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研究生(外文):Ben-Yuan Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Diurnal Photosynthesis and Carbon Gains in Canopy Leaves of Cinnamomum camphora, Ficus microcarpa, Bischofia javanica, and Alstonia scholaris at Two Different Environments in the China Steel Corporation
指導教授(外文):Yau-Lun Kuo
外文關鍵詞:air pollutionCO2 concentrationlight intensitymean diurnal photosynthetic ratephotoinhibition
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結果發現,此四種樹種一天中最大淨光合作用率多出現在上午。在春季、夏季及秋季,過高的太陽輻射及葉溫會使各樹種的光合作用率有光抑制現象,導致淨光合作用率降低,但在冬季則不會。在行政區,樟樹、黑板樹及茄冬12個測定日的日平均光合作用率分別為8.36、3.54及4.04 µmol CO2 m-2s-1,換算成一日碳固定量分別為13.4、5.6及6.4 g CO2 m-2d-1,樟樹日平均光合作用率顯著高於黑板樹及茄冬。在高爐區,樟樹、黑板樹及榕樹10個測定日的日平均光合作用率分別為7.26、2.49及5.67 µmol CO2 m-2s-1,分別可換算成12.0、4.3及9.4 g CO2 m-2d-1的碳固定量,樟樹日平均光合作用率顯著高於榕樹,而榕樹該數值又顯著高於黑板樹。2005-2006年的冬季,樟樹在行政區植株的日平均光合作用率顯著高於高爐區,但在其他季節則兩區無顯著差異。黑板樹在行政區的日平均光合作用率,於2005年春季、夏季、及2006年春季均顯著高於高爐區的同種植株,顯示高爐區黑板樹的生理活動可能遭受逆境。栽植於行政區的樟樹,在2005年夏季有最高的一日碳固定量(16.6 g CO2 m-2d-1),顯著高於同年的秋季及2004年的冬季。在高爐區的樟樹,則於2005年秋季有最高的一日碳固定量(15.6 g CO2 m-2d-1)。黑板樹、茄冬及榕樹則皆於2005年秋季有最高的一日碳固定量。中鋼公司全廠區共有喬木20,717株,由本研究四種主要樹種的ㄧ日碳固定量推估中鋼公司喬木全年可吸收約1740噸的CO2。
Diurnal and seasonal patterns of photosynthesis in canopy leaves of Cinnamomum camphora, Ficus microcarpa, Bischofia javanica, and Alstonia scholaris were studied at two sites in China Steel Corporation. One was the administration site of less air-polluted and the other was the operation site of highly air-polluted. Measurements were taken from January 2005 to March 2006. The aim of this study was to predict the amount of carbon gains by these trees.
Results showed that the highest net photosynthetic rate of the four trees occured in the morning of a day. In spring, summer, and fall, there were excess solar radiation and high leaf temperature, which incurred photoinhibition in the process of photosynthesis of each species. Consequently, the net photosynthetic rates were reduced. No such photoinhibition occurred in winter. Based on measurements taken in twelve days at the administration site, the mean diurnal photosynthetic rates of C. camphora, A. scholaris, and B. javanica were 8.36, 3.54, and 4.04 µmol CO2 m-2s-1 respectively, equivalent to 13.40, 5.56, and 6.40 g CO2 m-2d-1 of diurnal carbon dioxide fixation. Mean diurnal photosynthetic rate of C. camphora was significantly higher than A. scholaris and B. javanica. According to measurements taken in ten days at the operation site, mean diurnal photosynthetic rates of C. camphora, A. scholaris, and F. microcarpa were 7.26, 2.49, and 5.67 µmol CO2 m-2s-1 respectively, equivalent to 12.04, 4.25, and 9.42 g CO2 m-2d-1 of diurnal carbon dioxide fixation. Mean diurnal photosynthetic rate of C. camphora was significantly higher than that of F. microcarpa, which was significantly higher than that of A. scholaris. In the winter between 2005 and 2006, the mean diurnal photosynthetic rate of C. camphora at the administration site were significantly higher than at the operation site. But there were no significant differences between the both sites in other seasons. As for A. scholaris, the mean diurnal photosynthetic rate at the administration site in the spring, summer, and fall of 2005, as well as the spring of 2006 were significantly higher than at the operation site. It revealed that the biological activity of A. scholaris might have been under stress in the operation site. Cinnamomum camphora at the administration site had the highest diurnal carbon dioxide fixation (16.60 g CO2 m-2d-1) in the summer of 2005, which was significantly higher than that in the fall and in the winter of 2004. On the other hand, the highest diurnal carbon dioxide fixation (15.64 g CO2 m-2d-1) at the operation site was in the fall of 2005. Alstonia scholaris, B. javanica, and F. microcarpa all had the highest diurnal carbon fixation in the fall of 2005. There were 20,717 trees in China Steel Corporation. By the amount of diurnal carbon dioxide fixation of the four main trees in this study, we estimated that all the trees in China Steel Corporation could absorb 1,740 tons of CO2 within a year.
We further analyed carbon dioxide fixation of each tree during the day and the environmental factors as well by stepwise multiple regression. It was found out that the mean diurnal photosynthetic rate of C. camphora at the administration site was mainly influenced by the average daily light intensity. The mean diurnal photosynthetic rates of A. scholaris and B. javanica were mainly affected by the average daily CO2 concentration. At the operation site, the mean diurnal photosynthetic rates of the three species were mainly affected by the average daily light intensity.
Based on the diurnal photosynthetic patterns of canopy leaves in both sites, it was found out that the diurnal carbon dioxide fixation of the four main trees could be estimated by the mean diurnal photosynthetic rates measured at 11 am and 2 pm.
摘 要 I
Abstract III
誌 謝 VI
圖表目錄 XII
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、二氧化碳固定量之估測方法 3
(一)樹冠層光合作用率日變化之測定 3
(二)以生物量推估二氧化碳固定量 5
二、影響光合作用的環境因子 6
(一)光 6
(二)溫度 7
(三)二氧化碳濃度 8
參、材料與方法 10
一、試驗環境概述 10
(一)地理位置 10
(二)試驗地植物栽植狀況 11
(三)中國鋼鐵公司氣候狀況 14
二、樹種選擇及平台之搭設 15
三、樣木生理活動的測定 16
四、試驗樹種一日二氧化碳固定量之估算 18
五、資料分析 19
(一)試驗樣木二氧化碳之固定量 19
(二)多元迴歸分析 19
肆、結果 20
一、試驗樹種日平均光合作用率 20
(一)四種試驗樹種在中鋼公司兩區之日平均光合作用率 20
(二)屏科大校園試驗樹種日平均光合作用率 24
二、樹冠層葉部淨光合作用率日變化 26
(一)四種供試樹種之淨光合作用率與光量的關係 26
(二)淨光合作用率及光量的日變化 32
三、一日二氧化碳固定量之比較 37
(一)不同樹種間一日二氧化碳固定量之比較 37
(二)相同樹種各季節在不同試區的一日固碳量比較 37
(三)相同樹種相同試區在不同季節的一日固碳量之比較 41
四、中鋼公司試驗樹種全年CO2總固定量 42
(一)試驗樹種葉面積之估算 42
(二)在不同季節間試驗樹種的CO2總固定量 43
五、影響冠層葉光合作用率環境因子 46
(一)日平均光合作用率與日平均環境因子間的關係 46
(二)各樹種單一測定日光合作用率日變化與測定時環境因子間的關係 48
1.行政區 48
2.高爐區 51
3.屏科大校園 54
六、四樹種短時間光合作用率與一日CO2固定量之關係 57
(一)綜合二試區短時間光合作用率與一日CO2固定量迴歸分析 57
(二)行政區短時間光合作用率與一日CO2固定量迴歸分析 61
(三)高爐區短時間光合作用率與一日CO2固定量迴歸分析 61
伍、討論 64
一、樹冠層光量與淨光合作用率之關係 64
二、四種主要樹種在中鋼公司及屏科大校園的生理活動比較 65
(一)中鋼公司行政區及高爐區 65
(二)屏科大校園 65
(三)兩地區之比較 66
三、不同季節間一日二氧化碳固定量之比較 67
四、本研究結果與不同地區樹種生理活動之比較 68
五、影響冠層葉光合作用率日變化環境因子之探討 70
六、以迴歸式推估一日二氧化碳固定量之比較 71
七、由二氧化碳固定效益建議中鋼公司栽植之樹種 72
陸、結論 73
參考文獻 75
附錄 84
作者簡介 95
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