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研究生(外文):Kao Ging Chen
論文名稱(外文):Sexual behavior of sheep
指導教授(外文):Liang Chou Hsia
外文關鍵詞:General BehaviorEweRamSexual Behavior
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本研究之目的在探討母羊和公羊接觸時間內其行為變化之觀察記錄其結果,作為日後羊群飼養管理上之參考。同時進一步探討公母羊之行為狀態發生機制,供未來相同研究領域者之依據。本研究分為下列二個試驗,試驗一於西元2004年7月31日至2004年8月8日進行,使用巴貝多黑肚綿羊(Barbados Blackbelly)雜交種,公羊2隻,母羊12隻,同時分為兩區,將2隻公羊分別關入兩個欄位中,母羊每一欄6隻,並做行為觀察每分鐘記錄一次,連續9天。試驗二於西元2005年8月3日至2005年8月18日。同樣使用巴貝多黑肚綿羊(Barbados Blackbelly)雜交種,公羊4隻,母羊8隻,同時將1號公羊及1號母羊單獨關入6.8mX 2m之欄位中,進行行為觀察每分鐘記錄一次,連續48小時,觀察結束後,按照公、母羊號碼順序做每次一公一母,時間48小時之行為觀察。所觀察之行為包括:性行為包括公羊之鼻嗅(Smell)、駕乘(Mounting)、裂唇嗅(Flehmen)及下顎靠上(Chin up)等、母羊之扇尾(Tail waving)、回首(Head turning)、跟隨(Heel accompany)及蹲下(Squating)等。一般行為有站立(Standing)、躺臥(Lying)、攝食(Eating)、飲水(Drinking)、移動(Moving)、排糞(Defecaton)、排尿(Urination)、跳躍(Jumping)、睡(Sleeping)、轉圈(Circling)及打鬥(Fighting)、推撞 (Pushing)之社會行為等。
試驗結果:試驗一組1隻公羊與6隻母羊混養期間其公母羊性行為每小時記錄一次或連續9天之各項表現均很頻繁,尤其剛開始的第1-4天。公羊性行為之表現,除了下顎靠上無顯著差異外,鼻嗅、駕乘及裂唇嗅等皆有顯著差異(P<0.05)。一日之表現集中在上午08:00-12:00點及深夜至凌晨22:00-02:00點,其中以鼻嗅48%>駕乘26%>裂唇嗅22%>下顎靠上4%。母羊性行為除了跟隨有顯著差異(P<0.01) 外,扇尾、回首及蹲下等無顯著差異。一日之表現集中在08:00-14:00點,20:00-22:00及01:00-06:00點,其中以扇尾52%>回首32%>跟隨14%>蹲下2%。一般行為各項表現以剛開始的第一天影響最大,其9天比較在公羊站立及躺臥有顯著差異(P<0.01),其他無顯著差異。在母羊方面則以排糞及跳躍無顯著差異(P>0.05),排尿(P<0.05)顯著差異外,其他皆有極顯著差異(P<0.001)。
Purpose observation his result that behavior change their in probing into ewe and contact time ram of research this, be regarded as in the future the flocks of sheep will raise managerial reference. It is probed into further that at the same time the mechanism takes place in the physiology of the male ewe or the behavior state, basis of the person who supports the same research field of future. This research is divided into the following two tests, test and go on from July 31 of A.D. 2004 to August 8, 2004, use the black belly sheep of Barbados (Barbados Blackbelly) Coeno-species, 2 ram, 12 ewes, are divided into two districts at the same time, shuts 2 ram in entering in two fields respectively, ewe every column 6, do behavior is it write down once minute while being every to observe, it takes 9 days in succession. Test two from August 3 of A.D. 2005 to August 18, 2005. Use the ram belly sheep of Barbados too (Barbados Blackbelly) Coeno-species, 4ram, 8 of ewe, and ewe imprison enter field, 6.8mX of 2m alone one size 1 ram at the same time, observe the behavior to write down once every minute, 48 hours in succession, after observing, according to common, ewe number order make common one mother each time, time behavior for 48 hours observe. The behaviors observed include: Nose, sexual behavior of Ram take (Smell) , (Mounting) , (Flehmen) And (Chin up) .ewe (Tail waving) , (Head turning) , (Heel accompany) And (Squating) Wait for the behavior. The general behavior (Standing) , (Lying) , (Eating) , r (Drinking) , (moving) , (Defecaton) , (Urination) , (Jumping) , (Sleeping) , (Circling) And (Fighting) , is it bump (Pushing) Social behavior,etc.
Result of the test test one group 1 between buck and 6 ewe mix male ewe sexual behavior their write down one or every for one day behave very much frequent in succession per hour when raising, one one day not beginning just especially. Behavior of Ram sexual behavior, except that Chin up have not showing difference,not take smell, Flehmen and mounting a for difference of showing (0.05 of P<s) . One day behavior a.m. without being concentrated on 08:00- one o'clock and night, to 22:00 before dawn - one o'clock,among them last 48% with smell> mounting 26%> Flehmen 22%> 4% Chin up ,Heel accompany and show the difference (P<0.01) in except ewe's sexual behavior Outside, the end of the Tail waving、 Head turning and squating no difference of showing inferiorly The behavior of one day concentrates on o'clock 08:00 - 14:00, 20:00 22:00 and 01:00- one o'clock,among them by Tail waving 52% of ends> Head turning 32%> heel accompany14%> squat ing2%. General every behavior it behaves to be most influential in order to first day not beginning just, compare in ram standing and is it have difference of showing to couch one day (P<0.01) ,The others have no difference of showing. Have not been showing the difference (P> 0.05) in order to Defecation and jumping in ewe ,Urination (P<0.05) Show difference, is it show difference very much to have all while being other (P<0.001).
Test ram and a ewe of 1 two groups and mix and raise the sexual behavior of 48 hours in succession to observe, except ram test one group of on average frequent slightly tired to reduce than to have sexual behavior ram, ewe's sexual behavior behaves not very apparent.
Synthesize research this result find, concentrate mother flocks of sheep on is it influence behavior of sexual behavior good to a ram than single ewe to stimulate one ram in rail. And is in heat the breeding and concentrate on in the morning the time to knock into is the same with fighting and pushing away with the ewe from night to before dawn. Ewe general behavior of behavior can and ram mix and raise but influence first day. At the same time the ewe all has regularity trends to standing and moving the behavior and adopt the behavior of Eating, and the peak appear one day one hour probably every six hours equally.
摘要 …………………………………………………………….…………I
Abstract …………………………………………………..…………….………III
誌謝 …….………………………………………………………….……………V
目錄 …….…………………………………………………………….………...VI
圖表目錄 …….…………………………………………………….……………X
壹、前言 ….……………………………………………………………..………1
(一)公羊之生殖系統 ...………………………………………………2
1.生精作用 .….……………………………………………………4
(三)母羊之生殖系統. ..………………………………………………5
(四)母羊之發身、發情、動情週期與懷孕期……………………… 9
1.發身……………………………………………………………… 9
3.動情週期..……………………………………………………… 12
4.懷孕期…….……………………………………….…………… 16
(五)公羊之季節性的表現 …….……………………………………16
(六)母羊之季節性生殖……….……………………….…………… 17
1.光週期與季節性生殖之關係 ………………………………… 17
2.松果腺與季節性生殖之關係 ………………………………… 18
3.褪黑素與季節性生殖之關係…..……………………………… 19
(七)母羊乏情期間人工調節方.…….……………………………… 20
二、羊性行為之發生………………………………………………… 21
(一)公羊之性行為 ………………………………………………… 21
1.公羊性行為之模式 .………………………………………… 21
2.性行為之強度 .……………………………………………… 21
3.刺激性行為之發生 .………………………………………… 22
4.公羊性行為之生理因子. .…………………………………… 23
5.不正常之性行為 ...…………………..……………………… 25
6.性行為與精液收集 ..………………..…………………………26
7.公羊在刺激母羊配種活動中的角色 …..……………………. 26
(二)母羊之性行為 .…….……………….…….……………….……27
1.發情行為 ….…….……………………..……………………….27
3.母羊性行為之生理因子 ………………..……………………...27
4.不正常之發情行為 ….…………………..……………………..28
(三)公母羊性行為 ….………………………..……………………..29
三、影響羊性行為之因子 ….…………………..……………………34
(二)季節 ..………………………………………..………………….34
(三)光照 ..……………………………………..…………………….35
(四)環境 …..…………………………………..…………………….40
(五)品種…...……………………………………..…………………. 42
(六)年齡 …......………………………………….………………… .42
(七)飼養管理 .....…..……………………………….…………….…43
(八)其他 …….…..………………………………….………….……48
參、材料與方法…………………………………………………………. 49
三、統計分析…………………………………………………………… 54
肆、結果與討論 55
伍、結論 84
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