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Author (Eng.):Jung-Ju Liu
Title (Eng.):The effects of different processing on the resistant starch formation and physico-chemical characteristscs of wheat starch and all purpose flour
advisor (eng):Chan-Chiung Liu
Narrow Field:農業科學學門
Detailed Field:食品科學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:103
keyword (chi):抗性澱粉澄粉中筋麵粉回凝物化特性
keyword (eng):resistant starchwheat starchall purpose flourretrogradationphysicochemical characteristics
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  • Cited Cited :4
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部份的澱粉在小腸內仍保有抵抗酵素水解的能力,這種澱粉被稱為抗性澱粉(resistant starch, RS)。抗性澱粉(resistant starch, RS)是一種人體酵素所無法分解的澱粉,在小腸不會被消化吸收,但可完整的到達大腸中發酵水解,抗性澱粉通常被認為是膳食纖維的組成成份之一。抗性澱粉自然地存在一些食物裡,亦可於食品加工中獲得。抗性澱粉在生理上被定義為在小腸裡不會被消化吸收的澱粉。它被分類為四種型式: (RS1) 定義為消化酵素完全無法水解的非水解性基質,可由完全或部分磨碎的穀粒、穀類植物、種子和豆類中發現。(RS2)主要是澱粉顆粒中無法完全糊化的部份,如馬鈴薯、玉米、未成熟的青香蕉。(RS3) 主要是澱粉經由糊化、回凝產生老化澱粉,可經由加工中獲得。(RS4) 化學修飾後產生的抗性澱粉。
本研究以澄粉及中筋麵粉為材料,在100℃水溫下製作成燙麵並水浴10分鐘後達到完全糊化,分別經冷風乾燥、熱風乾燥、冷凍乾燥後,研磨過篩(100 mesh);另經濕熱處理、冷卻回凝循環處理(1、2、3、4次),經由不同加工處理使其產生對熱穩定及抗酵素水解之澱粉(第三類型抗性澱粉RS3),研究重點不只在於加工程序對抗性澱粉的製備,並且深入探討所製備之抗性澱粉之物理化學特性。
根據可溶性澱粉含量測定結果,隨著加熱冷卻循環次數的增加,澄粉因其本身可溶性澱粉含量已然甚低,故經加熱冷卻循環處理時並無顯著變化。中筋麵粉的直鏈澱粉複合物均隨著加熱冷卻循環而增加,變化幅度上以中筋麵粉高於澄粉。由X射線繞射結果顯示,澱粉經加熱冷卻循環處理後,因晶體遭受到破壞,波峰 (peaks) 會變小。從偏光顯微鏡下觀察發現,澱粉經加熱冷卻循處理處理後,澱粉的複十字屈折性 (birefringence) 漸消失,而掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM) 觀察亦可發現,澱粉經加熱冷卻循環處理後,其表面結構越成緊密而扎實,尤其以澄粉最為明顯。
本研究結果澄粉與中筋麵粉經冷凍乾燥,以及次數加熱冷卻循環後,其抗性澱粉之生成量有增加的趨勢,且隨著加熱冷卻循環次數的增加,以澄粉25%稍大於中筋麵粉24.86 %,可知抗性澱粉之生成與直鏈澱粉含量有正相關。
A portion of starch is not susceptible to the enzyme hydrolysis in human small intestine; but can be fully hydrolyzed through fermentation in colon; such starch has been defined as resistant starch (RS). Resistant starch has great potential to be utilized as a food ingredient; many reports indicated it has several physiological activities similar to soluble dietary fibers such as controlling the in vivo glucose release. Resistant starch has generally been categorized into 4 types: RS1 is the non-hydrolysable polysaccharide by gidestion enzyme and is usually found in ground kernel, seed, and some legumes. RS2 is the ungelatinized starch such as those found in raw banana, corn, and potato. RS3 belongs to the staling starch processed through gelatinization and retrogradation. RS4 is defined as the resistant starch generated by chemical modification.
This study exploited the possibility of resistant starch formation by wheat starch and all-purpose flour. Raw starches were fully gelatinized by water bathing at 100℃ for 10 minutes. Gelatinized starches were subjected to cool air drying, hot air drying, freeze dehydration, respectively, and sieved through 100-mesh. The second part of the investigation was directed to yields of resistant starch (retrogradated starch, RS3) by autoclaving-cooling cycles of freeze-dried gelatinized starches. The low temperature-cooling step was utilized to induce the retrogradation of gelatinized starch. Objectives of this research include the preparation of RS through various processing, as well as the physicochemical characteristics of RS obtained.
The results indicated that the soluble starch contents of wheat starch did not vary significantly upon autoclaving-cooling cycles, possibly attributed to its low intrinsic starch composition. The amylase-starch complexes increased more dramatically than wheat starch subjected to autoclaving-cooling cycles. Crystalline structure of starch degraded by above cycles of treatment, and was confirmed by X-ray diffractograms. Birefringence also gradually reduced from the observation of polarized light microscope. Scanning electron microscopy substantiated the compactness of surface structure upon autoclaving-cooling cycles, and was more prominent for wheat starch.
The essence of this study is the findings of resistant starch development by above heat treatments. The contents of RS rose as the cycles of processing went up. Ultimate RS composition for wheat starch was slightly higher than that of all-purpose flour, which was attributed to the higher amylase content of wheat starch.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅲ
誌謝 Ⅴ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 Ⅸ
第一章 前言 1
第二章文獻回顧 3
2.1澱粉之介紹 3
2.1.1 澱粉的組成 3 直鏈澱粉 3 支鏈澱粉 4
2.1.2 澱粉之結晶 4 結晶區 6 非結晶區 9
2.1.3 澱粉之糊化 9
2.1.4 澱粉之回凝 9
2.2小麥與麵粉之介紹 10
2.2.1小麥之種類 10
2.2.2 小麥之結構 11
2.2.3 小麥之物理性質 12
2.2.4 澄粉 12
2.3 抗性澱粉 13
2.3.1抗性澱粉之定義 13
2.3.2 抗性澱粉之種類 13 RS1—酵素無法接近的澱粉 15 RS2—具抗性的天然顆粒澱粉 15 RS3—老化的澱粉 15 RS4—化學修飾後產生的抗性澱粉 16
2.3.3 澱粉的消化 16
2.3.4 澱粉的分解酵素 16 α-amylase 17 β-amylase 17 amyloglucosidase 17 pullulanase和 isoamylase 17
2.3.5 抗性澱粉的形成模式 17
2.3.6 抗性澱粉的的應用及其生理功能 18 抗性澱粉與糖尿病 22 抗性澱粉與直腸癌等腸道疾病 22 抗性澱粉與體重控制 23 抗性澱粉與膽固醇、血脂質代謝 23 抗性澱粉與維生素、礦物質之吸收 23 抗性澱粉與食品加工 25
2.3.7影響抗性澱粉合成的因子 25高壓蒸氣-冷卻循環 25 食品溫度 26澱粉和水含量的比例 26直鏈澱粉的含量與抗性澱粉之相關性 26直鏈澱粉一脂質複合物 27
2.3.8 直鏈澱粉-脂質複合物之形成與抗澱粉回凝作用 27
2.4 食品乾燥技術簡介 31
2.4.1 冷凍乾燥 33
2.4.2 熱風乾燥 34
2.4.3 乾燥操作變因之探討 35
第三章 材料與方法 36
3.1實驗設計 37
3.2實驗材料 39
3.2.1原料 39
3.2.2澱粉分解酵素有二種 39
3.3實驗樣品製備 39
3.3.1澄粉、中筋麵粉不同加工處理 39
3.3.2澄粉、中筋麵粉加熱冷卻回凝次數 39
3.4實驗方法 40
3.4.1基本成分測定 40水分含量測定 40 灰分含量測定 40 粗蛋白含量測定 40 粗脂肪分含量測定 40直鏈澱粉含量測定 41
3.5回凝澱粉與抗性澱粉之製備與理化特性 42
3.5.1 回凝澱粉之製備 42
3.5.2掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察 42
3.5.3 示差掃描熱分析 42
3.5.4連續糊化黏度之測定 42
3.5.5可溶性澱粉含量測定 43
3.5.6熱水可溶性直鏈澱粉含量測定 43
3.5.7直鏈澱粉複合指數測定 44
3.5.8 X射線繞射法 44
3.5.9抗性澱粉製備及其生成量測定 44
3.5.10光學顯微鏡觀察 45
3.5.11統計分析 45第四章 結果與討論 46
4.1澄粉與中筋麵粉基本成分分析 46
4.2掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察 46
4.3 示差掃描熱分析 53
4.4連續糊化黏度之測定 58
4.5可溶性澱粉含量測定 58
4.6熱水可溶性直鏈澱粉含量 63
4.7直鏈澱粉複合指數測定 63
4.8 X射線繞射法 80
4.9澄粉與中筋麵粉經不同加工處理程序後抗性澱粉之生成率影響 81
4.10偏光顯微鏡觀察 82
第五章 結論 92
參考文獻 94

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