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研究生(外文):Cheng, Chao-Nan
論文名稱(外文):Simulation and Analysis of a One-Dimensional Hopping Machine whit Energy Supplement Mechanism
指導教授(外文):Hsiung, Chin-Min
外文關鍵詞:bionicshopping machineenergy supplement mechanism
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Jumping is a specific kind of biological movement that propels the body with an explosive muscular force to break free from the ground for forward movement or for dealing with topographical obstacles. The kangaroo ‘walks’ by jumping, and its jumping speed is not only very fast and also saves energy. So, if we could build a machine leg based on just such a mechanical structure, that could surpass the movement by human beings, and use energy effectively, it would definitely be worth considering. This research focuses on the building of a hopping machine constructed to imitate biological muscles with a spring damping system, and a cam system used as an energy supplement mechanism to compress the spring, and increase the energy that the spring stores (in order to imitate human jumping), after first compressing muscle storage energy. The research purpose is to build a believable computer model for future substantiation experiments. The relation that energy supplement mechanism and the hopping machine beat is determined by the simulation and analysis of the computer model. As well, we utilize an expert system to control the hopping machine, enabling it to continue jumping to the same height. Simulation parameters and data of the computer model can provide reference value of the entity's model while it is being constructed, in order to save experiment cost and time. The simulated results demonstrate that the computer model is reliable, and can be used to determine the energy supplement mechanism and the relation that the hopping machine beats. Utilizing this relation can permit the hopping machine to keep jumping to the same height, and this proves that the energy supplement mechanism that this research builds is effective. Finally, this research utilizes the energy supplement mechanism and the relation that the hopping machine beats to develop the procedure for choosing the parameters of the motor and energy supplement mechanism in order to construct the entity's model in the future.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究之目的 1
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.4 全文概述 6
第2章 跳躍機器的模型架構 7
2.1 模型的簡化 7
2.2 實驗用的實體模型 11
2.2.1 實體模型架構 11
2.2.2 模型重要參數 13
2.3 能量補充機構 15
2.3.1 能量補充機構之架構 16
2.3.2 能量補充機構之重要參數 17
2.4 模型的數學方程式 23
2.4.1 跳躍機器一維跳躍運動方程式 23
2.4.2 跳躍機器的能量方程式 29
2.4.3 跳躍機器馬達的扭力方程式 30
第3章 研究方法 33
3.1 電腦模型建立 33
3.2 電腦模型驗證 36
3.2.1 電腦模型的運動方程式之驗證 36 驗證方法 36 驗證結果 38
3.2.2 電腦模型的能量方程式驗證 45 驗證方法 45 驗證結果 46
3.2.3 電腦模型的扭力方程式驗證 51 驗證方法 51 驗證結果 54
3.3 能量補充機構與跳躍機器跳動關係的分析 55
3.3.1 啟動時間與跳躍機器跳動的關係 55
3.3.2 轉速與跳躍機器跳動的關係 56
3.3.3 偏心輪半徑與跳躍機器跳動的關係 57
3.3.4 偏心距與跳躍機器跳動的關係 57
3.4 建立跳躍機器的控制程序 57
3.5 發展跳躍機器參數選擇程序 65
3.5.1 馬達的參數選定 65
3.5.2 能量補充機構的參數選定 65
第4章 結果與討論 66
4.1 啟動時間與跳躍機器跳動的關係 66
4.1.1 啟動時間對跳躍機器跳回高度之影響 66
4.1.2 啟動時間對跳躍機器能量使用之影響 68
4.1.3 啟動時間對跳躍機器馬達需輸出扭力之影響 79
4.2 轉速與跳躍機器跳動的關係 81
4.2.1 轉速對跳躍機器跳回高度之影響 81
4.2.2 轉速對跳躍機器能量使用的影響 85
4.2.3 轉速對跳躍機器馬達需輸出扭力之影響 92
4.3 偏心輪半徑與跳躍機器跳動的關係 94
4.3.1 偏心輪半徑變化對跳躍機器跳回高度之影響 94
4.3.2 偏心輪半徑變化對跳躍機器能量使用之影響 96
4.3.3 偏心輪半徑改變對馬達需輸出扭力之影響 99
4.4 偏心距與跳躍機器跳動的關係 101
4.4.1 偏心距改變對跳躍機器跳回高度之影響 101
4.4.2 偏心距對跳躍機器能量使用之影響 103
4.4.3 偏心距改變對馬達需輸出扭力之影響 107
4.5 跳躍機器的自控程序驗證 109
4.6 跳躍機器參數選擇程序 116
4.6.1 馬達參數的選擇程序 116
4.6.2 能量補充機構參數的選擇程序 119
第5章 結論與建議 121
5.1 結論 121
5.2 建議 123
參考文獻 124
附錄 127
作者簡介 132
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