13
  • HitsHits:931
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This research aims to conduct researches on the work values of the new generation, incentive methods, employee-organization compatibility and their correlations with the overall job satisfaction. The results will then be used for further analysis and discussion. We anticipate that this will assist in human resource management and improve our understanding of the incentive needs anticipated by the new generation, to formulate more appropriate strategies in order to close the gaps in job dissatisfactions and thus creates a better working environment. The research had received eight hundred valid questionnaire feedbacks. Research results discovered that: (1) there is a positive significant relationship between the work values, incentive methods, employee-organization compatibility and the overall job satisfaction among the people in the new generation. It is suggested that further increases in job satisfaction will lead to improvements in business performance; (2) Female employees in the new generation are harder to gain job satisfactions and hence has relatively poor incentive results. It is advised that the senior management personnel should pay attention to such situations and provide timeliness adjustments when required; (3) New generation employees are still willing to learn new skills and knowledge in order to grow and develop. However, they seem to have strong self-opinions and are enriched with creative ideas. They hoped that the managers are willing to communicate with them and listen to their ideas. This may also assist in management of the business.
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機------------------------------------------------2
第三節 研究目的------------------------------------------------3
第四節 研究流程------------------------------------------------3

第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------5
第一節 新世代---------------------------------------------------5
第二節 工作價值觀---------------------------------------------9
第三節 激勵方式------------------------------------------------12
第四節 個人-組織契合度------------------------------------18
第五節 工作滿意度---------------------------------------------19
第六節 工作價值觀、激勵方式、個人-組織契合度

第三章 研究設計與方法---------------------------------------27
第一節 研究架構與假設---------------------------------------27
第二節 研究變項之定義與衡量工具------------------------29
第三節 抽樣方法與資料收集---------------------------------37
第四節 樣本結構------------------------------------------------38
第五節 資料分析方法------------------------------------------39

第四章 研究結果------------------------------------------------41
第一節 各構面的統計資料分析------------------------------41
第二節 信度檢定與因素分析---------------------------------47
第三節 個人變項對工作價值觀之影響---------------------55
第四節 個人變項對激勵之影響------------------------------63
第五節 個人變項對契合度之影響---------------------------69
第六節 個人變項對工作滿意之影響------------------------79
第七節 相關性檢定---------------------------------------------83

第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------91
第一節 結論------------------------------------------------------91
第二節 建議與研究限制---------------------------------------97


附錄 本研究問卷------------------------------------------------104
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31. 張潤書,組織行為與管理技巧,五南圖書出版公司,台北,民79。
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