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研究生(外文):Poasa Tabuaciri
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Feed Forms on the Performances and Behaviours of Pre- and Post-Weaned Piglets
指導教授(外文):Hsia Liang Chou
外文關鍵詞:BehaviourFeed formsGrowth performancePiglets
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目前離乳時期的仔豬一般採用任食之方式餵飼。本研究之目的在於探討飼料物理性狀對仔豬離乳前與離乳後成績之影響,此以兩個試驗作為探討。試驗一(第1階段)採用10頭2-3胎次之母豬(LYD及LY)及其同窩仔豬,試驗採用逢機方式將豬隻分配至兩日糧處理組(粒料和粉料)。仔豬在7日齡時教槽,於每日0630至2230之間,每隔4小時餵飼一次,一日餵飼五次,以確保提供新鮮之飼料(每欄餵飼80-100 g)及採用任食之方式。行為觀察方面,於仔豬出生後2、7、14、21和28日齡,採用24小時之行為觀察。攝食量和體重則分別於每日和每週記錄。結果顯示,在攝食量方面,仔豬於離乳前以粒料組攝食量高於粉料組(P > 0.05)。增重方面,飼料物理性狀顯著影響仔豬增重(P < 0.05),但仔豬性別對增重並無顯著影響(P > 0.05)。仔豬離乳前,其站立行為會受到飼料物理性狀顯著的影響(P < 0.05),當仔豬餵飼粒料時,其花費在站立上的時間顯著高於餵飼粉料者。在飲水行為方面,也以粒料組花費時間顯著高於粉料組(P > 0.05)。拱和玩的行為,會顯著受到飼料物理性狀之影響(P < 0.05),以粉料組顯著高於粒料組。排尿行為亦顯著。受到飼料物理性狀之影響(P < 0.001)。吮乳仔豬其吃、吮乳叫、吮乳、吮其他豬、含乳頭和排糞等行為,皆未受飼料物理性狀之影響(P > 0.05)。試驗一之第2階段採用離乳仔豬作為試驗,試驗期間為仔豬離乳後第1天至28天(4週)。將同窩仔豬區分為公豬和女豬,之後再加以區分為四個日糧處理組,並於相同性別中挑選相似體重之豬隻作為試驗。試驗豬隻以逢機之方式分配至四處理組(處理一=粒料-粒料;處理二=粒料-粉料;處理三=粉料-粒料;處理四=粉料-粉料)。於每天餵飼飼料3-4次,且採用任食之方式。試驗二採用48頭離乳閹公豬,平均體重為6.22±0.91 kg。豬隻依體重逢機分配至16個欄位中,每個欄位面積為3.5 m × 2.4 m,且部分地面為條狀地面設計。在試驗前2週(時期1)其中8欄豬隻採用粒狀飼料,而另外8欄豬隻則採用粉狀飼料。於試驗3-6週時(時期2),將採用粒狀飼料之其中4欄維持原來之飼料(處理一:粒料-粒料),另外4欄則改換成粉狀飼料(處理二:粒料-粉料);在粉狀飼料處理方面,將其中4欄改換成粒狀飼料(處理三:粉料-粒料),其餘4欄仍維持原來之飼料(處理四:粉料-粉料)。於每日1800餵飼豬隻,其提供之飼料量以高於前1日的攝食量±10%為基準。攝食量和體重則分別於每日和每週記錄。
24小時行為觀察方面,試驗二則於仔豬離乳後2、7、14、21、28、35及42日進行。行為觀察採用1、6、12和24小時統計分析。結果顯示,試驗採用相同物理性狀之飼料,如粒料-粒料組和粉料-粉料組,其具有較高之平均攝食量、增重和飼料利用效率(P > 0.05)。離乳後的仔豬,其不同性別對攝食量、增重和飼料利用效率並無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。站立行為顯著受到飼料物理性狀的影響(P < 0.001)。仔豬在粉料-粉料組中,其花費較多時間在站立和攝食行為上;而仔豬在粒料-粒料組中,花費較少時間在站立和攝食行為上,但卻花費相當多的時間在移動和側躺行為上。飲水行為也受到飼料物理性狀之影響(P < 0.001),仔豬在粒料-粒料組中可發現較多之飲水行為。拱的行為方面,於各處理間有不同差異存在,其發生較多在粒料-粉料組及粉料-粉料組(P < 0.05)。仔豬玩的行為發生頻率較高在粒料-粉料處理組中,且亦受不同飼料物理性狀之影響。仔豬犬坐行方面,在粒料-粒料組和粉料-粉料組發生頻率最高,而抓癢行為方面也有相同之區趨勢。咬飼槽和咬欄杆的行為有不同差異於各處理間,而仔豬發生較多者,為給予粒料-粉料組和粉料-粒料組,或可說是更換飼料物理性狀組。排尿行為受到飼料物理性狀之影響(P < 0.001);而排糞行為則未受其影響(P > 0.05)。仔豬於粒料-粉料組中花費許多時間在排尿行為上,而正躺行為和喘氣行為於不同飼料物理性狀間並未有顯著差異(P > 0.05)。在接近餵飼時間,如0600和1600時,仔豬站立、移動、拱和玩的行為發生頻率較高。而這些行為也在仔豬出生後28日齡有減少的趨勢。仔豬在離乳後42日,其花費在站立、移動和玩的行為上的時間有減少的趨勢,但在躺臥行為上則有增加的趨勢。
The voluntary feed intake in the immediate post-weaning period in young pig varies greatly between and within litters. Two experiments were carried out to determine the effect of feed forms on the performance of pre- and post-weaned pigs. In Experiment 1 (Phase 1), a total of 10 multiparous sows (Landrace x Yorkshire x Duroc and Landrace x Yorkshire) and their litters were used. The experiment used a randomised complete block design. Creep feed was introduced to the piglets from 7 d after farrowing and each litter farrowed was assigned at random to one of the two dietary treatments, pellet or meal. The pellet (Treatment 1) and meal (Treatment 2) diets were provided five times a day at 4 h intervals from 0630 to 2230 h in quantities between 80 – 100 grams per pen to ensure a fresh feed supply at all times and ad libitum feed intake while accumulation of excess feed and (or) feed wastage were minimized. Piglet behaviours were monitored for 24 h on d 2, 7, 14, 21, and 28 after farrowing while feed intake and body weight were taken daily and weekly, respectively. Feed intake was high in pellet fed piglets in the pre-weaning stage even though there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in feed intake between the two feed forms. Weight gain was affected (P<0.05) by feed form but was not affected (P>0.05) by the sex of piglets. Standing was affected by feed form in the pre-weaning (P<0.05) phase. Pigs that were given pellet pre-weaned spent more time on standing when compared to pigs that were given meal. An increased in drinking behaviour (P<0.05) occurred in pellet fed pigs. Rooting and playing behaviours were affected by the feed forms (P<0.05) and were high in piglets that were under the meal treatment while urination behaviour was affected by the feed forms (P<0.001). Eating, suckling calling, suckling, suckling other piglets, suckling and falling asleep and defecation behaviours were not affected (P>0.05) by feed forms in pre-weaned pigs. Phase 2 began from day 1 after weaning and continued for 28 days or 4 weeks. Piglets from a litter were first divided into males and females and divided further into two groups consisting of pigs of similar body weights but of the same sex. Each group was randomly allocated to one of the four treatments based on their previous treatment group (T1=pellet to pellet, T2=pellet to meal, T3=meal to pellet and T4=meal to meal). Feed was provided 3 to 4 times a day to allow for ad libitum feed intake. In Experiment 2, a total of 48 castrated male pigs were purchased in their first day of weaning with the average live weight of 6.23  0.91 kg. Pigs of similar body weights, in groups of 3, were allocated at random to sixteen weaning pens measuring 3.5 × 2.4 m with partially slatted floors. In the first 2 weeks (Phase 1), 28 pigs in 8 pens (3 pigs per pen) were given Treatment 1 (pellets) while the other half was provided with Treatment 2 (meal). From week 3 to week 6, 4 of the 8 pens were allowed to continue with pellets (T1=pellet to pellet) while the other 4 pens were given meal (T2=pellet to meal). For the other 8 pens that were given meal; 4 pens were changed to pellet (T3=meal to pellet) while the other 4 was continued with meal (T4=meal to meal). Feeding was done at 1800 h everyday whereby pigs were provided with an amount of feed that surpassed the previous day’s feed intake by  10 %. Feed intake and body live weight were recorded daily and weekly, respectively. Twenty-four hours behaviour observations were carried out on d 2, 7, 14, 21 28, 35 and 42 after weaning on Experiment 2. Behaviours were analysed in a 1h interval, 6 h interval, 12 h interval, and 24 h period. The use of the same feed form such as pellet to pellet or meal to meal showed an increase in average feed intake, weight gain and feed efficiency, even though they did not differ significantly (P>0.05). No difference (P>0.05) in feed intake, weight gain and feed efficiency was found between the male and female pigs at post-weaning. Standing was affected by feed form (P<0.001). Pigs under the meal-to-meal treatment spent more time on standing and eating. Pigs that were provided with pellet-to-pellet spent less time on standing and eating but used more time on moving and lying on side. Drinking was affected by feed from (P<0.001) and an increased in drinking behaviour occurred in pellet-to-pellet fed pigs. Rooting differed significantly (P<0.05) between treatments and was high in pigs under the pellet to meal and meal-to-meal treatments. Playing was high in piglets under the pellet to meal treatment and was affected by the feed forms. Dog-sitting was high in pigs under pellet to pellet and meal to meal. It also corresponded to the amount of time they used on grooming behaviour. Trough biting and bar biting differed significantly (P<0.05) between treatments and occurred more in pigs that were given pellet to meal and meal to pellet or to pigs that had a change in feed form. Urination behaviour was affected by the feed form (P<0.001) while the defecation behaviour was not affected (P>0.05). Pigs that were under pellet to meal used more time on urination behaviour while lying on belly and panting were not affected (P>0.05) by feed forms in the post-weaned period. Standing, moving, rooting and playing were high at and around the eating times that were at 0600 and 1600 h. These behaviours were also to decrease as pigs reached d 28 after farrowing. Weaned pigs also spent less time on standing, moving and playing at 42 d after weaning but spent more time on lying.

ABSTRACT (Chinese) I
2.1 Weaning 5
2.2 Purpose of early weaning 5
2.3 Weaning behaviour 8
2.4 Mortality rate 10
2.5 Weaning methods 11
2.5.1 Segregated early weaning 11
2.5.2 Split weaning 12
2.6 Effects of weaning 12
2.6.1 Feed intake 12
2.6.2 Growth rate 14
2.6.3 Feed composition 17
2.6.4 Digestive enzymes 18
2.6.5 Immune system 19

2.7 Factors effecting weaning 20
2.7.1 Weaning age 20
2.7.2 Environment temperature and housing 21
2.7.3 Social group and composition 23
2.8 Nutrition 24
2.8.1 Feed processing 27
2.8.2 Anti-nutritional factors 28
2.8.3 Feed forms 29
3.1 Experiment 1: Phase 1 33
3.1.1 Location 33
3.1.2 Animals 33
3.1.3 Housing 33
3.1.4 Treatments 35
3.1.5 Management 36 Post-farrowing 36 Feeding 36
3.1.6 Behaviour observations 36
3.1.7 Experimental design and data analysis 39
3.2 Experiment I: Phase II 42
3.2.1 Location 42
3.2.2 Animals 42
3.2.3 Housing 42
3.2.4 Treatments 42
3.2.5 Management 43 Post-weaning 43 Feeding 43 Weighing and cleaning 43
3.2.6 Experimental design and data analysis 43
3.3 Experiment II 48
3.3.1 Location 48
3.3.2 Animals 48
3.3.3 Housing 48
3.3.4 Treatments 48
3.3.5 Management 49
3.3.6 Behaviour observations 49
3.3.7 Experimental design and data analysis 52
4.1 Experiment I: Phase I 53
4.1.1 Feed intake of sucking pigs under different feed forms 54
4.1.2 Weight gain of suckling pigs under different feed forms 54
4.1.3 Weight gain in male and female suckling pigs 55
4.1.4 Behaviours of suckling pigs 56 Effects of feed forms on the behaviours of suckling pigs 56 Behavioural patterns of piglets (1 h interval) 59 Behavioural patterns of suckling male and
female pigs (1 h interval) 71 Behavioural patterns of suckling pigs from
2 to 28 d after farrowing (1 h interval) 73
4.2 Experiment I: Phase II 78
4.2.1 Performances of weaned pigs under different feed forms 78 Feed intake 78 Weight gain 79 Feed efficiency 79
4.2.2 Performances of weaned pigs in relation to sex 81 Feed intake 81 Weight gain 81 Feed efficiency 83
4.3 Experiment II 84
4.3.1 Effects of different forms of feed on feed intake,
weight gain and feed efficiency of weaned pigs 84
4.3.2 Behaviours of weaned pigs 87 Effects of feed forms on the behaviours of piglets 87 Behavioural patterns of weaned pigs (1 h interval) 91 Behavioural patterns of pigs from d 2 to 42 after weaning 102
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