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研究生(外文):Chang Shou-te
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating of Garbage Truck Performance and Emission Experiment by Biodiesel Substitutes Fuel
指導教授(外文):Chiu-Jung Liao
外文關鍵詞:BiodieselEngine performance evaluateEmission estimationCost and benefit evaluateMultivariate analysis
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世界石油存量不到40年,大陸市場崛起加速能源消耗,原油價以由15美元上升至70美元左右,未來十年內可能升破100美元一桶,也帶動石化能源價格高漲,而台灣進口能源依賴度高達98%,未來能源安全問題備受矚目。本研究在摻配前進行生質柴油(B20和B40)及高級柴油(D100)之11項油品物化性分析,分析B20、B40及D100之閃火點、水分及沈澱物、動力黏度、含硫量、銅片腐蝕性、殘碳量、十六烷值及十六烷指數均比高級柴油較佳,引擎排放黑煙的情況也大幅度改善。以進口純生質油(B100)成本約44元/公升,超級柴油成本約19.0元/公升,則生質柴油(B20)為20%生質油與80%市售超級柴油摻配之混合而成,成本為24元/公升。推估台南市所屬垃圾車分別添加B20和B40後在不同轉速及負載下HC之削減量約0.63~7.18噸左右,而NO、CO和CO2之排放量則有增加之趨勢。當國內年產量達十二萬公秉以上即可達穩定量產之經濟規模,純生質柴油約可降至26元/公升,則摻配生質柴油(B20)成本僅需20.4元/升,達經濟規模後B20的價位比超級柴油稍高,倘若政府補貼則更具市場競爭力。根據引擎排放氣體之多變量統計分析結果顯示,可抽出五個共同因素,此五個共同因素累積的解釋變異量為86.040 %,五個共同因素的特徵值分別為8.310、4.239、2.052、1.479、1.128。在KMO及Bartlett檢定中,KMO值為0.735。針對五個因子所做的解釋,分別推測可能為燃燒效率因子、無負載狀態燃料特性因子、全負載狀態燃料特性因子、燃燒特性因子、燃料(生質柴油)特性因子。我國交通消耗之柴油每年約三百餘萬公秉,而本油品僅需十餘萬公秉即可達經濟規模。另以廢食用油製備生質柴油或由較近的馬來西亞取得棕櫚油源有助成本降低,更容易達到與柴油競爭之目標。
Up till now, the reserves of petroleum are less than 40 years old all over the world. Recently, due to the fast energy consumption of Mainland China, the price of petroleum is getting higher and higher, resulting in high petrochemical energy price, too. The importing rate of Taiwan is up to 98% recently so special attention sould be paid to the safety problems of energy consumption and needs. This study carries on 11 kinds of physical and chemical characteristic analysis biodiesel (B20 and B40) and super gasoline, including flash point, water and sediment, kinematic viscovity, sulfur content, copper strip, carbon residue, cetane number, and cetane index. This result indicates that the characteristics of biodiesel are better than that of premium gasoline. Besides that the black smoke emission has been reduced, too. In the respect of economical assessment, the import cost of pure biodiesel (B100) is about 44/L, 19.9/L of super diesel, which comes to 24/L of B20 (20% biodiesel and 80% super diesel). It is presumed that when B20 and B40 are added into vehicles under different rotation rate and load, they can reach the removal amount of HC concentration by 0.63~7.18 tons, but the concentration of NO, CO, and CO2 has the trend of increase. When the annual production of biodiesel is up to more than 12,000 kL, it can reach the steady economic state, and the price of biodiesel I would be about 26/L, while the price of B20 would be merely 20.4/L. The price of B20 is a little higher than super diesel. If the government replenishes, the petroleum market will be more competitive than before.
This study also utilizes the factor analysis of multivariate analysis to discuss air pollutants emitted by engine. The result shows that there are five main factors that influence the fuel emission, and the engenvalues bigger than 1 are 8.310, 4.239, 2.051, 1.479, and 1.128 respectively. These five factors are called the combustion efficiency factor, non-loading combustion characteristic factor, full-loading combustion characteristic factor. In Taiwan, the volume of consumption of traffic is more than three million kL per year, while it can reach the satble economic state that requires approximately only 100,000 kL per year.
中文摘要 I
致謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XII
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1替代性能源 5
2.2生質燃料 6
2.3生質柴油 7
2.3.1生質柴油發展 8
2.3.2生質柴油之原料 9
2.3.3生質柴油之製造 10
2.4生質柴油環境上之貢獻 13
2.5生質柴油之特性 16
2.6生質柴油之排放特性 20
2.7生質柴油之法規標準 24
2.8國內柴油車相關規範 28
2.8.1排放標準加嚴 28
2.8.2檢測制度建立 29
2.9生質柴油之發展與趨勢 30
2.9.1美國 30
2.9.2歐洲 36
2.9.3日本 38
2.9.4馬來西亞 40
2.9.5我國 40
第三章 材料與方法 43
3.1研究區概況 43
3.1.1地理位置 43
3.1.2人口 43
3.1.4空氣品質現況探討 45
3.2供試油品基本性質分析 47
3.3排放廢氣之VOCS採樣與分析 48
3.4引擎排放廢氣測試 49
3.4.1供試車輛 49
3.4.2廢氣排放測試 50
3.5污染減量效益及成本效益分析評估 52
3.5.1減量效益評估 52
3.5.2成本效益分析 52
3.6多變量統計分析 53
第四章 結果與討論 55
4.1供試油品分析結果 55
4.1.1閃火點(Flash point): 56
4.1.2水及沉澱物(Water & Sediment) 57
4.1.3動力黏度(Kinematic Viscosity): 58
4.1.4含硫量(Sulfur content) 59
4.1.5銅片腐蝕(Corrosion ,Copper strip) 59
4.1.6流動點(Pour point) 60
4.1.7殘碳量(Carbon Residure) 61
4.1.8十六烷值(Cetane Number, CN) 61
4.1.9十六烷指數(Cetane Index, CI) 63
4.2廢氣中VOCS採樣分析 63
4.3生質柴油之引擎煙度排放及性能測試結果 66
4.3.1引擎煙度排放測定結果 67
4.3.2黑煙檢測結果 72
4.3.4平均污染度分析結果 76
4.4排放檢測結果 78
4.5油耗量分析結果 82
4.6污染減量效益及成本效益分析評估 83
4.6.1污染減量效益評估 83
4.6.2成本效益分析 87
4.7多變量統計分析結果 88
4.7.1因子分析 88
4.7.2因子的決定 90
4.7.3因子的解釋 90
第五章 結論與建議 94
5.1結論 94
5.2建議 97
第六章 參考文獻 99
作者簡介 105
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