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Author (Eng.):Yi-Ting Huang
Title (Eng.):Developing the Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Index Model in 3C Chain Mall-The Case of Customer in YI-LAN
Advisor:林豐政林豐政 author reflink
advisor (eng):Feng-Jenq Lin
Narrow Field:商業及管理學門
Detailed Field:企業管理學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:132
keyword (chi):3C連鎖賣場美國顧客滿意度指標模式歐洲顧客滿意度指標模式顧客滿意度顧客忠誠度
keyword (eng):3C Chain MallACSIECSIcustomer satisfactioncustomer loyalty
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  • Cited Cited :12
  • HitsHits:577
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據此,本研究係以結合ACSI(American Customer Satisfaction Index)與ECSI(European Customer Satisfaction Index)兩項指標模式之概念為分析架構,同時,為使本模式更為完整,模式中的路徑關係除了ACSI與ECSI原有的路徑之外,另外再加入新的路徑並加以驗證。研究中並以宜蘭地區的燦坤、順發和全國電子三家3C連鎖賣場的消費者作為實證研究對象,藉以建立3C連鎖賣場顧客滿意度及忠誠度指標的整合模式,期望藉由此架構瞭解3C連鎖賣場顧客滿意度及忠誠度的影響因素以及其間之路徑關係,並根據結果提出3C連鎖賣場有效提升顧客滿意度及忠誠度之實質建議。
As customers make their purchases of 3C products, they not merely take account of the product brand, but as well lay stress on the selection of 3C chain channels (malls). From the perspective of 3C channels, the management and escalation of customer satisfaction and loyalty are considerably important factors that affect the mall selection of customers in consumption.
The research takes a combination of ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index)and ECSI(European Customer Satisfaction Index)as the framework for analysis, and adds new path to verification, in addition to the original path of ACSI and ECSI, in order to make the model complete in the meantime. The consumers of Tsann Kuen, Sunfar, and E-life Mall, 3C chain malls, taken as samples of the evidence-based research, the research constructs the integrated model of the customer satisfaction index and loyalty index of 3C chain malls. Expecting to comprehend the influential variables of customer satisfaction and loyalty and relations of their paths, the research concludes the suggestions that effectively increase customer satisfaction and loyalty for 3C chain malls in the long run.
Six factors of customer satisfaction index and loyalty index suitably applied to 3C chain malls, the research addresses, includes the enterprise image, customer expectation, perceived service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Meanwhile, fractional customer characteristics such as the age, gender, and level of education, profession, income and so on also present varied recognitions and performances in regard to the enterprise image, expectation, perceived service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, customer complaints, loyalty etc.
誌 謝--------------------------------------------------------------------------------一
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景------------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機------------------------------------------------------------------2
第三節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------------------4
第四節 研究流程------------------------------------------------------------------4
第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------------7
第一節 3C產品的定義與特性--------------------------------------------------7
第二節 顧客滿意度指標---------------------------------------------------------9
一、 美國顧客滿意度指標模式(ACSI)-------------------------------------10
二、 歐洲顧客滿意度指標模式(ECSI)-------------------------------------11
第三節 潛在變項之探討---------------------------------------------------------13
第四節 小結------------------------------------------------------------------------35
第三章 研究方法------------------------------------------------------------------36
第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------------------------------36
第二節 研究假說------------------------------------------------------------------37
第三節 研究變項操作性定義---------------------------------------------------42
第四節 問卷設計------------------------------------------------------------------43
第五節 抽樣投計------------------------------------------------------------------45
第六節 問卷預試------------------------------------------------------------------46
第七節 統計方法------------------------------------------------------------------46
第四章 實證分析------------------------------------------------------------------54
第一節 資料回收情況------------------------------------------------------------54
第二節 信度及效度分析---------------------------------------------------------55
第三節 描述性統計分析---------------------------------------------------------60
第四節 研究變項之因素分析---------------------------------------------------71
第五節 顧客特質與賣場別對潛在變項之影響分析------------------------77
第六節 顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度模式之分析------------------------------98
第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------------------------114
第一節 結論------------------------------------------------------------------------114
第二節 實務面的管理意涵------------------------------------------------------117
第三節 未來研究的建議---------------------------------------------------------121
附錄 研究問卷---------------------------------------------------------------------129
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