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研究生(外文):Hsu Kung-Liang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Micromixer System and Application Joule Heating Effect in Microfluidic Chip
指導教授(外文):Tsai Chien-Hsiung
外文關鍵詞:MicrofluidicCFDMicromixerApplication Joule Heating Effect
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This paper uses the numerical simulation to discuss the phenomena that micromixer System only apply electricity to drive the sampling liquids and periodic changing frequency occurs simultaneously. Micromixer System produce unstable fluent field in micro tube without additional power supply, and apply periodic changing mode to start cross sampling injection .Upper method can increase the contacting area and time between two samples, and promotes the mixing effect of micro scale. Furthermore, changing the geometric shape greaten the swing level of the fluid, and increase the contacting area between different samples.

In addition, while changing the geometric shape and voltage in research, we find another problem which is joule heating effect. Following situations have to check simultaneously, including changing the heat transfer coefficient of the straight tube、level of the driving voltage、width of the tube inside diameter、crinkling or bending tube、differences of the heat transfer coefficient (including crinkling tube)、interdependent conductance of fluid and temperature in micro tube、temperature field of heat conductivity and viscosity、geometric shape、electric field and fluid field. Higher temperature makes lower viscosity and higher electroosmotic flow. When gradient (high temperature at center) of the temperature occurs, the creating joule heat makes the distribution of the temperature of the fluid field unequal, and the conductance、viscosity interdependent with the temperature will change the whole electric field and fluid field.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
符號說明 XIX
第1章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 5
1.2.1 微流體晶片 5
1.2.2 微型混合器 8
1.2.3 焦耳熱 13
1.3 本研究內容 21
1.3.1 雙L型微流體混合器 21
1.3.2 焦耳熱的影響 22
第2章 數值模擬 23
2.1 混合系統基本假設 23
2.2 電雙層分佈之Poisson-Boltzmann方程式 24
2.3 電滲流流場之Navier-Stokes方程式 26
2.4 濃度方程式 27
2.5 邊界條件 27
2.6 考慮焦耳熱對流體之影響時 29
第3章 數值方法 31
3.1 離散化(Discretization) 31
3.2 壓力與速度(pressure-velocity coupling)之耦合算法 34
3.3 格點系統 35
3.4 收斂標準 36

第4章 結果與討論 37
4.1 雙L型微流體混合器性能分析 37
4.1.1 雙L型微流體混合器之混合情形 37
4.1.2 雙L型微流體混合器之混合效率 40
4.2 微管道中焦耳熱效應研究 51
4.2.1 管壁不同熱傳遞係數的影響 51
4.2.2 驅動電壓的影響 57
4.2.3 微管道在不同管徑下的影響 61
4.2.4 微管道中管壁上下分別用不同熱傳遞係數的
影響 66
4.2.5 微管道在不同縮管長度下的影響 72
4.2.6 微管道在不同縮管管徑下的影響 78
4.2.7 彎管的微管道管壁不同熱傳遞係數下的影響 82
4.2.8 彎且縮管的微管道管壁不同熱傳遞係數下的
影響 90
第5章 結論 97

參考文獻 99

作者簡介 104
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