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Author (Eng.):Chuang,Ming-Chu
Title (Eng.):The Study of Internship Affect Hospitality Vocational College Student’s Career Planning, An Example of Food and Beverage Management in National Kaohsiung Hospitality College.
Advisor:郭德賓郭德賓 author reflink
advisor (eng):Kuo, Te-Ping Ph.D.
Narrow Field:民生學門
Detailed Field:餐旅服務學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:105
keyword (chi):計畫行為理論衝突校外實習職涯規劃學習滿意度
keyword (eng):Theory of Planned Behaviorconflictinternshipcareer planninglearning satisfaction
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  • Cited Cited :66
  • HitsHits:2751
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This study utilized the theory of planned behavior by Ajzen(1985). Via the analyzing of attitude, subjective, perceived behavior control and combine with conflict concept to analyze the learning satisfaction of internship, thus to discuss the influence of non-personal controllable internship toward student’s career planning and predict the intention of student’s career planning. Through the field studies of the graduating students from The Department of Food and Beverage Management of N.K.H.C., the effective factors of internship to students future career planning have been discussed and the effective degree of those factors toward career planning have been analyzed. The differences of students with different personal background and internship experience have been investigated. Finally, the research results and suggestions were purposed for the reference of Hospitality Vocational Education while they process the internship course.
目 錄
表目錄................. .............................Ⅷ
圖目錄................. .............................Ⅸ
第一章 緒論..........................................01
第一節 研究背景與動機.............................01
第二節 研究問題與目的.............................03
第三節 研究對象...................................05
第二章 文獻探討......................................07
第一節 餐旅技職教育與校外實習.....................07
第二節 計畫行為理論...............................13
第三節 衝突理論...................................16
第四節 學習滿意與評量.............................19
第五節 職涯規劃...................................21
第六節 個人背景特質對校外實習相關研究.............28
第三章 研究方法......................................30
第一節 研究流程...................................30
第二節 人員訪談...................................32
第三節 研究架構與假設.............................46
第四節 問卷設計...................................49
第五節 變數操作定義...............................51
第六節 資料分析方法...............................54
第四章 資料分析與討論................................56
第一節 樣本結構分析...............................56
第二節 量表信度與效度分析.........................58
第三節 校外實習影響因素之實習前後平均數分析.......60
第四節 實習前後職涯規劃平均數分析.................64
第五節 校外實習影響因素對學習滿意度影響效果分析...66
第六節 校外實習影響因素對職涯規劃影響效果分析.....69
第七節 學習滿意度與職涯規劃相關分析...............71
第八節 學生不同背景特質對學習滿意度差異分析.......73
第九節 學生不同背景特質對職涯規劃差異分析.........77
第十節 實習前後之職涯規劃差異分析.................81
第五章 研究結論與後續研究建議........................85
第一節 研究結論...................................85
第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議.....................90
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1. A Study on the Satisfaction of Learning of the Technical Program Students in Senior High School in Taiwan
2. The Research about Satisfaction at Learning of Junior Colleges in Hospitality Management
3. The Study of Student's Learning Satisfaction of Vocational High School in the Food and Beverage Management Department--Example in the Taoyuan Area
4. The Study of Learing Satisfication for The Cooperative Education Program Students majoring in the Food and Beverage Management at Senior Vocational High Schools
5. Investigation of role conflict in school personnels - Taipei Primary school as an example
6. A Research of the Factors Affecting Learning Satisfaction of the Students of Information Department in Senior High Schools and Vocational Schools
7. The Study of Outside Internship about Career Planning Affect in Vocational High School Student, Major in Food and Beverage Management:An Example of Vocational High Schools Student in Taipei
8. Work Values and Aspiration of Employment of Undergraduate Hospitality Department Students
9. A Study on Tourist Hotel which as Partners of Sandwich Course in Satisfaction at Practicum- An example of Student from the Department of Hospitality Educationin Vocational Colleges.
10. A Study of Relationships between Achievement Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Intention to Stay of Interns among Vocational Colleges: An Example of Departments of Hospitality
11. A Study of the Relationship between Internship Satisfaction and Willingness to Work in the Tourism Industry
12. Exploring the Efficacy of Sandwich Courses Prior to Internship in Four-Year College by Evaluating Students’ Competency: An Example of National Kaohsiung Hospitality College
13. Research on The Career Decision Making,Vocational Maturity and Vocational Orientation within Department of Food and Beverage Management Four-Year System Students in Vocational & Technology Institute
14. Design of The Career Counseling E-Portfolio System
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7. 吳忠宏、范莉雯、蘇珮玲(2004),大學生參與生態旅遊行為意向之相關研究,環境與管理研究,4(1),1-28。
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1. The study of the Effects of Student’s Internship Experience of Hospitality Education on Behavior Intention : The Case Study of Department of Food and Beverage Management at National Kaohsiung Hospitality College
2. The Study of Outside Internship about Career Planning Affect in Vocational High School Student, Major in Food and Beverage Management:An Example of Vocational High Schools Student in Taipei
3. A Study on the Relationship among Work Values, Intern Satisfaction and Career Planning-An Example of NationalKaohsiung Hospitality College Students
4. A Correlation Study of Hospitality Department Students’ Internship Satisfaction and Career Planning in Kaohsiung and Pingtung
5. The Effects of Emotional Labor, Job Satisfaction, and Career Planning on Hospitality Internship Students — An Example of National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism
6. A Study of the Relationship between Internship and Career Planning among Vocational High School Students
7. A Study of Student Satisfaction with Off-Campus Internship at Hospitality Vocational Colleges: A Case Study of School of Hospitality Management at National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism
8. The study of asymmetrical and non-linear relationships between service quality attributes and customer satisfaction within food and beverage industry
9. Examination of the relationship between internship satisfaction and willingness to work in the hospitality industry
10. The Study of Entrepreneurial Personality, Motivation and Success of Male and Female Food & Beverage Entrepreneurs
11. Restaurant Management Program’s Senior Students’Education and Career Perspectives
12. A Study of Relationship between Internship and Career Plan Intention among Hospitality Vocational College Students
13. A Study on the Relationship among Frustration Tolerance, Social Support, Emotional Labor, Intern Satisfaction and Career Planning-An Example of Apparel Science Related Department Students
14. The Study of Learing Satisfication for The Cooperative Education Program Students majoring in the Food and Beverage Management at Senior Vocational High Schools
15. The Internship Abroad Effects on Hospitality Management Major Students’ Future Career Planning
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