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研究生(外文):Lou, Kuo-Liang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Feeding Total Mixed Ration with Napier Grass and Distilled Sorghum Grain on Growth Performances, Carcass Characteristics and Chyme Passage Rate of Growing Ostriches
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, How-Hong
外文關鍵詞:OstrichTotal mixed rationGrowth performancesCarcass characteristicsNapier grass
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本試驗旨在探討利用台灣全年可生產之狼尾草與高粱酒糟,調配完全混合飼糧飼養生長期鴕鳥,測定其對鴕鳥生長性能、屠體性狀及食糜通過速率之影響。試驗ㄧ使用雜交之生長前期鴕鳥50隻,體重為9至21公斤,飼養於長5公尺×寬7公尺×高1公尺之水泥地面,進行35天的生長試驗。試驗處理分別為基礎飼糧、添加5%、10%、20%狼尾草及10%狼尾草+10%高梁酒糟等處理組,添加部份以等量乾物質替代基礎飼糧。於試驗開始及結束後各秤重一次,記錄其體重、體增重、乾物質採食量及計算飼料轉換率。試驗二使用雜交之生長後期鴕鳥20隻,平均體重為47.72 ± 5.89 公斤,分為4處理組,每處理5隻,飼養於長22公尺×寬12公尺×高1.6公尺之圈養沙質土地,進行120天的生長試驗。試驗處理分別為供給基礎飼糧組、添加20%、30%狼尾草及10%狼尾草+10%高梁酒糟,以等量乾物質替代基礎飼糧,飲水採任食。於試驗期間每30日秤重一次,記錄其體重、體增重、乾物質採食量及飼料轉換率;且於試驗進行第60及120日時,測定各處理組食糜通過速率。於生長試驗結束後,每處理組選取2隻鴕鳥進行屠宰與分切,以測定其屠宰率,各部位肉所佔之比例,並進行上肉之粗蛋白質、粗脂肪、肉色、蒸煮失重及剪切值之分析。試驗一結果顯示,對於體重10公斤左右之生長前期鴕鳥,雖已過了育雛階段,但對於每日所餵予的等乾物質的青割牧草量過多,其消化道的分解能力有限,易造成胃的阻塞;體重達14公斤以上之鴕鳥,對於草料的利用率較佳,可得到較佳的體增重。試驗二結果顯示,利用狼尾草及高粱酒糟調配完全混合飼糧,餵飼體重45至105公斤之生長階段鴕鳥,其隻日飼料採食量、總乾物質採食量、屠宰率、內臟(心、肝、小腸及肌胃)之重量,鴕鳥上等肉之粗蛋白質、粗脂肪含量,及肉色的L, a, b值等測定項目,在各處理組間均無顯著差異。於體重75公斤階段之鴕鳥,其食糜通過時間平均約52.3小時;體重105公斤階段之鴕鳥平均約54.2小時。飼糧中添加草料之處理組,其飼料轉換率(F/G)均顯著的優於只供給基礎飼糧之對照組,各處理組分別為4.95 ± 0.14、4.30 ± 0.17、4.23 ± 0.42 及基礎飼糧組為5.27 ± 0.17(P < 0.05)。在最終體重方面,添加草料之處理組亦顯著優於基礎飼糧處理組,各處理組體重分別為95.93 ± 1.10、101.89 ± 1.30,104.88 ± 3.30 及基礎飼糧組為90.75 ± 0.60公斤(P < 0.05)。總肉量佔屠體重之比例顯著提高,各處理組分別為46.85、44.49、47.65及基礎飼糧組為41.99%(P < 0.05);且鴕鳥體脂肪的重量佔屠體重之比例有顯著降低,各處理組分別為11.91、10.55,10.53及基礎飼糧組為13.54%(P < 0.05)。若以飼料消耗量及增重成本計算,約可降低15~29% 的飼料成本。綜合上述之結果顯示,利用狼尾草與高粱酒糟調配完全混合飼糧飼養生長期鴕鳥,可以改善其體增重,同時可以降低飼料成本,提高鴕鳥肉的產量,達到增加經濟效益之目的。
Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of feeding total mixed ration with napier grass or distilled sorghum grain on growth performances, carcass characteristics and chyme passage rate of growing ostriches. In Exp. 1, fifty cross breed ostriches at 9 to 21 kg of body weight were allotted into five trial pens (5m×7m×1m) for a growth trial for 35 days. The five dietary treatments were basal diet and supplemented with either 5, 10, 20% napier grass or 10% distilled sorghum grain plus 10% napier grass. All supplements were calculated in dry matter basis to substitute the basal diet. Body weights were measured on the first day and last day of the growth trial. Body weight gain and feed intake were recorded to calculate the feed conversion ratio (feed/gain). In Exp. 2, twenty cross breed growing ostriches at 47.72 ± 5.89 kg of average body weight were randomly allotted into 4 treatment groups with 5 birds in each pen (22m×12m×1.6m). The 4 dietary treatments were basal diet, and supplemented with either 20, 30% napier grass or 10% distilled sorghum grain plus 10% napier grass, all replacements were calculated in dry matter basis. Feed consumption was recorded daily, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio were calculated every 30 days for a total of 120 days period. The chyme passage rate were measured on the 60th and 120th day. Two birds from each treatment were processed by the end of growing experiment. The ostrich carcass dressing percentage, graded meat percentage, crude protein, crude fat, meat color, cooking loss and shear value of ostrich meat were measured. The results in Exp. 1, indicated that the ostriches at 10 kg body weight were easily caused stomach oppilate by feeding too much forage, while the birds at 14 kg and more body weight were efficiently utilize forage and had better body weight gain. The results in Exp. 2, indicated that ostriches fed with forage mixed total ration had higher body weight at 95.93、101.89、104.88 kg than the basal diet group at 90.75 kg (P < 0.05). The graded total meat percentage were at 46.85, 44.49, 47.65 vs. 41.99% (P < 0.05), and feed conversion ratio were at 4.95 ± 0.14, 4.30 ± 0.17, 4.23 ± 0.42 vs. 5.27 ± 0.17 (P < 0.05) for the treatment groups and basal diet group, respectinely. Feed cost was lowered by 15-29% for the treatment groups compared to the basal diet group. The body fat content were at 11.91, 10.55, 10.53% for the treatment groups compared to the basal diet group at 13.54% (P < 0.05). However, the dry matter intake, carcass dressing percentage, bowels (heart, liver, proventriculus and small intestines), crude protein, crude fat contents and color of ostrich meat were not significantly different among all groups. The average feed passage rate through digestive tract were about 52.3 and 54.2 hours for the ostriches at 75 kg and 105kg body weight. The overall results indicated that feeding total mixed ration with napier grass and distilled sorghum grain could improve body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and decrease feed cost on the production of ostriches.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖表目錄 IX
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、人工飼養鴕鳥的發展史與現況 3
(一)國內人工飼養鴕鳥發展的進程 4
(二)台灣與歐美鴕鳥利用之比較 4
(三)未來的發展與展望 5
二、鴕鳥之介紹 6
(一)鴕鳥的品種與特徵 7
(二)鴕鳥對環境的適應性 8
(三)人工飼養的採食方式 9
(四)野外的採食方式 9
(五)社會行為 10
(六)地域行為 10
(七)性行為 10
(八)鴕鳥之雌雄配比 11
(九)鴕鳥之公母鑑別 12
(十)繁殖特性 12
(十一)產蛋特性 13
三、鴕鳥的消化系統 14
(一)口(bill) 14
(二)食道(esophagus) 14
(三)腺胃與砂囊(proventriculus and gizzard) 15
(四)小腸(small intestine) 16
(五)盲腸(cecum) 16
(六)結直腸(colon-rectum) 16
(七)泄殖腔(cloaca) 17
四、鴕鳥的營養需要量 19
(一)飼料來源 19
(二)鴕鳥各階段營養分之需要量 20
五、不同月齡鴕鳥對纖維利用率和食糜通過速率之影響 26
(一)粗纖維之利用 26
(二)食糜通過速率 27
六、飼糧纖維含量對草食性家禽生長、屠體性狀之影響 28
(一)生長性能 28
(二)屠宰率、消化道長度與重量 29
(三)屠肉中之粗蛋白質、粗脂肪含量 31
叁、材料與方法 32
一、試驗一 餵飼狼尾草與高粱酒糟調配完全混合飼糧對生長前 期鴕鳥生長性能之影響 32
(一)試驗動物 32
(二)試驗分組與飼糧設計 32
(三)試驗期間 33
(四)試驗鴕鳥之飼養管理 33
(五)測定項目 33
(六)資料分析與統計 34
二、試驗二 餵飼狼尾草與高粱酒糟調配完全混合飼糧對生長後 期鴕鳥生長性能、屠體性狀及食糜通過速率之影響 36
(一)試驗動物 36
(二)試驗飼糧設計 36
(三)試驗期間 37
(四)試驗鴕鳥之飼養管理 37
(五)測定項目及分析方法 37
(六)資料分析與統計 48
肆、結果與討論 49
一、試驗一 餵飼狼尾草與高粱酒糟調配混合完全飼糧對生長前 期鴕鳥生長性能之影響 49
(一)生長性能 49
二、試驗二 餵飼狼尾草與高粱酒糟調配完全混合飼糧對生長後 期鴕鳥生長性能、食糜通過速率及屠體性狀之影響 53
(一)生長性能 53
(二)食糜通過速率 66
(三)屠體性狀 70
伍、結論 90
參考文獻 92
作者簡介 101
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