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Author (Eng.):Marlon ORTEGA
Title (Eng.):Integrated Management of Rice Diseases Caused by Pyricularia oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii
Advisor:梁文進梁文進 author reflink
advisor (eng):Wen-Jinn Liang
Narrow Field:農業科學學門
Detailed Field:一般農業學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:78
keyword (chi):水稻稻熱病菌(Pyricularia oryzae)稻紋枯病菌(Rhizoctonia solani)白絹病菌(Sclerotium rolfsii)水稻病害防治土壤曝曬S-H添加劑殺菌劑拮抗桿菌LB5菌株
keyword (eng):Pyricularia oryzaeRhizoctonia solaniSclerotium rolfsiirice disease controlsoil solarizationS-H mixturefungicideantagonist Bacillus sp. LB5
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水稻稻熱病、稻紋枯病及白絹病是水稻最具破壞性的病害。抗病育種育成與利用雖是防除重要策略,但僅有抗水稻稻熱病菌之品種被育成,而無有效的抗稻紋枯病及白絹病之品種。利用殺菌劑防治真菌病害是最普遍的方法,然而因化學藥劑會造成環境生態負面影響,為因應未來永續農業之發展,將以最少量的化學藥劑來防治病害,進而以綜合管理方式取代學藥劑防治。使用拮抗桿菌(Bacillus sp LB5) 作為微生物防治製劑,並且結合土壤曝曬及土壤添加劑方法來探討防治水稻稻熱病(Pyricularia oryzae)、水稻紋枯病(Ryzoctonia solani)及水稻白絹病(Sclerotium rolfsii)之成效;同時以殺菌劑作為比較。稻熱病菌及稻紋枯病菌菌絲之最適生長溫度為28 oC;由實驗研究顯示出拮抗桿菌LB5菌株能夠抑制稻熱病菌(P. oryzae)、稻紋枯病菌(R. solani)及白絹病菌(S. rolfsii)菌絲之生長。Kasugamycin和Carbendazim之混合藥劑為最有效的化學性殺菌劑,分別於1 ppm及10 ppm有效成份就能完全抑制稻熱病菌(P. oryzae)之孢子發芽及抑制菌絲的生長。而Kasugamycin和Carbendazim混合殺菌劑對抑制孢子發芽及菌絲生長之半致死濃度(EC50)分別為0.01ppm及小於1ppm。殺菌劑Mon 100 在ppm時可100% 的抑制稻紋枯病菌(R. solani)菌絲之生長,其半致死濃度為10 ppm;Mepronil殺菌劑在100 ppm時對白絹病菌(S. rolfsii)菌絲生長之抑制率為95%,其半致死濃度為8.7 ppm。另一方面,經統計分析實驗結果顯示,結合土壤曝曬、S-H添加劑和殺菌劑方法來處理水稻種子,可在溫室有效的達到減少水稻紋枯病及白絹病害的發生,此綜合防治方法可能提供了減少用殺菌劑來防治土媒病原菌的機會。拮抗桿菌LB5菌株在田間不能有效的控制水稻稻熱病及紋枯病之病徵;施用Tryciclazole和Mancozeb殺菌劑來防治水稻稻熱病,則可使稻熱病害之發病率由13.6%降低至0.7%;施用Pencycuron殺菌劑來防治水稻紋枯病,則水稻紋枯病的發病率由38.2%降低至16.5 %。
Pyricularia oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani, and Sclerotium rolfsii are the most destructives pathogens of rice. Breeding works have had only limited success against P. oryzae, but for R. solani and S. rolfsii there are no resistant rice varieties are available. Application of fungicides is the most effective method to control fungal diseases. However, it is desired to minimize the use of agricultural chemicals because of growing environmental concerns. In this context, integrated management is an alternative of disease control. Bacillus sp. LB5 was used as a biocontrol agent in combination with soil solarization, soil amendments to control P. oryzae, R. solani and S. rolfsii. Fungicides were used to make comparisons. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of P. oryzae and R. solani was 28 oC. Under laboratory studies, Bacillus sp. LB5 was able to inhibit the mycelial growth of P. oryzae, R. solani, and S. rolfsii. Kasugamycin and Carbendazim mixture was the most effective fungicide which inhibited completely the spore germination and mycelial growth of P. oryzae at 1 and 10 ppm respectively. The EC50 values of mixture fungicide in vitro inhibition of spore germination and mycelial growth were 0.01 and < 1 respectively. Fungicide Mon inhibited 100 % of mycelial growth of R. solani, and Mepronil inhibited 95 % of S. rolfsii at 100 ppm, with EC50 of 10 ppm and 8.7 ppm respectively. On the other hand, statistical results showed the combination of soil solarization, S-H mixtures and fungicide treated seed was the most effective approach to reduce the disease incidence of R. solani and S. rolfsii in rice seeding. This integrated method gives opportunities to reduce the use of fungicides to control soilborne pathogens. Bacillus sp. LB5 was ineffective in controlling the symptoms caused by rice blast and sheath blight under field conditions. Fungicides Tryciclazole and Mancozeb were applied to control rice blast, which reduced disease incidence to 0.7 %. Pencycuron controlled the severity of sheath blight to 16.5 % compared with 38.2 % in control plots.
ABSTRACT (CHINESE)………………………………………………
ABSTRACT (ENGLISH)……...……………………………………….
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………….
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………...
LIST OF FIGURES……...…………………………………………….. 1. INTRODUCTION………...…………………………………….…...
2. LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………
2.1. Rice (Oryza sativa L.)……………………………….…………..
2.2. Pyricularia oryzae (Rice blast)…….…...……………………….
2.2.1. Host penetration by Pyricularia oryzae……...…………...
2.3. Rhizoctonia solani (Sheath blight)…..………………………….
2.4. Sclerotium rolfsii (Southern blight)…..…………………………
2.5. Effect of temperature on Pyricularia oryzae and Rhizoctonia
2.6. Fungicides for diseases control………………………………….
2.6.1. Mode of action of some fungicides to control P. oryzae…
2.7. Seed treatment…………………………………………………..
2.8. Antagonist bacteria……………………………………………...
2.9. Soil solarization…………………………………………………
2.10. Soil amendments……………………………………………….
3. MATERIALS AND METHODS……..………….....………………..
3.1. Isolation of Pyricularia oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani and
Sclerotium rolfsii………………………………………………..
3.2. Single spore isolation of Pyricularia oryzae…………...……….
3.3. Preparation of antagonistic bacterial suspension.…………….…

3.4. Effect of temperature on mycelium growth of P. oryzae and R. solani……………………………………….…………………..
3.5. Effect of different media on mycelium growth of P. oryzae …...
3.6. The antagonistic effect of LB5 to P. oryzae, R. solani, and S. rolfsii…………………………………………………………...
3.6.1. P. oryzae……...……………………...…………………...
3.6.2. R. solani and S. rolfsii……………………………...……
3.7. Inhibition of spore germination of P. oryzae by chemical
3.8. Inhibition of radial growth of P. oryzae by chemical
3.9. Inhibition of radial growth of R. solani and S. rolfsii by
chemical fungicides…………………………..……...……….…
3.10. Integrated disease management of rice sheath blight (R.
solani) and southern blight (S. rolfsii)…………………………
3.10.1. Soil infestation with R. solani or S. rolfsii……....…….…
3.10.2. Effect of soil solarization on control R. solani in rice
3.10.3. Effect of soil solarization combined with bacterial
antagonist treated seeds on control R. solani……...……..
3.10.4. Effect of soil solarization combined with bacterial
antagonist treated seed on control S. rolfsii…………….
3.10.5. Effect of soil solarization, S-H mixture and fungicide
seed treatment on control R. solani and S. rolfsii………...
3.11. Biological and chemical control of P. oryzae and R. solani
under field conditions…………………………..…….………..…
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION………...….………………………..
4.1. Spores of P. oryzae, and sclerotia R. solani and S. rolfsii…...
4.2. Effect of temperature on mycelium growth of P oryzae and
R. solani……………………………………………..…..……..

4.3. Effect of different media on mycelium growth of P. oryzae...........
4.4. Inhibition of mycelial growth of P. oryzae by Bacillus sp LB5….
4.5. Inhibition of mycelial growth of R. solani and S. rolfsii by
Bacillus sp LB5…………………………..………………………...
4.6. Inhibition of spore germination of P. oryzae by chemical
4.7. Inhibition of mycelial growth of P. oryzae by chemical
4.8. Inhibition of mycelial growth of R. solani and S. rolfsii by
chemical fungicides…………………………………………....…..
4.9. Effect of soil solarization to control R. solani in rice seedlings.….
4.10. Effect of soil solarization combined with bacterial antagonist
treated seeds on control R. solani……………………..…………
4.11. Effect of soil solarization combined with bacterial antagonist
treated seeds on control S. rolfsii………………..………………..
4.12. Effect of soil solarization, S-H mixture and seed treatment to
control R. solani…………………….………………………..…..
4.13. Effect of soil solarization, S-H mixture and fungicide seed
treatment to control S. rolfsii……………………………...………
4.14. Biological and chemical control of Pyricularia oryzae and
Rhizoctonia solani under field conditions………….…………….
5. CONCLUSIONS……….…..………………………………………..
LITERATURE CITED…………………………………..……………..
APPENDIX 1. Pathway to melanin in Pyricularia oryzae and MBIs.
























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1. Study of production superoxide dismutase by solid state fermentation
2. Effects of fermentation on the qualities of tobacco leaves
3. Studies on the expression of methylglyoxal metabolizing enzymes and its relation to 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline formation in Rice seedling
4. Spiritual Meals of Sense and Sensibility–Atmosphere Construction for Coffee Shops
5. The relationships between litterfall and soil dynamics on Kenting Uplifted Coral Reef Nature Reserve Forest Ecosystem
6. Diurnal Photosynthesis and Carbon Gains in Canopy Leaves of Cinnamomum camphora, Ficus microcarpa, Bischofia javanica, and Alstonia scholaris at Two Different Environments in the China Steel Corporation
7. Study of Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Microwave-Assisted Supercritical Fluid Extraction for Oryzanol
8. The Study of the Impact of Price Promotion Strategy on Brand Evaluation and Repurchase Intention - A Case of Starbucks in China and Taiwan
9. An creative and interactive multimedia system for playing comfortable music in general spaces based on computer vision and image processing technique, and combined analyses of color, psychology, and music information
10. Study of Coffee Consumption in Specialty Stores in Taiwan - Its Implication for Marketing Vietnam Coffee in Taiwan
11. Effect of Vector Construction Strategies of the Target Genes on the Transfection Efficiency of Bovine Nuclear Transferred Embryos
12. The characteristics of caramelization products (CPs) and its cross-linkage with phenolic compounds
13. A Study of Customer Behavior and Competence Analysis in Enhancing Vietnamese Coffee in Taiwan
14. Examining operational patterns of equestrian activities and relationship between service experiences and loyalty among consumers of equestrian clubs in Taiwan
15. The Quality of Sleep of College Students and Its Related Factors
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