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研究生(外文):Wen-lin Liu
指導教授(外文):Ye-ling Chang
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一. 大部分的高中生(71.4%)具有提早學習英語的經驗;此外,提早學習英語對高中生英語口說能力中之整體語言能力、文法精確度、口語流暢度、英語發音以及英語單字量皆有顯著之影響。
二. 提早學習英語時間之長短對高中生英語口說能力之整體語言能力、文法精確度、口語流暢度、英語發音以及英語單字量也皆有顯著之影響。提早學習英語年限愈長者,其口語表現愈顯著優異。
三. 英語教師之國籍與英語教師上課使用之主要語言對高中生英語口說能力整體語言能力、文法精確度、口語流暢度、英語發音以及英語單字量皆有顯著之影響。
四. 內在動機學習之高中生在英語口說能力之整體語言能力、文法精確度、口語流暢度、英語發音以及英語單字量表現皆優於外在動機學習之高中生。

一. 提早學習可以幫助學生培養英語口說能力,因此提早學英語的政策值得政府及家長努力的推動。
二. 英語教師可多充實自己的英語能力,以創造全英文或大部分英語的教學環境來增進學生的英語口說能力。
三. 英語教師可藉由能引起學生內在動機之教學活動來加強學生的學習動機並增進其教學成效。

The study investigated the effects of five factors of early start in English learning on senior high school students’ English speaking performance. The five factors included the age factor, the year of early start in English learning, the English teachers’ nationality, the different classroom language uses, and the students’ learning motivation on senior high school students’ English speaking performance.
The subjects in the study consisted of 91 second-year students in Kaohsiung Girls’ Senior High School. First, all the subjects took an English speaking proficiency test. Then, they filled out questionnaires to show their early English learning experiences. In data collection, the subjects’ English speaking test scores and their responses to the questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively by means of one-way ANOVA and a t-test. Based on the data analysis, the findings of the study are summarized as follows:
1. An early start in English learning laid a significant influence on the subjects’ general linguistic range, grammatical accuracy, speaking fluency, phonological control, and vocabulary range of the English speaking performance.
2. The years of early start in English learning significantly affected the subjects’ speaking performance on the general linguistic range, grammatical accuracy, speaking fluency, phonological control and vocabulary range of the English speaking performance. The longer the subjects’ early English learning period was, the better their English speaking performance was.
3. With regard to the effects of formal English instruction, English teachers’ nationality and the different language uses cast a significant impact on the subjects’ linguistic range, grammatical accuracy, speaking fluency, phonological control, and vocabulary range of the English speaking performance.
4. As for the effects of learning motivation, intrinsic motivation rather than extrinsic motivation produced a significant impact on all the five linguistic aspects of the subjects’ English speaking performance, including the general linguistic range, grammatical accuracy, speaking fluency, phonological control, and vocabulary range. Furthermore, the subjects’ self-practice of English with teachers was also proved to be beneficial to all the five linguistic aspects of the English speaking performance.
Based on the study findings, the researcher made some pedagogical implications. First, since early start in English learning had a significant impact on the students’ English speaking performance, early English education is worth promoting to enhance students’ English speaking performance. Second, since foreign English teachers’ nationality and an all-English or mostly-English learning environment cast a significant impact on the students’ speaking performance, EFT teachers are encouraged to enhance their English speaking proficiency to provide students with more chances of speaking English. Last but not least, intrinsic motivation significantly affected the students’ English speaking performance. EFT teachers can strengthen students’ learning motivation by creating a supportive learning environment in their English classrooms.

Background and Motivation 1
Purposes of the Study 5
Research Questions 6
Significance of the Study 6
Definitions of Terms 7
Limitations of the Study 9

Critical Period Hypothesis 10
The Critical Period 10
Issues on CPH of Second Language Acquisition 13
The Older Is in the Better Position 13
The Younger Is in the Better Position 16
Perspectives on Age-Related Differences in SLA 18
Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development 18
Affective Factors 22
Motivation 24
Definitions of Motivation 24
Motivation in Language Learning 25
Gardner’s Motivation Theory 25
Deci and Ryan’s Motivation Theory – Self-Determination Theory 27
An Intrinsic Motivation 27
An Extrinsic Motivation 30
Motivation and Achievement 31
Effects of Formal English Instruction on Second Language Learning 32
Speaking 34
The Procedures of Speech Production 34
Speaking for Communication 36
English Speaking Instruction 38

Subjects 43
Instruments 44
A Questionnaire on Students’ Learning Background 44
about Students’ Early Start in English Learning
Speaking Proficiency Tests 45
Speaking Rating Scale and Criteria 46
The Speaking Rating Process 47
Study Procedures 48
Data Analysis 50

Effects of the Early Start in English Learning 52
on Students’ English Speaking Performance
Prevalence of the Early Start in English Learning 52
Effects of the Early Start in English Learning 54
on Students’ English Speaking Performance
Effects of the Years of Early Start in English Learning 56
on Students’ English Speaking Performance
Effects of Formal English Instruction on Students’ 59
English Speaking Performance
Effects of English Teacher’s Nationality on 59
Students’ English Speaking Performance
Effects of Classroom Language Uses on 62
Students’ English Speaking Performance
Effects of Learning Motivation on Students’ 65
English Speaking Performance
Effects of Learning Motivation on 65
English Speaking Performance of IM and EM Groups
Effects of Students’ Self-Practice on 67
Their English Speaking Performance

Conclusions 73
Implications 75
Suggestions 77

Appendix A A Questionnaire on Students’ Learning Background 92
about Their Early Start in English Learning
Appendix B Speaking Proficiency Test 95
Appendix C A Rating Checklist of English Speaking Proficiency Test 98
Appendix D A Questionnaire on Students’ Background 99
about Their Early Start in English Learning
(English version)
Appendix E The Scale and Criteria for General Linguistic Range 103
Appendix F The Scale and Criteria for Grammatical Accuracy 104
Appendix G The Scale and Criteria for Speaking Fluency 105
Appendix H The Scale and Criteria for Phonological Control 106
Appendix I The Scale and Criteria for Vocabulary Range 107

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