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研究生(外文):Lieh-Tang Wu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of the Real Gas Model Effect with a PARAM
指導教授(外文):Ting-Lung Chiang
外文關鍵詞:wing-in-ground craftNACA-4412power augmentation of ramwing in ground
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飛機在接近地面或水面飛行時會產生翼地效應而使飛機能產生額外的昇力,具有省油、且高續航力的特性。但是飛翼船在水面上或地面上起飛時水的波浪會帶來很大的阻力,然而起飛時飛翼船需要有輔助設備以增加起飛時的昇力,使得能在短暫的時間內起飛。本文藉由數值方法以對一特定三維翼型NACA-4412,研究其地面效應下的昇力及阻力,並驗証其解的準確性和可行性。接著模擬翼前以衝壓增加動力翼(PAR : Power Augmentation of Ram),探討噴射氣流對地面效應下的昇力、阻力、流場分佈情形。並探討不同馬赫數時在不同角度噴射氣流對機翼的影響。由結果可看出在離地起飛時(H=0.1c)時動力輔增系統與機身夾角α為15°時昇力最好,可以在最短暫的時間下迅速地起飛,然而飛行高度到達巡航飛行高度(H=0.5c)時動力輔增系統與機身夾角α為0°時昇力最佳。
When vehicles travel close to the ground or to the surface of water, the resulting wing-in-ground effect will produce extra lift, which is characterized by fuel- savings, and high endurance. However, when the wing-in-ground craft takes off on the surface of water (or on the ground) the waves of water will generate a large amount of drag , but the wing-in-ground craft flies while taking off, and requires auxiliary equipment in order to increase the lift, so that it can take off within transient time.
This text studies the lift and drag, under the ground effect, for a specific three-dimensional NACA-4412 wing with the CFD, verify its accuracy and solve the problem of feasibility. Before then, there is a simulation of the wing using PAR(Power Augmentation of Ram), probing into and spraying the air current to the lift and drag, field flows and the situation is distributed under the ground effect. Also, there is a probe into different Mach numbers and spray impact on the wing by the air current at different angles. The best lift can be achieved with power complement and increasing the system, and when the fuselage contained angle α is 15 degrees before taking off, by the result (H=0.1c), it can take off rapidly within the most transient time. However, it has the best lift when being at 0 degrees that power complements and increases the system, and the fuselage contained angle α when the flight height reaches and cruises at flight height (H=0.5c).
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 全文概述 5
第2章 翼地效應機之介紹 6
2.1 翼地效應機飛行模式飛行模式 11
2.2 昇力(Lift)的形成 14
2.3 阻力(Drag)的形成 15
2.4 翼地效應 17
第3章 翼地效應機之設計理念 20
3.1 優越的性能 20
3.2 限制條件 21
3.3 翼地效應機之總類 22
3.4 輔助起飛設計 23
第4章 研究方法 26
4.1 數值方法 26
4.2 有限容積法分析Navirer-Stokes方程式 29
4.2.1 Spalart-Allmaras 紊流模式 29
4.2.2 壓力入口邊界條件 32
4.3 模型之建構及結果驗證 34
4.4 模擬具有衝壓增加動力翼邊界條件設定 39
4.5 分析流程 44
第5章 結果與討論 45
5.1 離地0.1C時,高壓氣流在不同α 角時對昇力影響 45
5.1.1 噴氣口夾角α為15 °與0 °之比較 48
5.1.2 噴氣最佳角度α為15°與無噴氣裝置之比較 53
5.1.3 翼面所受溫度分佈情形 54
5.2 離地0.5C時,高壓氣流在不同α 角時對昇力影響 56
5.2.1 噴氣夾角α為0 °與15 °之比較 59
5.2.2 噴氣最佳角度α為0 °與無噴氣裝置之比較 64
5.2.3 翼面所受溫度分佈情形 65
第6章 結論與未來展望 67
參考文獻 68
作者簡介 70
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