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研究生(外文):Lee, Chi-tai
論文名稱(外文):Department of aquaculture, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
指導教授(外文):Chen, Win-ton
外文關鍵詞:Blood parrotwater temperaturepHhotoperioddiscoloration
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實驗結果顯示,水溫會明顯影響血鸚鵡之成長、褪色率、總收成量及飼料轉換效率。在高水溫 (32℃) 條件下,血鸚鵡具有最佳的成長、褪色率及總收成量,但飼料轉換效率較差。反之在低水溫 (18℃) 下,血鸚鵡的成長不佳,且在實驗期間並沒有褪色之魚在18℃之處理組中被發現。
pH實驗發現,弱酸性 (pH 6-7) 及中性水質 (~pH 7) 對血鸚鵡而言,有良好的成長、總收成量及活存率,但褪色率較差。反之,弱鹼性 (pH 8-9)處理下之血鸚鵡成長、總收成量及活存率最差,但褪色率確明顯最好。
以光照週期的實驗來看,長日照 (L24:D0) 下成長的血鸚鵡活力最佳、顏色最鮮豔、成長最好、總收成量最高,且褪色率也最好。反之在全暗 (L0:D24) 處理下,活力差、成長差、總收成量最差、褪色率也不如L24:D0之處理組。
因此由上述之結果建議,養殖血鸚鵡時,如以成長為考量時,可將血鸚鵡飼養在高水溫 (32℃)、偏弱酸 (pH 6-7) 及長光照 (L24:D0) 之條件下。但如果以褪色為考量,可將血鸚鵡飼養在高水溫 (32℃)、偏弱鹼 (pH 8-9) 及長光照 (L24:D0) 之條件下。
Blood parrot is one of the most important ornamental fish. The blood parrot farmers are persecuted by the problem of discoloration. Thus, this research examined the effect of different water temperature, different pH and different photoperiods on the growth, survival, total harvest, feed conversion and discoloration rate of blood parrot. The water quality of ammonia, nitrite, dissolved oxygen, pH and water temperature were analyzed as a reference data to evaluate the environmental quality.
The results show that water temperature would affect the growth, discoloration, total harvest and feed conservation of blood parrot. The best growth, discoloration and total harvest, but poorer feed conservation were found in the higher water temperature (32oC) treatment. Whereas, poorer growth was found at lower water temperature (18 oC), and no discoloration of fish was found at the 18 oC treatment.
For pH trials, the best growth, total harvest and survival of blood parrot were reared in water of weak acid (pH 6-7) and neutral (~pH 7) water, but poor discoloration rate was also observed in this treatment. For pH 8-9 treatment, growth, total harvest and survival rate of fish were lower as compared to the treatments of pH 6-7 and without pH treatment, but the higher discoloration rate was found at pH 8-9 treatment.
For photoperiod trials, the best growth, brilliant color, the highest total harvest and the best discoloration were found in the condition of continually light (L24:D0). Whereas, the poor activity, poor growth and the worst total harvest were cultured in the environment of dark (L0:D24), and the poor discoloration in dark treatment was worse than L24:D0 treatment.
To sum up of all results, for better grow out of blood parrot, the higher water temperature (32), weak acid (pH 6-7) and longer photoperiod (L24:D0) were suggested. For better discoloration of fish, the higher water temperature (32), weak basic (pH 8-9) and longer photoperiod (L24:D0) were recommended
第1章 前言…………………………………………………………………...1
第2章 文獻回顧……………………………………………...........................4
第3章 材料與方法……………………………………..……………...……18
第4章 結果………………………………………......…………………...…22
4.5.5 pH………………………………...…………………………….....40
第5章 討論………………………………………………………………….43
第6章 結論………………………………………………………………….46
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