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研究生(外文):Ning Kai-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):The Four Tragedies of Shakespeare in the European Paintings from the 18th Century to the 19th Century
指導教授(外文):Kang Hui-An
外文關鍵詞:ArtpaintingsShakespearethe four tragedies
  • 被引用被引用:5
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18-19世紀是莎劇在繪畫上表現的高峰,也是莎畫最具代表性的年代。莎畫的產生有其時代因素,亦即與這個時代的莎士比亞復興(Shakespeare revival)或稱莎士比亞狂熱(cult of Shakespeare)有關。儘管在不同的國度這股狂熱(或復興)的成因不盡相同,有因戲劇制度的變革者、有受美學思潮的影響者、有為民族自信心的發揚者等,但其造成的結果—莎士比亞的流行,則一,這樣的結果間接促進了莎畫的發達。莎畫中以描繪「四大悲劇」的作品數量最多,質地最精。對於這些作品的討論,本文依據畫作內容的份量分為四大子題:「愛恨」、「瘋狂」、「死亡」、「超自然」,分為敘述不同世代、國度的畫家對於莎劇的詮釋。並依據畫作風格歸納最具代表性的五種特色:「戲劇性」、「官能性」、「崇高性」、「裝飾性」、「現代性」,分析其豐富多元的形式面貌。本篇論述重點主要從作品出發,並從中比較與文本的異同,希冀藉由莎翁的「四大悲劇」為例,探索文學性題材在繪畫表現上的各種可能。


Shakespearean paintings are at its’ climax from 18th to 19th century, when this period is also a representative eras of Shakespearean paintings. The development of Shakespearean paintings has relations with the changing times and the raise of Shakespeare revival (or cult of Shakespeare). Though the causes of Shakespeare revival, or cult of Shakespeare, are various in difference countries, such as the reform of theatrical systems, the influence of esthetics, the growth of nationalism, and so on, all lead to the popularity of Shakespeare. Among Shakespearean paintings, ‘the four tragedies’ are the most copious in terms of quality as well as quantity. According to the matters of the four tragedies in Shakespearean paintings, I am going to analyze the various styles from the theme of ‘Love and Hatred’, ‘Madness’, ‘Death’, and ‘Supernatural’. Meanwhile, I will also analyze the diverse and prosperous images of the four tragedies in Shakespearean paintings, which can be characterized as the elements of the ‘dramatic’, ‘sublime’, ‘decorative’ and ‘modern’. As a whole, this thesis focuses on the four tragedies in Shakespearean paintings, and then compares the difference between the paintings and the textbooks, in order to research the diversity of literature paintings.

Keywords: Shakespeare, the four tragedies, David Garrick, Alderman John Boydell, Charles Le Brun, Edmund Burke, Henry Fuseli, Victor Hugo, Eugène Delacroix, Romanticism, Victorian Age, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, the middle age, sublime, supernatural




(一) 英國:從矛盾到焦點
(二) 法國:從排斥到讚揚
(三) 日耳曼:民族主義思想的啟發者
(一) 強烈情感
(二) 醜惡入畫
(三) 中世紀題材
(四) 超自然
(一) 繪畫受到劇場演員的影響
(二) 繪畫脫離舞臺的束縛

(一) 愛恨
(二) 瘋狂
(三) 死亡
(四) 超自然
(一) 情節角色
(二) 時空場景
(三) 寓意內涵
(四) 想像空間

(一) 人物
(二) 空間物件
(一) 舞臺效果
(二) 姿態表情
(三) 明暗對比
(一) 肢體
(二) 服裝
(一) 神性的自然
(二) 超自然異象
(一) 線條圖案
(二) 色彩
(一) 抽象趣味
(二) 平面性




(一) 工具書:
CAMPBELL, Oscar James (ed.) et al., The Reader's Encyclopedia of Shakespeare, Crowell, New York, 1966
DABUNDO, Laura (ed.) et al., The Encyclopedia of Romanticism : Cculture in Britain, 1780s-1830s, Routledge, London, New York, 1992
KING, Neil & KING, Sarah, Dictionary of Literature in English, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London, Chicago, 2002
OLSEN, Kirstin, All Things Shakespeare : An Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's World, Conn, Greenwood Press, Westport, c2002
TURNER, Jane (ed.), The Dictionary of Art, Grove, New York, 1996
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, 15th edition, Chicago, c1990

ASH, Russell & MILLAIS, John Everett, Sir John Everett Millais, Trafalgar Square Publishing, London, 1998
ASH, Russell, Sir John Everett Millais, London, Pavilion Books, 1998
BATE, Jonathan, Shakespeare and the English Romantic Imagination, Oxford, 1986
BAYLISS, Wyke, Five Great Painters of the Victorian Era: Leighton, Millais, Burne-Jones, Watts, Holman Hunt, Ams Press, New York, 1972
BEMDONER, Kenneth, The art of Ford Madox Brown, University Park, Pa., Pennsylvania State University Press, c1998
BLAYNEY, Brown David, Romanticism, Phaidon, London, New York, 2001
BOIME, Albert, Art in an Age of Revolution 1750-1800, Chicago University of Chicago Press, 1987
BURK, Edmund, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful With Several Other Additions, The Harvard Classics, Vol. 24, Part 2, 1909-14
DELACROIX, Eugène, translated by Lucy Norton, The journal of Eugene Delacroix: a selection, Phaidon, London, 1995
EITNER, Lorenz Edwin Alfred, Neoclassicism and Romanticism, 1750-1850, Sources and documents, 2vols, New Jersey, 1970
EUGENE, Delacroix et al., Delacroix: the late work, Thames & Hudson, Philadelphia Museum of Art, New York, 1998
FRIEDMAN, Winifred H., Boydell’s Shakespeare Gallery, PHD diss., Harvard University 1974, New York, 1976
FUSELI, Henry, The Collected English Letters of Henry Fuseli, Kraus International Publications, New York, 1982
GLECKNER, Robert F. & ENSCOE, Gerald E., Romanticism: points of view, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1974
GODINE, D. R., Drawings by Benjamin West and his son, Raphael Lamar West, 1975
HOBSON, Anthony, The art and life of J.W. Waterhouse, RA, 1849-1917, Rizzoli in association with Christie's, New York, 1980
HUGH, Honour, Romanticism, London, New York, 1979
HYSLOP, Lois Boe, et al., Charles Baudelaire revisited, New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, c1992
KIDSON, Alex, George Romney, 1734-1802, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2002
MANCOFF, Debra N., John Everett Millais, Beyond the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2001
MARTINEAU, Jane et al., Shakespeare in Art, Merrell, London, New York, 2003
MARTYN, Anglesea, David Garrick and the Visual Arts, unpublished MA thesis, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1971
MICHAEL, Dobson, The Making of the National Poet: Shakespeare, Adaptation and Authorship and Authorship, Oxford, 1992
SANTANIELLO, A.E. (ed.) The Boydell Shakespeare Prints, New York, 1979
SCHIFF, Gert, Henry Fuseli, 1741-1825: [essay, catalogue entries and biographical outline], Tate Gallery Publications, London, 1975
SHAKESPEARE, William, Macbeth (The Arden Shakespeare), Methuen, 8th edition, revised edition, London, 1953
SHAKESPEARE, William, Othello, The Moor of Venice, (The Arden Shakespeare), D. C. Heath and Co, American edition, revised by Raymond M. Arden edition, Lexington, 1924
SHAKESPEARE, William, The Tragedy of Hamlet (The Arden Shakespeare), Methuen, 7th edition, revised edition, London, 1933
SHAKESPEARE, William, The tragedy of King Lear (The Arden Shakespeare), Methuen, 5th edition, revised edition, London, 1931
TRUEHERZ, Julian et al., Dante Gabriel Rossetti, London, New York, Thames & Hudson, 2003
WILSHIRE, Bruce, Romanticism and Evolution, the Nineteenth Century, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, New York, c1985
WILTON, Andrew, The Age of Rossetti, Burne-Jones, and Watts: Symbolism in Britain, 1860-1910, Tate Gallery Publishing Limited, barbara Bryant, Robert Upstone, Flammarion, Paris, 1997

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沃恩(William Vaughan)著,《浪漫主義藝術》(Romanticism and Art),李美蓉譯,臺北市:遠流,1995
威廉‧莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)著,《李爾王》(King Lear),梁實秋譯,臺北市:遠東,民56
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威廉‧莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)著,《馬克白》(Macbeth),梁實秋譯,臺北市:遠東,民56
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(三) 展覽型錄:
1976, California
William Blake in the art of his time, organized by Corlette Rossiter, University Art Galleries, University of California
1981, New Heaven
Shakespeare and British Art, exhib. cat. by Geoffrey Ashton, Yale Center for British Art
1992-93, Tokyo
Shakespeare in Western Art, exhib. cat. by John Christian, Tokyo, Isetan Museum of Art; Ibaraki, Museum of Modern Art; Kintetsu Nara Hall, Takamatsu city Museum of Art
1977, Britian
Johan Zoffany, 1733-1810, exhib. cat. by Mary Webster, London, the National Portrait Gallery
2002, Britian
George Romney, 1734-1802, exhib. cat. by Alex Kidson, Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery; London, National Portrait Gallery; Huntington Art Gallery, San Marino, Calif.
2001, Britain
William Blake, exhib. cat. by Robin Hamlyn et al., London, Tate Britain; New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art
1992, England
John Martin : visionary printmaker, exhib. cat. by Michael J. Campbell ; with accompanying essays by J. Dustin Wees and Richard A. Burnett; York City Art Gallery

(四) 網路資料:
BURNIM, Kalman A., A Brief Introduction to David Garrick, 發表時間不詳,網址:http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=1464
YOUNG, Alan R. , Visual Representations of Hamlet, 1709-1900, 發表時間不詳,網址:http://www.leoyan.com/global-language.com/ENFOLDED/YOUNG/index.html
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