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研究生(外文):Yu-chen Chen
指導教授(外文):Ye-ling Chang
外文關鍵詞:Cultural SchemataLanguage ComplexitySchemataReading SelectionsSimplified Reading Materials
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本論文旨在探討讀本語言複雜性及文化背景對台灣大學生英文閱讀理解的影響。就讀本語言困難度而言,本論文探討其對於大學生的閱讀理解及讀本熟悉程度的影響。就讀本文化背景而言,本論文探討其是否影響學生的閱讀理解及對文章困難程度的感受。此外,針對文化推論(cultural inferences)現象、讀本選擇議題以及受測者對本活動的回饋,本論文也做了相關的探討。
本研究的實驗對象為南台灣某國立大學七十九位國文系大ㄧ新生。按照受試者就讀班級,研究人員將其分成原文組及簡化組。原文組首先閱讀英文原文版美國故事、完成閱讀測驗及故事回想(recall protocol)。接下來,他們閱讀英文原文版中國故事、完成閱讀測驗、故事回想及問卷一份。簡化組則先閱讀英文簡化版美國故事、完成閱讀測驗及故事回想。接下來,閱讀英文簡化版中國故事、完成閱讀測驗、故事回想及問卷一份。最後,研究者將以上資料做質性與量化分析。
This study investigated the effect of language complexity and cultural background of the reading selections on the reading comprehension of EFL university students in Taiwan. With regard to language complexity, this study probed into this effect on the subjects’ English reading comprehension and perception of text familiarity. From the perspective of cultural background of the reading selections, this study tapped this effect on the reading comprehension and perception of text difficulty of the subjects. Furthermore, the issues on cultural inferences, reading selections for language teaching and the subjects’ attitudes to the reading program were scrutinized.
The subjects of the study were 79 Chinese majors in their first year at one national university in southern Taiwan. Based on the class they were in, the subjects were divided into the original group and the simplified group. Original Group had to read one American story in original English, completed a reading comprehension test, and recalled the story. Then they continued reading one Chinese story in original English, completing a reading comprehension test, recall protocol, and a questionnaire. As for Simplified Group, they followed the same instructional procedure despite that they first read the same American story in simplified English and latter the same Chinese story in simplified English. Finally, the colleted data were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Based on the data analysis, the findings of the study are summarized as follows:
1. The effect of language complexity of the reading selections had great influence on the subjects’ reading comprehension and perception of text familiarity. The use of simplified texts facilitated the reading comprehension of the subjects and increased their perception of text familiarity.
2. The effect of cultural background of the reading selections significantly affected the subjects’ reading comprehension and perception of text familiarity. The use of cultural familiar texts enhanced the students’ reading comprehension and decreased their perception of text difficulty.
3. Cases of elaboration and distortions in the subjects’ recall protocols were traceable to cultural inferences either from their native culture or foreign culture.
4. The subjects showed favor to the Chinese story in English version and assumed that reading foreign stories promoted cross-cultural understanding. Besides, this reading program drew the subjects’ attention to the effect of cultural schemata and the importance of cultural instruction.
Following the research findings, some pedagogical implications were provided for English teachers.
1. English teachers can choose simplified or culturally familiar texts to decrease low- and intermediate-proficiency students’ reading anxiety and to help them gain confidence in reading process.
2. English teachers can choose reading materials from foreign cultures to promote the cross-cultural understanding of the Chinese students. They can also select the Chinese stories in English version to develop students’ reading interests.
3. Aside from vocabulary and grammar, English teachers should activate related cultural knowledge and conduct cultural instruction as pre-reading activities to enhance the students’ reading comprehension.
4. For the evaluation purpose, teachers should choose neutral texts whose topics are not too familiar to testees and whose full reconstruction does not require too much technical knowledge. By doing so, teachers get to know the real language proficiency of testees.
Models of Reading Comprehension 12
Bottom-up Processing Models 13
Top-down Processing Models 14
Interactive Processing Models 17
Linguistic-Theoretic Perspective on Reading Comprehension 19
The Short Circuit or Threshold Hypothesis 20
Text Difficulty and Reading Comprehension 22
Schema-Theoretic Perspective on Reading Comprehension 26
Schema Theory 27
Types of Schemata 28
Effects of Schemata on Reading Comprehension 31
Selections of Reading Materials 33
Readability and Reading Materials 33
Simplified Reading Materials 35
Cultural Schemata and Reading Selections 37
Subjects 41
Instruments 41
Study Procedures 47
Data Analysis 50
Effects of Language Complexity of Texts on Reading Comprehension 51
Effects of Cultural Background of Texts on Reading Comprehension 55
Use of Cultural Inferences in Recall of Texts 64
Subjects’ Attitudes to the Reading Selections and the Reading Program 70
Conclusions 76
Implications 78
Suggestions 79
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