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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Huang
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the apoptosis-inducing compound identified and the molecular mechanism in Taiwan Cultured Shellfisfes
指導教授(外文):Min-Hsiung Pan
中文關鍵詞:文蛤牡蠣人類血癌細胞細胞凋亡細胞凋亡路徑Bcl-2 family蛋白質Caspase蛋白酶自由基
外文關鍵詞:Meretrix lusoria (Hard ClamHC)Crassotreas gigas (Oyster)HL-60 cellsapoptosisBcl-2 familycaspaseReactive Oxygen Species (ROS)epidioxysterolssterols
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本實驗以嘉義東石的文蛤Meretrix lusoria (Hard Clam;HC) 直接以乙酸乙酯進行分層萃取(HC-EA)為實驗材料,進行細胞凋亡機制研究。初步結果發現HC-EA對人類血癌HL-60細胞生長有抑制作用,但對人類正常多形性單核白血球細胞PMNs則無細胞毒性。由DNA電泳分析發現,處理HC-EA會造成人類血癌 (HL-60)細胞DNA的片斷化,造成細胞內染色質凝集與磷脂質外翻;在細胞流式儀(flow cytometry)的實驗顯示HC-EA促使HL-60細胞的Sub G1上升,並且與濃度(dose dependent)及時間(time dependent)呈相關性。HC-EA誘導HL-60細胞內ROS的產生、GSH的表現量下降及細胞粒線體膜電位(ΔΨm)下降。此外,我們亦使用抗氧化劑如allopurinol (ALL)、catalase (CAT)、 diphenylene iodonium(DPI) 、 N-acetylcysteine (NAC)、 pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) 和superoxide dismutase (SOD)來探討ROS的產生對細胞凋亡(apoptosis)的影響,結果發現catalase、 NAC、PDTC和SOD可抑制HC-EA所造成的細胞凋亡。西方墨點法的實驗結果亦顯示HC-EA會造成Mcl-1、DFF-45及Bid蛋白質表現量下降。由caspase活性分析的結果顯示HC-EA會促使caspase-2及-3的活性上升,但處理caspase的總抑制劑(Z-VAD-FMK),則可抑制HC-EA所造成的細胞凋亡產生。故經由以上的實驗結果我們推測HC-EA造成人類血癌細胞株(HL-60 cells)的凋亡,可能經由自由基的產生而使得粒線體的膜電位下降,cytochrome c釋放至cytosol後,活化caspase-9及caspase-3,最後因DFF-45降解使得CDA (caspase-activated deoxyribonuclease)進入細胞核內,而造成DNA的片斷化。至於文蛤的真正活性物質經純化後得到一有效化合物epidioxysterols (EDS),包含5α,8α-epidioxy-24(R)-methylcholest-6-en-3β-ol 及5α,8α-epidioxy-24(S)-methylcholest-6-en-3β-ol兩種sterol,經實驗證實epidioxysterols (EDS) 能更有效的誘導HL-60細胞凋亡,且具有抗發炎之功效。故建議EDS可作為文蛤未來開發成保健食品之依據。
The apoptosis-induced fractionation and purification was used to identify the bioactive components of Hard clams (HC), Meretrix lusoria. The effects of ethyl acetate extract of HC (HC-EA) on cell viability in human cancer cells were investigated. Dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential, release of mitochondrial cytochrome c into cytosol and subsequent induction of pro-caspase-9 and -3 processing preceded confirmation of induction of apoptosis in HL-60 cells by DNA fragmentation, chromatin condensation, changes in the cell membrane and the appearance of a sub-G1 DNA peak. Furthermore, treatment with HC-EA caused a rapid loss of intracellular glutathione content and stimulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Antioxidants such as catalase, N-acetylcysteine, pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, and superoxide dismutase, but not allopurinol and diphenylene iodonium, significantly inhibited HC-EA-induced cell death. Apoptosis was completely prevented by a pan-caspase inhibitor, z-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl ketone (z-VAD-FMK). The ethyl acetate fraction was then subjected to separation and purification using silica gel column chromatography. The compounds showing strong apoptosis inducing activity were identified by spectral methods as: 5α,8α-epidioxy-24(S)-methylcholest-6-en-3β-ol and 5α,8α- epidioxy-24(R) -methylcholest-6-en-3β-ol.
Part 1:Hard Clam (Meretrix lusoria)
中文摘要 (文蛤)------------------------------------------------------02
Abstract (Meretrix lusoria)----------------------------------------04
第壹章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------05
第貳章 文獻整理------------------------------------------------------07
(1)死亡接受器途徑(Death receptor pathway)--------------------------17
(2)粒腺體途徑(Mitochondrial pathway)---------------------------------19
(3)內質網壓力途徑(Endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway) --------20
(四)Bcl-2 family蛋白質----------------------------------------------22
第四節、ROS( Reactive Oxygen Species)與細胞凋亡之關係-------------27
第參章 材料與方法----------------------------------------------------29
第肆章 結果與討論----------------------------------------------------54
第伍章 討論----------------------------------------------------------68

Part 2:Oyster (Crassotreas gigas)
中文摘要 (牡蠣)------------------------------------------------------90
Abstract (Crassotreas gigas)---------------------------------------91
第壹章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------92
第貳章 文獻整理------------------------------------------------------94
第參章 材料與方法----------------------------------------------------95
第肆章 結果與討論----------------------------------------------------99
第伍章 討論---------------------------------------------------------109
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