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KING, Neil & KING, Sarah, Dictionary of Literature in English, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London, Chicago, 2002
OLSEN, Kirstin, All Things Shakespeare : An Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's World, Conn, Greenwood Press, Westport, c2002
TURNER, Jane (ed.), The Dictionary of Art, Grove, New York, 1996
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, 15th edition, Chicago, c1990
ASH, Russell & MILLAIS, John Everett, Sir John Everett Millais, Trafalgar Square Publishing, London, 1998
ASH, Russell, Sir John Everett Millais, London, Pavilion Books, 1998
BATE, Jonathan, Shakespeare and the English Romantic Imagination, Oxford, 1986
BAYLISS, Wyke, Five Great Painters of the Victorian Era: Leighton, Millais, Burne-Jones, Watts, Holman Hunt, Ams Press, New York, 1972
BEMDONER, Kenneth, The art of Ford Madox Brown, University Park, Pa., Pennsylvania State University Press, c1998
BLAYNEY, Brown David, Romanticism, Phaidon, London, New York, 2001
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DELACROIX, Eugène, translated by Lucy Norton, The journal of Eugene Delacroix: a selection, Phaidon, London, 1995
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FUSELI, Henry, The Collected English Letters of Henry Fuseli, Kraus International Publications, New York, 1982
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MANCOFF, Debra N., John Everett Millais, Beyond the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2001
MARTINEAU, Jane et al., Shakespeare in Art, Merrell, London, New York, 2003
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(三) 展覽型錄:
1976, California
William Blake in the art of his time, organized by Corlette Rossiter, University Art Galleries, University of California
1981, New Heaven
Shakespeare and British Art, exhib. cat. by Geoffrey Ashton, Yale Center for British Art
1992-93, Tokyo
Shakespeare in Western Art, exhib. cat. by John Christian, Tokyo, Isetan Museum of Art; Ibaraki, Museum of Modern Art; Kintetsu Nara Hall, Takamatsu city Museum of Art
1977, Britian
Johan Zoffany, 1733-1810, exhib. cat. by Mary Webster, London, the National Portrait Gallery
2002, Britian
George Romney, 1734-1802, exhib. cat. by Alex Kidson, Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery; London, National Portrait Gallery; Huntington Art Gallery, San Marino, Calif.
2001, Britain
William Blake, exhib. cat. by Robin Hamlyn et al., London, Tate Britain; New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art
1992, England
John Martin : visionary printmaker, exhib. cat. by Michael J. Campbell ; with accompanying essays by J. Dustin Wees and Richard A. Burnett; York City Art Gallery
(四) 網路資料:
BURNIM, Kalman A., A Brief Introduction to David Garrick, 發表時間不詳,網址:http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=1464
YOUNG, Alan R. , Visual Representations of Hamlet, 1709-1900, 發表時間不詳,網址:http://www.leoyan.com/global-language.com/ENFOLDED/YOUNG/index.html