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研究生(外文):Li-shu Chan
論文名稱(外文):A Jungian Reading of the World of Children in Katherine Paterson’s Bridge to Terabithia
指導教授(外文):Pen-shui Liao
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過去二十多年來,《通往泰若比西亞之橋》一書已成為當代文學中最受歡迎的青少年小說之一,並成為世界各國文壇或課堂上廣泛討論的對象。在此書享有世界性聲譽的諸多原因中,帕特森對孩童和成人間所發展之微妙的心理關係,以及對孩童心理狀態的描繪,讓人不由得產生共鳴,相當引人注目且印象深刻。然而, 大部份的評論家甚少注意到此項寫作特色。因此,對於帕特森小說中有關孩童心理描述的研究,確實是值得我們努力探討的方向。


For over 20 years, Bridge to Terabithia has been one of the most popular young-adult novels in contemporary literature. Katherine Paterson has written many books in her career, and achieved acclaim with her other titles, but Bridge to Terabithia remains her most popular book. Among all the causes of Paterson’s universal popularity, her capability in presenting the interaction between adults and children, as well as children’s psychology, is the most remarkable one.
This thesis explores the multifarious conducts and personalities of children in Katherine Paterson’s Bridge to Terabithia. Since the Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung’s observations on children’s psychological development, to a large extent, correspond with what Paterson has presented in the novel, his theories will be adopted as the basis for the present analysis.
This thesis is divided into five chapters. In Chapter One, the introduction, I introduce the historical background and critical review of the novel and summarize my literary reaction and theoretical background. Chapter Two outlines Jungian theories about the development of personality. In Chapter Three, Jungian experiences are introduced from the development of personality, aiming to find out the outer and inner causes that combine to influence children’s personalities. Chapter Four discusses the thoughts and peculiar conducts of Jess Arons. Since Jess is a school boy, the analysis traces him back firstly to his family life, parents, former life, and then to the behavior of educators at his school. Through Jungian theories it is not difficult to identify the causes of Jess’ unusual personality. In the last chapter, I condense all my previous discussions into a statement that Jess’ story, as a particular case of an individual, could also be taken as an example of most adolescents who are in the developmental process of their lives.
It is hoped that this thesis will contribute to our understanding of the adolescents’ process of development. I also hope that, through the analysis of Bridge to Terabithia, we can gain an insight into some of the behavioral issues often observed in adolescents around us, some of which are psychologically universal. We would also be able to relate some theses to our everyday life experiences, and thus become better educated.
Acknowledgments----------------------------------------------- I
Abstract------------------------------------------------------ II
Chapter One
Introduction--------------------------------------------------- 1
Chapter Two
Theoretical Backgrounds---------------------------------------- 21
Chapter Three
The Inner World of Children------------------------------------ 33
Chapter Four
The Outside World of Children---------------------------------- 61
Chapter Five
Conclusion----------------------------------------------------- 91
Works Cited---------------------------------------------------- 101
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