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研究生(外文):Wang, wei-jen
論文名稱(外文):Heat Transfer in Rotating Twin-Pass Trapezoidal-Sectioned Passage with Two Opposite Walls Roughened by 45 Degree Ribs
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shyy-Woei
外文關鍵詞:Rotating Trapezoidal Twin-Pass DuctTurbine Rotor Blade Cooling
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本實驗研究探討正交旋轉管內設45度交錯配置表面肋梯形斷面急彎雙通道於兩通道方位角0度與 45度之熱傳現象,實驗量測6組Ro數(0、 0.1、 0.3、 0.5、0.7 、1),5組Re數(5000、 7500、 10000、 12500 、 15000),於任一Ro-Re組合,量測5組不同加熱程度,沿著兩肋面中心線的Local Nu數分佈。實驗結果說明對流慣性力、科式力與旋轉浮力對沿兩肋面中心線各點與平均熱傳值所造成的單獨與偶合影響。實驗結果顯示,科式力提昇雙通道旋轉管兩不穩定側的熱傳值。旋轉浮力效應降低熱傳;當Ro數增加時,旋轉浮力降低熱傳的影響程度漸趨緩和。在Ro數為0.7與1時,旋轉浮力降低第一通道尾端之Local熱傳。當Ro數由0.1增加至1時,兩通道方位角的熱傳差異性大約在5%至26%之範圍。此研究之主要目的為產生熱傳實驗公式,藉以評估正交旋轉管內設交錯45度表面肋急彎雙通道沿兩肋面中心線之各點與平均值之熱傳值,此熱傳實驗公式允許評估對流慣性力、科式力與旋轉浮力效應對熱傳產生之單獨與偶合之影響。
An experimental study of heat transfer in a radially rotating twin-pass trapezoidal-sectioned duct with two opposite walls roughened by 450 staggered ribs was performed. Two channel orientations of 0 degree and 45 degree from the direction of rotation were tested. At each Reynolds number of 5000, 7500, 10000, 12500 and 15000, local Nusselt numbers along the centerlines of two rib-roughened surfaces with five different heating levels were acquired at rotating numbers of 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1. A selection of experimental results illustrates the isolated and interactive influences of convective inertial, Coriolis and rotating buoyancy forces on local and centerline-averaged heat transfers. The isolated Coriolis force-effect improves heat transfer over two unstable surfaces of the rotating twin-pass channel. Rotating buoyancy effect undermines local heat transfer but its influence is alleviated when the rotating number increases. At rotating number of 0.7 and 1, the rotating buoyancy force acting with counter-flow manner considerably impairs local heat transfers in the end-region of the first passage with radially outward flow. With the rotating numbers in the range of 0.1 to1, the heat transfer differences between the two channels with orientations of 0 degree and 45 degree are in the range of 5-26%. As a strategic aim of the present study, heat transfer correlations are derived to evaluate the centerline-averaged Nusselt numbers over two rib-roughened surfaces that permit the individual and interactive influences of convective inertia, Coriolis force and rotating buoyancy to be quantified. As the full-field spatial heat transfer variations in the present rotating channel are not measured, the local heat transfer results generated by the present study are limited to the locations measured.


第一章 前言………………………………………………………………1

第二章 文獻回顧與研究規劃…………………………………………12

第三章 實驗設備與方法………………………………………………47

第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………69
4-4 熱傳實驗式…………………………………………………86

第五章 結論……………………………………………………………93

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