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研究生(外文):TSAI, HSUEH-LI
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Economic Production Quantity Models with Learning Effect
指導教授(外文):TSAI, DENG-MAW
外文關鍵詞:imperfect qualitylearning effecteconomic production quantity
  • 被引用被引用:7
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The classical economic production quantity (EPQ) model assumes that items produced are of perfect quality and that the production rate is constant. However, in realistic situations, product quality is never perfect, and is directly affected by the reliability of the production processes. In addition, under certain circumstances, the time required to produce a product declined at a decreasing rate as experience with the repetitive task increased. In this study, the effects of learning and imperfect production processes on the economic production quantity problem are presented. The percentage of imperfect quality items is considered to be a random variable with probability density function. A mathematical model is developed and its related procedure is provided to find the optimal economic production quantity. In addition, a numerical example is given to illustrate the developed model. Sensitivity analysis is also performed and discussed.
1. 緒論.............................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機....................................................1
1.2 研究範圍與限制....................................................4
1.3 研究方法與架構..................................................5
2. 文獻探討.........................................................8
2.1 傳統存貨生產系統.................................................8
2.2 不完美存貨生產系統...............................................12
2.3 不良品重制生產系統批量模式.......................................16
2.4 生產系統具學習效果...............................................19
2.5 小結...........................................................24
3. 不良品全部報廢之經濟生產批量模式...................................27
3.1 符號定義.......................................................27
3.2 存貨成本模式建構.................................................29
3.3 數值範例說明...................................................34
3.4 敏感度分析.....................................................40
3.4.1 不同設置成本與儲存成本比值在不同期望不良率下對
3.4.2 不同設置成本與人工成本比值在不同期望不良率下對
3.4.3 不同學習率在不同期望不良率下對Q*及E[TCU(Q*)]
3.4.4 不同學習率下對單位產量變動影響之敏感度分析….................….45
3.4.5 貝他分配下不同參數值對Q*及E[TCU(Q*)]影響之敏感度分析............47

3.5 小結..........................................................51
4. 不良品重工修復之經濟生產批量模式...................................52
4.1 符號定義.......................................................52
4.2 存貨成本模式之建構...............................................53
4.3 數值範例說明....................................................60
4.4 敏感度分析......................................................63

4.4.1 不同設置成本與人工成本比值在不同期望不良率下對
4.4.2 不同設置成本與儲存成本比值在不同學習率下對Q*及E[TCU(Q*)]影響
4.4.3 不同設置成本與人工成本比值在不同學習率下對Q*及E[TCU(Q*)]影響
4.5 小結............................................................70
5. 產品具退化性之經濟生產批量模式......................................71
5.1 符號定義........................................................71
5.2 存貨模式之建構...................................................71
5.3 數值範例說明.....................................................79
5.4 敏感度分析.......................................................81
5.4.1 不同設置成本與儲存成本比值在不同退化率下對Q*及E[TCU(Q*)]影響
5.4.2 不同設置成本與人工成本比值在不同退化率下對Q*及E[TCU(Q*)]影響之
5.5 小結............................................................85
6. 結論與建議........................................................86
6.1 結論............................................................86
6.2 未來研究方向與建議................................................88

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