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研究生(外文):Wen-lin Hsu
指導教授(外文):Ye-ling Chang
外文關鍵詞:task-basedBiligual WeeklyEnglish literacyworksheetcooperative learningsenior high school students
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一、 任務導向組及非任務導向組在參與本活動前,認為讀懂英文文章不容易。參與活動後,兩組皆認為閱讀雙語週報增強他們的英文閱讀能力。
二、 閱讀雙語週報對兩組學生英文閱讀能力有益;但相較之下,任務導向組效果更佳。
三、 進行任務導向學習方案後,任務導向組的寫作能力顯著勝過非任務導向組。
四、 多數的學生對於編寫英文報紙持正面且積極的態度。他們大多表示,編寫英文報紙提升學習興趣、並加強英文能力。
五、 多數的學生對於任務導向學習活動抱持肯定的態度。他們認為運用所學以完成任務強化了他們的英文讀寫能力。
六、 多數的學生表示為了完成學習單,他們會更認真閱讀雙語週報,但有些學生不認為完成學習單能夠提升其英文能力。
七、 多數的學生肯定合作學習的效果。他們喜歡與組員互動及討論,並能從中習得人際互動與溝通的技巧。

The purpose of this present study is to investigate whether the application of a task-based Bilingual Weekly reading program worked on senior high school students' English literacy development. Specially, the student responses to Bilingual Weekly, task-based learning (TBL), and whether TBL had positive effects on the students' reading comprehension and writing ability were explored.
The subjects of this study were sixty-nine eleventh graders from Kaohsiung Municipal Hsin Hsing Senior High School. During the twelve-week span, the subjects were divided into two groups: the task-based group (TBL Group) and the non-task-based group (Non-TBL Group). TBL Group, consisting of 32 subjects, had to compose one issue of English newspaper while reading Bilingual Weekly. On the other hand, the researcher instructed Non-TBL Group, comprised of 37 subjects, to read Bilingual Weekly.
In data collection, the differences in the subjects' reading comprehension and writing ability between the pretests and post-tests were analyzed and compared quantitatively, and so were the results of the questionnaire. In addition, the subjects' comments and responses to this study were translated from Chinese into English and then discussed qualitatively. Based on the data analyses, the findings of the study are summarized as follows:
1. The students of both groups used to think it difficult to understand English articles. After taking part in this reading program, however, the students believed that their English reading comprehension had been improved.
2. The Bilingual Weekly reading program did benefit English reading comprehension, for the subjects of TBL Group fared better than that of Non-TBL Group.
3. After the program, TBL Group exhibited more significant improvement on English writing ability than Non-TBL Group.

4. Most of the TBL students showed positive responses to composing English newspaper. They expressed that composing English newspapers aroused their learning motivation and enhanced their English competence.
5. Most of the TBL students thought highly of TBL. They felt that putting what they had learned into practice to accomplish the assigned task strengthened their English reading comprehension and writing ability.
6. Most of the TBL students expressed that they had read Bilingual Weekly attentively to complete the worksheets. Yet, they did not think that worksheet-completion helped to better their English competence.
7. Most of the TBL students profited from cooperative learning. They enjoyed discussing and interacting with their groupmates; at the same time, they learned the skills of social interaction and communication.
Based on the study findings, it is advisable that English teachers usher in Bilingual Weekly as reading materials, utilize TBL to provide students with the opportunity to learn by doing. Furthermore, cooperative learning can come to English teachers' aid to construct a reciprocal rather than a competitive learning atmosphere, hence fostering positive learning.

Background and Motivation 1
Purposes of the Study 6
Research Questions 7
Significance of the Study 8
Limitations of the Study 8
Definitions 9
Authentic Reading and Reading Materials 12
Reading for Real Purposes 12
Authentic Reading Materials 13
Teaching English Reading with Authentic Materials 14
Authentic Writing and Writing Activities 16
Writing for Real Purposes 17
Principles for Authentic Writing Instruction 18
Teaching English Writing with Authentic Activities 21
Combining Reading and Writing Together 23
Task-based Language Learning 24
Definitions of Tasks 24
Task-based Learning 26
Types of Tasks in Task-based Language Learning 27
Frameworks of Task-based Language Learning 30
Cooperative Learning in Task-based Learning 34
Subjects 36
Instruments 37
The Teaching Material 38
Guidance for Structural Features of Newspaper 39
Worksheets 39
A Peer Evaluation Sheet 40
English Reading Comprehension Tests 40
English Writing Proficiency Tests 41
A Post-study Questionnaire on Student Responses to Bilingual Weekly and Task-based Learning 42
Procedures 43
Data Analysis 46
Quantitative Analysis 46
Qualitative Analysis 46
Effects of the Combination of TBL and Bilingual Newspaper Reading 47
Comparison of Students' English Reading Comprehension 48
Comparison of Students' English Writing Ability 49
Comparison of Student Responses to Reading English Articles and Bilingual Weekly 50
TBL Student Responses to Task-based Learning 53
TBL Student Responses to Composing Newspapers 54
TBL Student Responses to the TBL Activities 59
TBL Student Responses to the Worksheets 63
TBL Student Responses to Cooperative Learning 64
Conclusions 69
Implications 72
Suggestions 74
Appendix A: An English Reading Comprehension Pretest 90
Appendix B: An English Reading Comprehension Post-test 97
Appendix C: An English Writing Proficiency Pretest 102
Appendix D: An English Writing Proficiency Post-test 103
Appendix E: A Writing Rating Scale 104
Appendix F: Worksheets
Appendix F-1: Worksheet (Bilingual Weekly, No. 341) 105
Appendix F-2: Worksheet (Bilingual Weekly, No. 343) 106
Appendix F-3: Worksheet (Bilingual Weekly, No. 345) 107
Appendix F-4: Worksheet (Bilingual Weekly, No. 347) 108
Appendix F-5: Worksheet (Bilingual Weekly, No. 349) 109
Appendix F-6: Worksheet (Bilingual Weekly, No. 351) 110
Appendix G: Adopted Bilingual Weekly and News Headline Guidance
Appendix G-1: Issues of Bilingual Weekly Adopted in the Study 111
Appendix G-2: Guidance for Structural Features of News Story Headline 114
Appendix H: A Peer Evaluation Sheet
Appendix H-1: A Peer Evaluation Sheet (Chinese) 116
Appendix H-2: A Peer Evaluation Sheet (English) 117
Appendix I: A Post-study Questionnaire
Appendix I-1: A Post-study Questionnaire on Student Responses to Bilingual Weekly and Task-based Learning (Chinese) 118
Appendix I-2: A Post-study Questionnaire on Student Responses to Bilingual Weekly and Task-based Learning (English) 122
Appendix J: The Newspaper the TBL Group Students Composed 127
Appendix K: Post-study QSRBWTBL Reliability Analysis (Alpha)
Appendix K-2: Post-study QSRBWTBL Items 1-12 Reliability Analysis (Alpha) 135
Appendix K-2: Post-study QSRBWTBL Items 13-45 Reliability Analysis (Alpha) 136

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