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研究生(外文):chen kai-wei
論文名稱(外文):Age and growth of the myctophids (Benthosema pterotum) in the oastal waters off southwestern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chiou Wann-Duen
外文關鍵詞:Benthosema pterotumAgegrowthotolithELEFAN
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本研究以體長頻度和耳石輪紋等資料推算台灣西南沿海產七星魚之年齡與成長。2003年8月至2004年10月每月按時前往屏東縣東港魚市場採集蝦拖網漁業漁獲之七星魚,採得之七星魚從中隨機選取1,000尾以上作為標本魚,研究期間共採得標本魚數24,475尾,量取體長頻度資料,利用電子體長頻度分析法(Electronic Length Frequency Analysis, ELEFAN)推算季節性變化von Bertalanffy growth equation (VBGE)成長方程式之各項參數。另外於2004年11月至2005年12月期間,採得162個樣本以求取耳石輪紋增長與體長成長之關係。
七星魚季節性VBGE之各成長參數如次:極限體長L∞=58.35 mm,成長參數K=1.15, 季節性震盪幅度參數C=0.60, 冬季低迷點WP=0.16。利用漁獲物體長曲線估計其全死亡係數Z=5.23 yr-1,極限年齡為3.0歲。
The age and growth of the myctophids Benthoscopelus pterotum were investigated by examining the rings of otolith and length-frequency data of fish collected from the coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan. To describe the age and growth using seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth equation (VBGE) estimated from Electronic Length Frequency Analysis (ELEFAN), the length-frequency data of 24,475 specimens were examined on a monthly basis during August 2003-October 2004 from the landings by Tungkang shrimp otter trawlers. During November 2004 to December 2005, 162 specimens were also examined to obtain the relationship between the growth increments of otoliths and body length.
Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation with seasonal fluctuations were estimated as asymptotic length (L∞) =58.35 mm; growth coefficient (K) =1.15 yr-1; amplitude of growth oscillation (C) =0.60; winter point (WP) =0.16. The total mortality coefficient, Z estimated by using of the length-converted catch curve was 5.23 yr-1. The longevity tmax approached to 3 years old.
As for the otolith character of this species, the number of ring increased with the otolith radius, and the otolith weight and otolith radius increment also increased with the individuals’ growth. These results suggested that the otolith of this species is a good character of age-determination. Based on the results of this study and the findings of other studies, the periodical rings of otolith should be not a daily growth mark. The periodicity of ring formation was discussed in detail in this study.
1. 體長頻度資料之樣本…………………………………9
2. 耳石形質之標本………………………………………9
1. 體長體重的量測……………………………………10
2. 耳石處理………………………………………………11
1. 標本處理……………………………………………13
1.1 經福馬林固定後,體長和體重的萎縮………13
1.2 體長與體重之關係………………………………13
2. 體長頻度分析法………………………………………14
3. 年齡形質分析法………………………………………19
3.1 輪紋的判讀與計數………………………………19
3.2 輪紋間距的量測………………………………20
3.3 耳石的成長………………………………………21
1. 雌雄魚體長-體重之關係……………………………22
2. 雌雄魚耳石輪紋數-尾叉長之關係………………22
1. 魚體經福馬林固定後之萎縮…………………………23
2. 全長、尾叉長、標準體長等之彼此相對關係………24
3. 各月別之體長組成頻度分佈…………………………24
4. 七星魚的成長曲線……………………………………25
5. 極限年齡………………………………………………25
1. 耳石的形狀與微構造…………………………………25
2. 耳石輪徑分佈特性……………………………………26
3. 耳石輪紋之判讀與計數………………………………27
4. 耳石週輪判讀之精確度………………………………28
5. 輪紋數與耳石徑長之關係……………………………28
6. 耳石重與魚體重、耳石徑長與魚體長之關係……..29
7. 輪紋數與體長之關係…………………………………29
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