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研究生(外文):Chih Hsiung Fang
指導教授(外文):Ye-ling Chang
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The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of the application of
e-newsletters (AOEN) (http://www.dkjh.ptc.edu.tw/teacher/web/home/newsletter/) on English learning of junior high school students. Specifically, the influence of the application of e-newsletters on the performance of students’ four language skills and on attitudes toward e-learning and e-newsletters were investigated. Moreover, to what content the cooperative learning would influence the subjects’ English performance and responses to the AOEN project were further explored.
The subjects of this study are 78 eighth-grade junior high school students in Dong Kung Junior High School. During a fourteen-week AOEN project, the research teacher gave the subjects some sample English e-newsletters and he encouraged them to compose their own e-newsletters in groups. Before and after the AOEN project, the subjects were asked to answer the pre-study and post-study questionnaires to know their attitudes and responses to the AOEN project. In addition, the subjects were asked to answer the online tests after they read each e-newsletter. In data collection, two monthly English term examination scores, three on-line tests scores and the results of five-point scale questions in the pre-study and the post-study questionnaires were collected, computed and analyzed quantitatively. In addition, the opinions and responses of the students in the open-ended questions of the post-study questionnaires were analyzed qualitatively.
Based on the quantitative and qualitative data analyses, the findings of the present study are summarized as follows.
1. Most of the subjects’ interests and attitudes towards e-learning were positively reinforced. The subjects expressed e-learning helped broaden their view of learning and provide a convenient way for them to learn English. Most important of all, they enjoyed learning in this project.
2. Most of the subjects showed positive attitudes toward e-newsletters. They expressed that e-newsletters could help them be exposed to more e-learning materials and also provide them with a convenient way to learn English.
3. Most of the students were fond of their classmates’ e-newsletters and they liked to read them to learn English. Most of the students found their classmates’ e-newsletters were both interesting and familiar to them and also helpful to improve their English abilities.
4. Most students learned the advantages of cooperation from the AOEN project. For instance, they learned the skills of composing their e-newsletters with their group members and they got to know the word meaning in their English e-newsletters.
5. E-newsletters helped the students increase their vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. E-newsletter helped the students understand the English learning materials better and the students were motivated to learn English. As for four language skills development, e-newsletters helped the students to improve their reading ability and listening ability significantly. However, their English speaking and writing abilities were not improved significantly. Their English speaking ability was not promoted because of no online speaking design in the e-newsletters system.
Based on the research findings, it is suggested that English teachers in the junior high school should integrate e-newsletters into their English instruction. In this way, students will broaden their learning experience as well as increase their interest and motivation in English learning. Through the interaction in the learning activities, students also can realize the importance of cooperative learning, and they will develop their interpersonal relationship.
Background and Motivation 1
Purposes of the Study 4
Research Questions 4
Significance of the Study 5
Limitations of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 6

English-learning 9
The History of E-learning 9
Asynchronous Learning and Synchronous Learning 12
The Benefits of E-learning 14
Limitations 18
E-learning Systems 19
Web sites 20
E-mail 20
E-newsletter 21
Chat Forums 22
Blogs 22
English Learning and E-learning 23
E-speaking 24
E-listening 25
E-reading 27
E-writing 28

Cooperative Learning 30
Nature of Cooperative Learning 30
Using Cooperation in Language Learning 32
Techniques of Cooperation in Language Learning 34

Subjects 38
Instruments 39
The E-newsletter Center 39
A Pre-study Questionnaire on Students Attitudes Toward E-learning 40
E-newsletters 40
Online Tests 44
Students-designed E-newsletters 44
A Post-study Questionnaire on Students Attitudes Toward E-learning 45
Study Procedures 45
Data Analysis 48
A Quantitative Analysis 48
A Qualitative Analysis 48

Comparison of Students’ Attitudes Toward E-learning 49
Comparison of How Students Made Use of E-learning 49
Comparison of Students’ Attitudes Toward E-learning 52
Comparison of Students’ Attitudes Toward E-newsletters 54
Students’ Attitudes Toward Classmates’ E-newsletters 56
Students’ Attitudes Toward Cooperative Learning in Composing
Group E-newsletters 59
Junior High School Student Self-assessments on the Developments
of Four Language Skills Before And After the Project 63
Discussion of Student Self-assessments on the Developments of Four Language Skills Before and After the Project 63
Further Discussions on How E-newsletters Effected Students’ Developments of Four Language Skills 67
Comparison of Students’ Self-assessments on the Effects of
the AOEN Project 72
Comparison of Students’ Grades of Tests after Reading E-newsletters 74
Comparison of Students’ Grades of Tests before and after
the AOEN Project 76
Students’ Comments and Suggestions for the E-newsletters 77
Students’ Responses to the Topics of the AOEN Project 77
Students’ Recommended to Future E-newsletters 78

Conclusions 80
Implications 84
Suggestions 85
Appendix A1: A Pre-study Questionnaire on Students’ Attitudes
Toward E-learning 98
Appendix A2: A Post-study Questionnaire on Students’ Attitudes
Toward E-learning 100
Appendix B1: A Sample E-newsletter on New Semester 103
Appendix B2: A Sample E-newsletter on Seeing Movies 106
Appendix B3: A Sample E-newsletter on An Earthquake Experience 109
Appendix C1: Sample Test One on the E-newsletter 112
Appendix C2: Sample Test Two on the E-newsletter 116
Appendix C3: Sample Test Three on the E-newsletter 120
Appendix D1: A Sample Group E-newsletter on Movies 124
Appendix D2: A Sample Group E-newsletter on A New Semester 127
Appendix D2: A Sample Group E-newsletter
on An Earthquake Experience 130


Table Page
1. Comparison of How Students Made Use of E-learning Before and After the AOEN Project 50
2. Comparison of Students’ Attitudes Toward E-learning Before and After the AOEN Project
3. Comparison of Students’ Attitudes Toward E-newsletters Before and
After the Project
4. Students’ Attitudes Toward Classmates’ E-newsletters in the AOEN Project
5. Students’ Attitudes Toward Cooperative Learning in Editing E-newsletters 60
6. Discussions of Student Self-assessments on the Developments of
Four Language Skills Before and After the Project
7. Comparison of Student Self-assessments on the Effects of the AOEN Project 73
8. Comparison of Students’ Grades of Tests after Reading E-newsletters 75
9. Comparison of Students’ Grades of Tests after Reading E-newsletters 76
10. A Ranking of Student Responses to Topics in the AOEN Project 77
11. The Ranking of the Topics Students Recommended to Future E-newsletters 79


Figure Page
1. The welcome page of the e-newsletter center 39
2. The web page of the historical issues of e-newsletters 40
3. A web page of topic-based vocabulary with images and voice files 41
4. A web page of sentence patterns with practical examples 41
5. A web page of conversations with vocabulary and voice files 42
6. A web page of one outside reading story 42
7. A web page of school comics 43
8. A web page of recommended web sites 43
9. A flow chart of the study procedure 47
10. Ranking of student responses to topics in the AOEN project 77

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