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研究生(外文):Tzu-Yi Wang
論文名稱(外文):Remote Sensing of Forest Health Monitor- An Illustration of Tamsui River Mangrove Natural Reserve
指導教授(外文):Chaur-Tzuhn Chen
外文關鍵詞:Kandelia obovataNormalized difference vegetation indexHealth monitorSatellite imageWater pollution
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植群健康監測(Forest health monitor, FHM)為森林生態系經營之重要工作,而衛星遙測影像之光譜資料可大面積的推估植生指標(Vegetation index)及葉面積指數(Leaf area index, LAI),其為植群健康監測之重要指標。本研究以淡水竹圍紅樹林之水筆仔(Kandelia obovata)為研究範圍,利用1994年至2005年不同生長季節之多期SPOT衛星影像,進行常態化差異植生指標(Normal different vegetation index, NDVI)分析,以推估淡水河水筆仔紅樹林NDVI之十年間變異及季節性變化,並配合水文及水質資料,探討淡水河紅樹林之保育問題。結果顯示近十年水筆仔紅樹林之NDVI由0.265增加為0.465,季節間變化以夏季為最高約0.450 0.045,春季次之約0.407 0.054,秋季再次之約0.321 0.067,而冬季為最低0.316 0.075,各不同季節間具有顯著差異,而雖然水污染程度指標(River pollution index, RPI)由1994年RPI=1(未受污染)至2005年RPI=6.75(嚴重污染),顯示有逐漸嚴重之趨勢,但對水筆仔紅樹林的生長並不產生影響,唯水質污染是否造成水筆仔紅樹林棲地其他生物之影響,則有待研究。本研究應用SPOT衛星影像,推算出NDVI,配合LAI-2000植物冠叢分析儀所量測之LAI,建立LAI與NDVI之關係模式。研究結果以夏季的直線迴歸關係(R2=0.622)模擬效果最佳,利用NDVI與LAI之關係模式,可繪製出淡水河紅樹林自然保留區水筆仔葉面積指數分布圖,此分布圖未來可供為空間性與時間性變化之監測資訊。而重金屬的沉積並未對於紅樹林植生產生影響,紅樹林會將其吸附之。無線感測技術,經測試結果為可行之技術,並可即時傳輸連續性資訊,可作為有效的監測紅樹林地區之方法。
Forest health monitoring (FHM) is important for forest management. The spectral characteristics of satellite images can be used in large areas for estimating vegetation index (VI) and leaf area index (LAI). The VI and LAI are important indices for grading forest healthy. This study was conducted in the mangrove of Kandelia obovata in Tamsui River Mangrove Natural Reserve, and utilized the multi-temporal SPOT images in different growing seasons between 1994 and 2005. We applied normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to detect the changed of decennium and seasonal variation in Tamsui River Mangrove Natural Reserve. We also incorporated the NDVI, hydrology data and water quality data to analyze the conservation issue of the Tamsui River Mangrove. The results revealed that the mangrove NDVI increased from 0.265 to 0.465 in past ten years. The results showed that there were significant differences among the seasonal changed of NDVI, 0.450 0.045 in summer, 0.407 0.054 in spring, 0.321 0.067 in autumn, and 0.316 0.075 in winter. The river pollution index (RPI) of Tamsui River mangrove in 1994 RPI=1, and 6.75 in 2005. The results can not be obtained from the satellite images, and needs to be further studied.
LAI is an important factor used to determine the nutrient cycle in a forest ecosystem. Traditionally, the investigation of LAI did not only require a great deal of time and manpower, but also was difficult to estimate the spatial distribution in a large study area. In this study, we integrated the NDVI which was analyzed from SPOT satellite image and the ground surveying data which was collected from LAI-2000 plant canopy analyzer (Li-Cor Inc., NY). The NDVI and LAI were used to construct a simulating relation model. LAI-2000 data was use for mapping the LAI spread of Kandelia obovata in Tamsui River Mangrove Natural Reserve. We discussed the implication of using remotely sensed data to estimate LAI model that was taken from the spatial and temporal variations. The coefficients of determination (R2) calculated for relationships between the NDVI and LAI showed that summer (R2=0.622) was superior to other seasons. The results of assessing metal contamination in mangrove sediments from Tamsui River Mangrove Natural Reserve showed that metal contamination was not a menace to the mangrove, since it was adsorbed by the mangrove.
目 錄

摘 要 I
Abstract III
誌 謝 V
目 錄 VI
圖表目錄 X
壹、前言 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 2
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、紅樹林的生態意義 3
(一)紅樹林的生態地位 3
(二)河口沖積與紅樹林分布之關係 5
(三)紅樹林的功能、保育現況與所面臨的危機 7
二、遙感探測與紅樹林健康之關係 8
(一)葉面積指數與森林健康之關係 8
(二)遙感探測與葉面積指數之關係 9
(三)遙感探測於紅樹林監測之應用 10
三、水質污染對於紅樹林生長之影響 13
(一)紅樹林的土壤化學循環 13
(二)重金屬污染物之危害 14
(三)重金屬污染對紅樹林生育地的影響 19
四、無線感測技術於生態上之研究 22
(一)格網運算技術 22
(二)無線傳輸與遠端監控系統 24
參、材料與方法 27
一、研究區概況 27
(一)地理位置 27
(二)氣候 28
(三)土壤性質 28
(四)植物資源 28
二、研究材料 29
(一)遙測影像資料 29
(二)水質污染資料 31
(三)紅樹林葉面積指數量測 31
(四)土壤與葉片重金屬含量量測 32
(五)MOTES無線感測資料 32
三、研究方法 33
(一)研究流程 33
(二)紅樹林植生指標之長期與季節性變化 35
(三)紅樹林健康狀況之評估 36
(四)水污染對紅樹林健康之影響 39
(五)無線感測技術對紅樹林健康監測之應用 41
肆、結果 45
一、淡水河紅樹林自然保留區之植生指標變化 45
(一)1994-2005年植生量之變化分析 45
(二)水筆仔紅樹林植生綠度之季節變化 47
二、水筆仔紅樹林森林健康評估 49
(一)葉面積指數之地面調查 49
(二)LAI與NDVI關係模式之建立 52
(三)水筆仔紅樹林健康度之推估 54
三、水質污染對水筆仔紅樹林生長之影響 56
(一)1994-2005年間水質污染變化 56
(二)水筆仔紅樹林之土壤重金屬沉積 57
(三)水筆仔紅樹林之葉片重金屬沉積 60
(四)土壤、葉片重金屬沉積與水筆仔紅樹林之健康狀態 62
四、無線感測於水筆仔紅樹林健康度監測之應用 64
(一)電量有效性測試評估 64
(二)GPS定位精確度評估 66
(三)溫度感測功能評估 68
(四)無線網路傳輸功能評估 69
(五)無線感測之設置與網頁設計 71
伍、討論 74
一、水質污染對水筆仔紅樹林之影響 74
二、水筆仔紅樹林植生之變化 76
三、水筆仔紅樹林健康狀況之評估 78
四、無線感測技術於紅樹林健康度監測之應用 79
陸、結論 81
參考文獻 83
作者簡介 93
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