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研究生(外文):Chen Chin-feng
指導教授(外文):Ai-li Hsin
外文關鍵詞:metaphorplant related metaphorssource domaintarget domainuniversality of metaphorrelativity of metaphorconceptual mappings
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此篇論文寫作的動機「根源」於作者有鑑於英語學習者在理解隱喻用語時遭遇困難之擔憂,以及對於George Lakoff和Mark Johnson (1980)兩人在合著的Metaphors We Live By一書中強調隱喻用語充斥於日常生活中,以及Christopher Tilley (1999)所主張隱喻用語提供了對世界瞭解與詮釋的根據等理論深感興趣所致。作者選擇與人類關係最密切之一的中英文植物用語作為研究主題,探究它們之間的共通點與獨特點,並且藉由以語料庫與問卷為根據的實驗以獲知EFL學習者(英語作為外語)在理解這些植物隱喻用語時所遭遇的困難。
第一,作者使用中文平衡語料庫與英文Bank of English語料庫收集常用的中英文植物隱喻用語。 第二,計算語料裡植物隱喻用語的出現次數,並且從語法功能、概念聯結原則、概念隱喻等三方面對中英文加以比較。 第三,問卷一實驗的受試者是三十位台北市高三學生,他們必須以中文改寫十題有關英文植物隱喻用語的句子。 第四,問卷二實驗的受試者是來自同一所學校的另外五十六位高三學生,他們必須回答相同的十個問題,只是這次是選擇題加上一道自由表達意見的非選擇題。 第五,計算學生的答案,並且從EFL學習者在理解這些英文植物隱喻用語時所運用的策略與所遭遇的困難、以及他們對於瞭解植物隱喻用語所建議的協助等方面加以比較。
1. 常用的植物隱喻用語是有關植物基本層次或身體部位的用語,譬如英文裡的vegetable (菜) 與中文裡的根(gen),而較少用的植物隱喻用語是有關植物次級層次的用語,譬如中文裡的蓮花與英文裡的laurel (桂冠),因為後者比較具有文化特殊性。
2. 中英文植物隱喻用語兩者最常出現的次數皆以名詞詞彙居多(中文總平均48.6%,而英文71.6% ),最少出現的次數皆以副詞詞彙居多(中文總平均4.2%,而英文1.5% )。然而,中文植物隱喻用語長出現在於四字成語或固定用語而且可以有其他的組合,其變化性較英文植物隱喻用語高。而英文植物隱喻用語可以衍生字彙,譬如rootless。
3. 中英文的植物隱喻用語有相似的聯結概念,有四個相同的概念隱喻用語:人類猶如植物、物品猶如植物、想法猶如植物、有組織之事物猶如植物或事件猶如植物,此即隱喻用語之共通性。然而,中文以物品猶如植物居多(48.5%),英文以有組織之事物如植物居多(58.5%),而且其中差異甚大,分別為33.5%和23.8% 。
4. 中英文的植物隱喻用語最常的聯結原則皆是「作用像…」(中文55.0%,英文47.2%)‚而中文語料中聯結原則是「形狀像…」者(36.0%)較英文(9.8%)為多,相差26.8%。
5. 另一方面,中英文的植物用語也有其各自的文化獨特性,有些英文植物用語源自於神話、聖經、寓言故事等,而有些中文植物用語源自於其文化本身。有些植物用語之搭配語可依上下文文意而富有彈性或創意,而有些固定的植物用語之用法很嚴謹且設限。大致而言,植物用語之選用決定於個人喜好或方言之變異。
1. 這些植物用語對受試者而言有困難,尤其是那些含有特殊文化背景的植物用語,例如 olive branch (橄欖樹枝) ,它意謂和平,但中文裡沒有與之對等的植物隱喻用語。
2. 受試者大多運用「應用現有的概念」以理解他們以前未曾學過或學過但是遺忘的隱喻用語。
3. 75%高比例的的受試者建議在高中的課外讀物裡能多接觸隱喻用語,因為隱喻用語很常見且對於文意之理解很重要。
The study is rooted in the author’s worries about EFL learners’ difficulties in comprehending metaphorical expressions and the interest in the theory of George Lakoff, & Mark Johnson’s (1980) Metaphors We Live By, which suggests that metaphors prevail in everyday language, and Christopher’s (1999) concept that metaphor provides the basis for an interpretative understanding of the world. The author chose Chinese and English plant metaphors, one of the metaphorical expressions most related to humans, as the main topic, surveyed the universality and relativity between them and probed into EFL learners’ difficulties in comprehending such expressions through corpus-based and questionnaire-based experiments.
First, the Chinese Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus and Bank of English corpus were employed to collect the commonly used plant metaphorical expressions. Second, the frequencies of the data were computed and the comparisons between both languages were made in terms of syntactic functions, conceptual mapping principles, and conceptual metaphors. Third, 30 third-graders from a senior high school in Taipei took part in Questionnaire One to paraphrase ten English questions with plant metaphors in Chinese sentences. Fourth, another 56 third-graders from the same senior high school participated in Questionnaire Two to answer the same ten questions but with multiple choices and one more question of free opinions. Fifth, the students’ responses to the questions were computed and the comparisons between both the languages were made in terms of EFL students’ strategies and difficulties in comprehending English plant metaphors, and the aids the learners suggested to comprehend metaphorical expressions.
The major findings from the quantitative analysis of the corpus-based experiment are as follows.
1. The commonly used plant metaphors were those categorized as basic-level or body-part metaphors, such as vegetable in English, and gen in Chinese, and the less often used were those categorized as sub-categories, such as Lian-hua 蓮花in Chinese and laurel in English because the latter are more culture-specific.
2. The highest total average occurrence for both Chinese and English plant metaphorical expressions are in the nominal lexemes (48.6% for Chinese and 71.6% for English), and the least percentages are both Adv P (4.2% in average for Chinese and 1.5% for English). However, Chinese plant metaphors often appear in Chinese four-word idioms or phrases and some fixed or conventional expressions, and they are mostly productive in some compounds and vary much more than English metaphors. English plant metaphors can derive words, such as rootless.
3. Both Chinese and English languages have some similar conceptual ideas of plant terms, namely, the same four kernel conceptual metaphors: PEOPLE AS PLANTS, IDEAS AS PLANTS, OBJECTS AS plants, and ORGANIZED THINGS AS PLANTS, which are referred to as the universality of metaphor. However, Chinese focuses on OBJECTS AS PLANTS (48.5%) and English focuses on ORGANIZED THINGS AS PLANTS (58.5%), and the differences between them are quite large up to 33.5% and 23.8% respectively.
4. The highest rate of both English (47.2%) and Chinese (55.0%) corpus data are mapped based on the mapping principle of “functioning like..” The Chinese corpus data (36.0%) are mapped much more on the mapping principle of “shaped like…” than those of English (9.8%) by 26.8%.
5. On the other hand, there is also the relativity of metaphor in both languages on a cultural basis. Some of the English metaphors originated from the illusions of mythology, the Bible, the fables, etc., and some of the Chinese metaphors originated from its literature. Some metaphorical collocations are flexible and creative according to the context or the language user, and some fixed expressions are very rigid and hence limit its occurrence with other structures. The choice of these expressions is sometimes dependent on individual preference or dialectal variations.
Also, the major findings from the qualitative analysis of the questionnaire-based experiment are as follows
1. The plant metaphorical expressions were quite difficult for the subjects, especially those metaphors with a special cultural basis, such as “olive branch,” which means “peace” and has no parallel metaphorical expression.
2. Most of the subjects used the strategy “applying preexisting concepts” to comprehend the metaphors that they had never learned or learned but forgot.
3. 75% of the subjects suggested having more contact with metaphorical expressions in senior high school outside readings, since metaphoric expressions are prevalent and essential in literary comprehension.
According to the findings of the universality and relativity of Chinese and English plant metaphors, comprehension difficulties and strategies, and the suggestions from the Chinese EFL learners about metaphor teaching, the author identified some implications for English teaching. With the knowledge of metaphorical expressions related to plants, the author hopes to inspire more successive research in the future and make the tree of English teaching and learning turn over a new leaf and have blossoms.

Acknowledgements i
Chinese Abstract iii
English Abstract v
Table of Contents viii

Chapter One: Introduction

Motivation 2
Definition 3
Purpose of the Study 6
Research Questions 6
Significance of the Study 7
Organization 7

Chapter Two: Literature Review

Classical Views on Metaphor .9
Substitution View 9
Comparison View .10
Interaction View 11
Contemporary Views on Metaphor 12
Cognitive Linguistic View on Metaphor and Conceptual Metaphor 12
Conceptual Metaphor 13
Image Schema 17
Meaning Extension 18
Prototype 18
Radial Structure 19
Family Resemblance 19
Mapping Principles 19
Functions of Metaphor 20
Cultural Basis of Metaphor: Universality and Relativity 21
Cross-Cultural Variation in Conceptual Metaphor 21
Cultural Basis of Plant Metaphors 22
Comprehension of Metaphor 23
Factors Involved in Metaphor Comprehension .24

Chapter Three: Methodology

Experiment One: Corpus-Based Approach 27
Instruments 29
Chinese Corpus. 29
English Corpus. 30
Procedures. 31
Experiment Two: Questionnaire Research. 33
Part One 33
Subjects 33
Instruments 33
Procedures 34
Part Two 35
Subjects 35
Instruments 35
Procedures 36
Summary of Chapter Three 39

Chapter Four: Results and Contrastive Analyses of Corpus Data

Results 41
Occurrence Frequency 42
Chinese and English Corpus Data 42
Comparison of Occurrence Frequencies between Corpuses 43
Metaphorical Syntactic Functions 44
Chinese Corpus Data. 45
English Corpus Data 47
Comparison of Syntactic Functions between Corpuses 50
Conceptual Mappings. 51
Chinese Corpus Data. 52
English Corpus Data. 56
Comparison of Mapping Principles between Corpuses. 59
Comparison of Conceptual Metaphors between Corpuses 61
Contrastive Analyses. 62
General Preview of Chinese and English Plant Metaphors. 63
Universality of Chinese and English Plant Metaphors. 66
Syntactic Functions 66
Conceptual Mapping Principles 67
Conceptual Metaphors 69
Relativity of Chinese and English Plant Metaphors 73
Syntactic Functions 74
Conceptual Mapping Principles. 75
Conceptual Metaphors 76
Culture-Specific 77
Summary of Chapter Four 79

Chapter Five: Results and Discussion Based on Questionnaire Data

Results 83
Frequency Statistics of the Data Collected from Questionnaire Two 85
Suggestions on Aids Needed in Metaphor Learning 86
Analyses 88
Familiarity of the Plant Metaphors 88
Extent of Difficulty in Comprehending Plant Metaphors 90
Comprehension Strategy 92
Correlations among Correctness of Paraphrasing, Familiarity, Difficulty Rating,
and Comprehension Strategy 95
Summary of Chapter Five 97

Chapter Six: Conclusions, Implications, and Suggestions

Major Findings of the Study 99
Implications 102
Limitations and Suggestions for Further Studies 103

Conclusion of this Study 104

References 105
Appendix 1: Possible Categorization of Plants in Chinese and English. 112
Appendix 2: General Metaphorical Plant Terms in Chinese. 113
Appendix 3: Plant Metaphors in Chinese Based on Basic-Level Categories 114
Appendix 4: Plant Metaphors in Chinese Based on Subcategories. 119
Appendix 5: Plant Metaphors in Chinese Based on Body-Part Categories 125
Appendix 6: Plant Metaphors in Chinese Based on Growth-Process Categories.. 127
Appendix 7: General Metaphorical Plant Terms in English. 128
Appendix 8: Plant Metaphors in English Based on Basic-Level Categories 129
Appendix 9: Plant Metaphors in English Based on Subcategories 130
Appendix 10: Plant Metaphors in English Based on Body-Part Categories. 135
Appendix 11: Plant Metaphors in English Based on Growth-Process Categories 136
Appendix 12: Questionnaire One. 137
Appendix 13 Questionnaire Two 139
Appendix 14 Frequency of Gen Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Syntactic Functions. 144
Appendix 15 Frequency of Hua Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Syntactic Functions 144
Appendix 16 Frequency of Yeh Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Syntactic Functions 145
Appendix 17 Frequency of Tsai Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Syntactic Functions 145
Appendix 18 Frequency of Shu Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Syntactic Functions 146
Appendix 19 Frequency of Mu Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Syntactic Functions. 146
Appendix 20 Frequency of Chih Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Syntactic Functions 147
Appendix 21 Frequency of Ching Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Syntactic Functions. 147
Appendix 22 Frequency of Root Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BoE Based on Syntactic Functions. 148
Appendix 23 Frequency of Flower Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BoE Based on Syntactic Functions 149
Appendix 24 Frequency of Leaf Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BoE Based on Syntactic Functions 150
Appendix 25 Frequency of Vegetable Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BoE Based on Syntactic Functions. 150
Appendix 26 Frequency of Tree Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BoE Based on Syntactic Functions. 151
Appendix 27 Frequency of Branch Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BoE Based on Syntactic Functions. 151
Appendix 28 Frequency of Stem Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BoE Based on Syntactic Functions. 152
Appendix 29 Frequency of Gen Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Conceptual Mappings 152
Appendix 30 Frequency of Hua Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Conceptual Mappings. 153
Appendix 31 Frequency of Yeh Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Conceptual Mappings 153
Appendix 32 Frequency of Tsai Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Conceptual Mappings. 154
Appendix 33 Frequency of Tree Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Conceptual Mappings 154
Appendix 34 Frequency of Mu Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Conceptual Mappings. 155
Appendix 35 Frequency of Chih Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Conceptual Mappings 155
Appendix 36 Frequency of Ching Metaphoric Expressions in Chinese Corpus ASBC Based on Conceptual Mappings. 156
Appendix 37 Frequency of Root Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BofE Based on Conceptual Mappings 156
Appendix 38 Frequency of Flower Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BofE Based on Conceptual Mappings 157
Appendix 39 Frequency of Leaf Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BofE Based on Conceptual Mappings 158
Appendix 40 Frequency of Vegetable Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BofE Based on Conceptual Mappings 159
Appendix 41 Frequency of Tree Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BofE Based on Conceptual Mappings 159
Appendix 42 Frequency of Branch Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BofE Based on Conceptual Mappings. 160
Appendix 43 Frequency of Stem Metaphoric Expressions in English Corpus BofE Based on Conceptual Mappings 161
Appendix 44 Statistics of Paraphrasing Results from Questionnaire One 162
Appendix 45 Results Collected from Questionnaire Two 163
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