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研究生(外文):Long-fei Chai
論文名稱(外文):The Relationships between Institutional Pressure and Cooperative Types: The Case Study of Ophthalmologic Primary Medical Agencies
指導教授(外文):Chi-Hsing Tseng
外文關鍵詞:administrative social networkcooperative typesNeo Institutional Theory
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The medical industry has confronted with change and impact under the environment of institutionalization, such as the implementation of NHI (National Health Insurance) and many other major policies and regulations. Together they had brought different types of influences to the medical industry and also changed the surviving environment. The medical agencies are facing the challenges which brought by the change of environment. Various types of partnership are developed to secure the survival and growth of the hospitals. Through the observations of present situation of medical agencies under the institutional pressure, this studies aim at understanding the formation and convention of partnership between primary medical agencies, the influence caused by different degree of institutional pressure on cooperative types , and also how administrative social networks affects the cooperative types. Primary ophthalmic medical agencies of the same department were chosen as the subjects of this study. By means of multiple case studies, restraint and regulation of institutional pressure and strength of administrative social networks were investigated to realize how they affected the cooperative types of medical agencies. Thus the present study may provide both academic and medical fields a reference in future research and implementation of strategies. The findings indicate that when pressure increased under institutionalization, so as to raise the competitiveness of medical agencies, more medical and administrative cooperation were shaped accordingly. When more regulating pressure came from authorization of medical institutional members to the association or imitations of successful cooperative patterns, more cooperation was developed between medical agencies. When seeking for cooperative partners among medical agencies, the potent bonding of administrative social networks is advantageous to the expansion of cooperation. The development of private medicine indirectly urges the multiplicity of medical and administrative cooperative types between medical agencies.
摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
謝誌 Ⅲ
目次 Ⅳ
表次 Ⅵ
圖次 Ⅷ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究問題 5
第四節 研究貢獻 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 制度理論 7
第二節 組織間合作關係 24
第三節 社會網絡關係 35
第四節 各構面間的相關性 38
第三章 醫療產業的制度環境 42
第一節 眼科現況 42
第二節 醫療產業的管制 43
第三節 醫療產業間的規範 51
第四章 研究方法 53
第一節 研究架構 53
第二節 研究變數 54
第三節 個案研究法 57
第四節 資料收集與分析 58
第五節 信度與效度 61
第六節 研究限制 63
第五章個案分析與描 64
第一節 個案描述 64
第二節 綜合分析 81
第六章 研究命題 89
第七章結論與建議 94
第一節 研究結論 94
第二節 管理意涵 98
第三節 後續研究建 99
參考文獻 100
中文部分 100
英文部分 101
附錄A 107
附錄B 110
附錄C 113
附錄D 117
附錄E 122
附錄F 123
圖2-1-1不同層級及制度支柱的說明學派 19
圖2-2-1 組織失靈架構圖 30
圖4-1-1 研究架構圖 53
圖5-1 甲個案健保前合作關係網絡圖 67
圖5-2 甲個案健保後合作關係網絡圖 67
圖5-3 乙個案健保前合作關係網絡圖 71
圖5-4 乙個案健保後合作關係網絡圖 71
圖5-5 丙個案健保前合作關係網絡圖 75
圖5-6 丙個案健保後合作關係網絡圖 76
圖5-7 丁個案健保前合作關係網絡圖 80
圖5-8 丁個案健保後合作關係網絡圖 80
圖5-9 管制壓力對醫療機構間合作的影響 84
圖5-10 規範壓力對醫療機構間合作的影響 84
圖5-11 本研究修正後架構 88

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