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研究生(外文):Yu Heng-Ju
論文名稱(外文):The Investigation of the enhancement of mind mapping toward the ability of creative problem solving
外文關鍵詞:creative problem solvingmind mappingCPS ability
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1. 實驗組經實驗教學後與對照組在CPS能力的表現上達顯著差異(t值=2.12 ;p< .05)。
2. 實驗組在CPS答題中觀看問題的角度,往可經思考而延伸問題解決路徑發展來進行,並在CPS最後一階段選擇出具建設性的解決方案,而對照組在CPS的回答中,趨向於只是承認問題存在。
3. 實驗組與對照組的第二次段考化學科表現上,並未呈現出顯著差異,但在平均值上的落差(實驗組=70.78;對照組= 62.85),得知實驗組比對照組在化學科成績有正向提升的情形。
4. 心智圖法品質優等的學生群比心智圖法低等的學生群的化學科成績表現上達顯著差異(t = 2.508,p = .018 < .05),可得知心智圖繪製品質優等的學生群比心智圖繪製品質低等的學生群在學習上會有更好的表現。
5. 高CPS得分學生在心智圖的繪製上,圖形、顏色與線條變化、色彩豐富度、延伸出的主幹與支鏈數目、知識羣化形成的數目、對並聯式思考間的連結、產生出串聯式聯想之長度,皆優於低CPS得分學生。
6. 經由心智圖法的教學後學生感受到,以下幾點:
(1) 將知識系統化的整理有便於記憶與了解。
(2) 腦力激盪與邏輯思考引發出解決問題的動力。
(3) 發掘他人未察覺到的問題。
(4) 對知識產生認知上的關連性。
(5) 在學習的過程中增加想像力,產生學習的樂趣。
7. 心智圖法課程結束一個月後,學生不僅繼續使用心智圖法並且學習轉移至歷史學科領域上。
The purpose of this study was the implementation of mind mapping training, to integrate it into a course of chemistry in senior high school, and to investigate student’s ability of solving scientific creativity problems. For the purpose of going one step further to analyze the effect of integration of mind mapping training into science education on their ability of solving scientific creativity problems, I randomly choose two 10th grade classes of a municipal senior high school as my subjects of study. The classes are divided into groups of experiment and comparison. Each group has 35 students. Both group students take CPS-test (pre-test) before mind mapping training, and then the experimental group students participate in mind mapping training classes for seven weeks; after that, they, again, take CPS-test (post-test) and a questionnaire on self-examination . From the analysis of data on individual independent T-test and qualitative data analysis , I conclude seven results as follows:
1. The distinctive difference in CPS between experiment and comparison groups
(t =2.12 ;p< .05).
2. From the answers in CPS, we see that experiment group usually solves problems by extensive thinking, and comes out a constructive suggestion at the final phase. On the contrary, comparison group merely recognizes the problems and does nothing about them.
3. From the performance of second examination of chemicals, there are no distinctive difference between experiment group and comparison group;
however, from the gap in general average (treatment class =70.78;control class = 62.85), we learn that students in experiment group do better than that in another group.
4. The well-performed students do better than badly-performed ones on chemicals in experiment group carrying out mind mapping training (t = 2.508,p = .018 < .05). The former do much better than the latter.
5. From the illustration of mind mapping training, we know that, regardless of graph, colors and line shape, variety of colors, amount of main branch and sub-branch、amount of cognition’s grouping、associated brain bloom、length of brain flow, students who get high grades on CPS are superior to that of low ones.
6. The effect of mind mapping training to problem solving is
(1) Systematized knowledge is good for memory and understanding
(2) Brainstorming and logical thinking give rise to motive of solving problems
(3) Discovering the unrecognized problems
The effect of mind mapping training to creative thinking is
(1) The association of recognition to knowledge
(2) Gaining pleasure during leaning process by imagination
6. One month after the end of mind mapping training , students not only keep using it but also apply it to history class.

The study initial results of the mind mapping training study, provides evidence of beneficial teaching to CPS ability, but it needs more teaching timing. I will talk about it more and gives further suggestion at last.
目 錄
摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅴ
表次 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅶ圖次 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅷ

第壹章 緒論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景、動機與重要性 -----------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 ----------------------------------------------------10
第三節 研究限制與範圍 ----------------------------------------------------------11
第四節 名詞釋義 -------------------------------------------------------------------12
第貳章 文獻探討 --------------------------------------------------------------14
第一節 心智圖法之意涵 ---------------------------------------------------------- 14
第二節 心智圖法之特色 ---------------------------------------------------------- 25
第三節 心智圖法之相關研究 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
第四節 創造性問題解決之意涵 ------------------------------------------------- 33
第五節 創造性問題解決之評量 ------------------------------------------------- 39
第六節 創造性問題解決與其它變項關係之研究 ---------------------------- 47
第参章 研究方法 ------------------------------------------------------------52
第一節 研究架構 ------------------------------------------------------------------52
第二節 實驗教學研究設計 ------------------------------------------------------53
第三節 研究對象 ------------------------------------------------------------------58
第四節 研究工具 ------------------------------------------------------------------60
第五節 研究流程 ------------------------------------------------------------------65

第肆章 研究結果與討論 -------------------------------------------------- 66
第一節 創造性問題解決能力的改變情況 ------------------------------------ 66
第二節 教學進度、學業成績之改變情形 ------------------------------------ 77
第三節 心智圖之評量 ------------------------------------------------------------ 80
第四節 心智圖之分析與『反思感想心得』回答分析 --------------------- 84
第五節 教學後自發性使用心智圖之狀況 -------------------------------------94
第伍章 結論與建議 ---------------------------------------------------------97
第一節 結論 -----------------------------------------------------------------------97
第二節 建議 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 102
第三節 研究感想 --------------------------------------------------------------- 106
參考文獻 -----------------------------------------------------------------------107
附錄 (附錄一:研究工具,附錄二:學生文本) ----------------------- 113
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