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研究生(外文):Ching-Lun Huang
論文名稱(外文):Serial Detections of CO2 Circadian Rhythm of Phalaenopsis Seedlings in vitro
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hsiang HsiehGuang-Yau S. Chen
中文關鍵詞:蝴蝶蘭二氧化碳日韻律二氧化碳感應器景天酸循環 (Crassulacean acid metabolismCAM)磷烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶 (Phosphoenolpyruvte carboxylasePEPC)
外文關鍵詞:PhalaenopsisCO2 circadian rhythmCO2 sensorcrassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)phosphoenolpyruvte carboxylase (PEPC)
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偵測結果顯示,蝴蝶蘭繼代初期苗固碳模式屬於C3型,其瓶內CO2濃度日韻律變化類似菊花,至繼代中後期於光期和暗期中瓶內皆有CO2濃度下降現象,同時呈現C3和CAM特性,並隨著株齡的成熟,CAM特性的表現更明顯。在苗株展現CAM特性時,瓶內CO2濃度日韻律變化可分為四個時期:phase I為整個暗期,在短暫的「光呼吸延續」現象後,以暗呼吸為主,容器內CO2濃度持續升高,PEPC開始作用固定CO2;phase II為光期來臨時CO2吸收時期,夜間殘存的PEPC活性持續作用,瓶內CO2濃度快速下降;phase III為去羧化作用時期,夜間儲存於液胞中的蘋果酸還原為CO2,供Calvin 循環所需,組培容器內CO2濃度再度上升;phase IV為C3型光合作用時期,夜間儲存的蘋果酸耗盡,苗株恢復對CO2的吸收,於光期中以Rubisco進行羧化作用,此時期結束前3-4小時,瓶內CO2降低至不利光合作用進行之濃度 (350 ppm以下)。

This study was to develop a reliable CO2 measuring and recording system, which can be applied in tissue culture environment for long-term, real-time monitoring and recording of CO2 circadian rhythm of Phalaenopsis seedlings. Carbon dioxidide sensors and a data logger were employed to continuously monitor the change of CO2 concentrations in vitro and tests of enzyme, PEPC, activities and protein concentration in leaves were conducted.
Concerning the CO2 circadian rhythm inside culture vessel, results of the study showed that subculture seedlings of chrysanthemum and Phalaenopsis of the first growth stage presented the same characteristic as C3 plant. Depending on species, seedlings presented C3 or both of C3 and CAM characteristics progressively in the middle growth stage. Then, seedlings presented a more remarkable CAM characteristic of CO2 circadian rhythm in the last growth stage for both species.
When seedlings presenting CAM characteristics, the CO2 circadian rhythm inside culture vessel can be divided into four phases: phase I, at the onset of dark period, a rapid increase of CO2 concentration was caused by the postillumination burst and followed by the start of CO2 fixation with PEPC. Phase II, at the beginning of lighting period, the remaining PEPC activity in the dark period carried on carboxylation and caused a rapid increase of CO2. Phase III, decarboxylation stared and the malate that stored in the vacuole in the dark period converted to CO2 for Calvin cycle. Consequently, CO2 concentration increased with time. Phase IV, seedlings restarted the process of C3 carboxylation. Rubisco is the primary enzyme to fix CO2 during this period. Moreover, it was found that the CO2 concentration in vitro decreased to a level much lower than the atmosphere’s (350 ppm).
The PEPC activity and protein concentration were related to the growth stage and the status of photoperiod. The activity and protein concentration of the seedlings in the last growth stage were higher than those of the first and middle growth stages. They were also higher in the dark period than in the light period. These results were in agreement with the CO2 circadian rhythm of seedlings in vitro and showed the CO2 fixation pattern was transferring from C3 to CAM over three growth stages.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、台灣蝴蝶蘭產業與瓶苗生產概況 3
二、光合作用:碳的固定 5
(一) 固碳的模式 5
(二) 模式間的轉換 6
(三) 景天酸型植物的分類 7
三、組培苗的生理行為 9
(一) 組培瓶內環境的影響 9
(二) 碳源對培殖體生長的影響 11
四、蝴蝶蘭固碳模式之界定 13
(一) 一般方式 13
(二) 氣體交換方法 14
(三) 磷烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶 (PEPC) 活性方法 16
參、材料與方法 18
一、組培瓶內二氧化碳濃度的量測 18
(一) 植物材料 18
(二) 培養基與組培室環境條件 20
(三) 二氧化碳感測元件與資料記錄器 20
二、磷烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶 (PEPC) 活性分析 22
(一) 酵素萃取 22
(二) 蛋白質定量與酵素活性分析 22
1. 蛋白質定量分析 (Bradford test) 22
2. 酵素活性分析 23
(三) 統計分析方法 23
肆、結果與討論 24
一、組培苗瓶內二氧化碳日韻律 24
(一) 菊花瓶苗 24
(二) 蝴蝶蘭瓶苗 25
1. 蝴蝶蘭苗品種一“Phal. new cinderella × Dpps. i-hsin parikia” 25
2. 蝴蝶蘭苗品種二“Phal. taida pinlong × join diamond” 28
二、磷烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶 (PEPC) 活性之探討 31
伍、討論 36
一、組培苗瓶內二氧化碳日韻律與固碳模式轉變的關係 36
二、磷烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶 (PEPC) 與瓶內CO2日韻律的關係 41
三、光週期對瓶內CO2濃度的影響 43
陸、結論與建議 46
參考文獻 47
附錄 57
作者簡介 63
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