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研究生(外文):Horng-Chang Wu
論文名稱(外文):Relationships among Justice Perception Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Ingratiation Behavior
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Chen Lin
外文關鍵詞:Organizational justiceOrganizational commitmentOrganizational trustMotivationOrganizational citizenship behaviorsIngratiation BehaviorPerformance
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The situation of Mainland China Armed Forces continues growing, and Taiwan Armed Forces budgget cutting, downsizing over ten thousands military between 1966 and 1976, Result in reduce the army personnel number down to 275000 members. The Armed Forces are getting more focused on smaller and stronger to modernize the national defensive posture. The Air Force is working actively on down-playing and upgrading manpower programs to comply with the Department of Defense's downsizing police. The management level can use the results as the reference for drawing up the “organizational change” follow-up plan, which would reduce internal resistance, facilitate the enforcement of reform policy, improve work efficiency, and achieve the goal. The basic level study and discution this situation extensively. What kind of the organizational change’s perceptions cause the different pressure reactions among the staves? This can affect the promise made by organizational commitment in the future. The objective of this study is to investigate the Relationships among justice, perception citizenship behavior and ingratiation behavior. This study utilizes factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, differential analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to complete the associated research. The results of the analyses are described as follow: 1.Organizational change justice recognition showed partially significant difference about the organizational citizenship behaviors, ingratiation behavior. 2. Organizational change justice recognition, organizational citizenship behaviors, ingratiation behavior had partially significant correlation. 3. Organizational change justice recognition, among organizational commitment, organizational trust, motivation, organizational citizenship behaviors, ingratiation behavior, had partially significant correlation. In accordance with the results of the study, were provided the strategies of the The Armed Forces and for future study reference.
摘 要 I
Abstract III
誌 謝 V
目 錄 VI
圖表目錄 VIII
第壹章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
第貳章 文獻探討 3
2.1 組織公正 3
2.1.1 組織公正的定義 3
2.1.2 組織公正的分類 3
2.1.3 組織公正的構面 4
2.2組織承諾 10
2.2.1 組織承諾的定義 10
2.2.2 組織承諾的分類 10
2.2.3 組織承諾的構面 12
2.3組織信任 13
2.2.1 信任 13
2.2.2 組織信任的定義 13
2.2.3 組織信任的構面 15
2.4動機 16
2.2.1 動機的定義 16
2.2.2 動機的構面 17
2.5組織公民行為 20
2.2.1 組織公民行為的定義 20
2.2.2 組織公民行為的構面 20
2.6逢迎 23
2.2.1逢迎的定義 23
2.2.2逢迎的構面 24
2.7研究假設與假設推導 26
第參章 研究方法 31
3.1 研究架構 31
3.2 研究變數操作性定義及測量 32
3.2.1 操作性定義 32
3.2.2 抽樣方法與樣本分析方法 38
3.3 分析方法 42
第肆章 研究結果與分析 44
4.1 研究變數之描述性統計與相關分析 44
係數分析 44
4.1.2各變項之相關分析 46
4.2 差異性檢定 51
4.2.1性別與於各變數之獨立性t檢定 51
4.2.2婚姻與於各變數之獨立性t檢定 55
4.2.3年齡與各變數之單因子變異數分析 58
4.2.4教育程度與各變數之單因子變異數分析 61
4.2.5服務年資與各變數之單因子變異數分析 64
4.2.6現職單位服務年資與各變數之單因子變異數分析 67
4.2.7員工官階與各變數之單因子變異數分析 70
4.2.8 主管職務與各變數之單因子變異數分析 72
4.3 假設檢驗 74
第伍章 結論與建議 86
5.1 研究結果與討論 86
5.2 管理之意涵 94
5.3 研究限制與建議 97
參考文獻 99
附錄:研究問卷 108
作者簡介 115
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