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研究生(外文):Yi-Siang Huang
論文名稱(外文):Ecological studies and development of physical control on Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell)
指導教授(外文):Tsui-Ying ChangWen-Shiung Wu
外文關鍵詞:pineappleDysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell)ecological studyphysical controlphysiological disorder
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本研究自2004年6月至2005年7間分別調查台農17號及台農11號鳳梨田中之有害生物相及其周年族群密度,得知在昆蟲綱中以鳳梨粉介殼蟲(Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell))的數量最高,且其發生密度在2004年10-11月與2005年4-5月間最高;膜翅目蟻科的豐度會隨著鳳梨粉介殼蟲的族群增加而提高。在定溫25±1℃,相對濕度75±5%,光週期12L:12D環境下飼育鳳梨粉介殼蟲,卵期約6.5±1.5天;一、二齡若蟲期約8.7±2.1及9.5±1.7天;雄、雌三齡若蟲分別約為8.1±2.3及8.0±2.0天;且雄成蟲之壽命比雌成蟲短,雌、雄成蟲之壽命分別約7.3±3.1天與4.1±2.0天;二齡若蟲之死亡率最高,約41.2%,成蟲性比為1:3。在物理防治法試驗中,分別利用溫湯、蒸熱及冷水分別對鳳梨粉介殼蟲卵、若及成蟲進行耐受性比較,結果顯示在耐熱與耐冷性來看成蟲均比若蟲及卵為佳。若利用60℃,3mins、63℃,2mins與65℃,1min對鳳梨果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲進行溫湯處理均可達100%防治效果,但利用溫湯處理後因果實失水率增加而導致冠芽產生輕微的乾枯,經冷藏後,可以解決失水率增加的問題,但會有生理性病害產生;利用溫湯殺蟲處理來防治幼苗上的鳳梨粉介殼蟲,以55℃,10mins與57℃,5mins的殺蟲效果最為理想。若以67℃,5mins、65℃,10mins及70℃,1min對鳳梨果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲進行蒸熱處理雖可達100%防治效果,但蒸熱處理後果實情形與溫湯處理後相似,果實亦出現失水現象,冠芽產生輕微乾枯;而利用蒸熱處理來防治幼苗上的鳳梨粉介殼蟲,則是以55℃,25mins效果最為理想。以3℃,15mins及5℃,20mins針對果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲進行冷水處理可達100%之殺蟲效果,且處理後對鳳梨果實品質並無影響;利用冷水處理來防治幼苗上的鳳梨粉介殼蟲,以0℃,12mins、-2℃,8mins及-4℃,8mins的殺蟲效果最佳。而在果實生理病害調查試驗中,將台農11號、台農13號及台農17號放入7℃下儲藏,其中台農17號發生生理病害的情形較為嚴重,台農11號次之,台農13號最低;若儲藏溫度越低,則產生生理病害的情形越為嚴重。
Investigated on the annual occurrence and species of pineapple pests were undertaken from June 2004 to July 2005. This study was conducted on the Tainung No.17 and Tainung No.11 pineapple strains. Results show that the most common species was the Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell), which belongs to Insecta, Homoptera, Pseudococcidae. This D. brevipes showed a high frequency of appearance during the October to November in 2004, as well as April to May in 2005; the ant population rose in conjunction with high mealybugs population. The developmental time of eggs on pineapple mealybugs, requires 6.5±1.5 days at 25±1℃, RH 75±5%, 12L:12D photoperiod, when reared on the Tainung No.17 pineapple leaves. The developmental time of 1st instar required 8.7±2.1days; 2nd instar required 9.5±1.7days; 3rd instar of males and females required 8.1 and 8.0 days, respectively. The longevities of female and male adults were 7.3 and 4.1 days, respectively; the mortality of the 2nd instar was the highest, at approximately 41.2%. The sex ratio of 3:1(♀:♂) was estimated by the adult count. Application of hot water, hot vapor and cold water, for controlling pineapple mealybugs in this physical control experiment. The data showed adult thermotolerance and cold-tolerance was better than that of the larvae. Application of hot water treatment (60℃, 3 mins; 63℃, 2 mins and 65℃, 1 min) to control pineapple mealybugs on pineapple fruit have 100% success, but fruit weight loss increase and crown blight of pineapple fruit, after cold storage, will decide this question. Hot water treatment (55℃, 10mins, 57℃, 5 mins) to control pineapple mealybugs on seedlings has a very good result. Vapor hot treatment at 67 ℃, 5 mins; 5℃, 10 mins; 70℃, 1min, resulted in 100% mortality of adults, but caused fruit weight loss and crown blight. Hot vapor at 55℃ for 25 mins against pineapple mealybugs caused 100% mortality of adults on seedlings. Cold water at 3℃, 5mins and 5℃, 20mins, caused no damage to pineapple fruit and adult mortality reached 100% in seedlings for 0℃, 12 mins; -2℃, 8 mins; -4℃, 8 mins have good outcome. Tainung No.11, Tainung No.13 and Tainung No.17 placed in cold storage (7℃), especially Tainung No.17, incurred serious physiological disorder during storage temperature.
(一) 各齡期形態特徵…………………………………….5
(二) 生活史…………………………………………………6
(一) 藥劑防治………………………………………………9
(二) 生物防治…………………………………………10
(一) 熱處理在害蟲防治上之應用……………………….11
(二) 冷處理在害蟲防治上之應用……………………….12
(一) 熱處理及冷處理對果實生理反應………………….13
(二) 熱處理及冷處理對果實品質之影響……………….14
` 二、供試蟲源及飼育……………………………………............19
(一) 溫湯處理對卵孵化之影響…………………………20
(二) 溫湯處理對若蟲與成蟲發育之影響……………20
(一) 蒸熱處理對卵孵化之影響…………………………20
(二) 蒸熱處理對若蟲與成蟲發育之影響……………..21
(一) 冷水處理對卵孵化之影響…………………………...21
(二) 冷水處理對若蟲與成蟲發育之影響……………..21
(一) 溫湯處理對鳳梨幼苗上鳳梨粉介殼蟲之
(二) 蒸熱處理對鳳梨幼苗上鳳梨粉介殼蟲之
(三) 冷水處理對鳳梨幼苗上鳳梨粉介殼蟲之
(一) 溫湯處理對鳳梨果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲之
(二) 蒸熱處理對鳳梨果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲之
(三) 冷水處理對鳳梨果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲之
(一) 溫湯處理對鳳梨幼苗生育之影響........................25
(二) 蒸熱處理對鳳梨幼苗生育之影響……….…................25
(三) 冷水處理對鳳梨幼苗生育之影響……….…................26
(一) 溫湯處理對鳳梨果實品質之影響………..................26
(二) 蒸熱處理對鳳梨果實品質之影響……………..............27
(三) 冷水處理對鳳梨果實品質之影響……………..............27
(一) 不同鳳梨品種果實經過7℃儲藏7天後
(二) 不同產地之鳳梨果實在不同冷藏溫度下
(一) 溫湯處理對鳳梨幼苗上鳳梨粉介殼蟲
(二) 蒸熱處理對鳳梨幼苗上鳳梨粉介殼蟲
(三) 冷水處理對鳳梨幼苗上鳳梨粉介殼蟲
(一) 溫湯處理對鳳梨果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲
(二) 蒸熱處理對鳳梨果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲
(三) 冷水處理對鳳梨果實上鳳梨粉介殼蟲
(一) 溫湯處理對鳳梨幼苗生育之影響………..........37
(二) 蒸熱處理對鳳梨幼苗生育之影響………..........37
(三) 冷水處理對鳳梨幼苗生育之影響………..........37
(一) 溫湯處理對鳳梨果實品質之影響…...……..........38
(二) 蒸熱處理對鳳梨果實品質之影響……….............40
(三) 冷水處理對鳳梨果實品質之影響……….............40

(一) 不同鳳梨品種果實經過7℃儲藏7天後生理
(二) 不同產地之鳳梨果實在不同冷藏溫度下
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