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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsuan Lee
論文名稱(外文):An Experimental Study of Social Support Curriculum on Learning Adjustment, Interpersonal Relationship and Self-Efficacy -The Children of Immigrant Mothers
指導教授(外文):Fin-Land Cheng
外文關鍵詞:a curriculum of social supportlearning adjustmentinterpersonal relationshipself-efficacyChildren of Immigrant Mothers
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The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum of social support, and to explore whether this curriculum can raise school-children’s learning adjustment, interpersonal relationship, and self-efficacy so as to make available recommendations about the application of social support. According to the recent literature reviews, it was found that social support was closely associated with learning adjustment, interpersonal relationship, and self-efficacy, respectively. To evaluate the intervention effects of this curriculum, we took a non-equivalent pretest-posttest mixed design, where an experimental group - twenty-seven first-grade children from immigrant bride families at DongLong primary school - took a series of teaching activities for the curriculum of social support, which consisted of 12 units in four weeks, and a control group - thrity-one first-grade children from immigrant bride families at seven primary schools of Neipu, Pingtung County - didn’t take any teaching activities associated with this curriculum. Two groups both took three tests in learning adjustment, interpersonal relationship, and self-efficacy before teaching, one week after teaching, and three weeks after teaching. The three tests above had satisfactory content and construct validities, and internal consistency reliabilities. The intervention effects between the two groups were evaluated in the mixed design two-way analyses of variance. Regardless of one week or three weeks after teaching, highly significant intervention effects were found between two groups in self-efficacy, and learning adjustment, and the experimental group performed better in self-efficacy and learning adjustment than the control group; however, no significant intervention effects were found between two groups in interpersonal relationship. In addition, it was shown from not only those school-children’s tasks for learning assessment and feedbacks, but also the teacher’s interviews and journals for her teaching processes that it was appropriate for this curriculum of social support to raise school-children’s self-efficacy, learning adjustment, and interpersonal relationship.
摘要........................................................... I
Abstract...................................................... Ш
謝 誌....................................................... V
目 錄........................................................ VI
圖表索引....................................................... VШ
第一章 緒論............................................................. 1
第一節 研究動機.................................................. 1
第二節 研究目的.................................................. 4
第三節 待答問題.................................................. 4
第四節 研究假設.................................................. 5
第五節 名詞釋義.................................................. 7
第二章 文獻探討.................................................. 9
第一節 社會支持與實驗課程之探討.................................... 9
第二節 社會支持與自我效能之探討.................................... 16
第三節 社會支持與人際關係之探討.................................... 23
第四節 社會支持與學習適應之探討.................................... 29
第五節 社會支持之綜合討論......................................... 34
第三章 研究方法.................................................. 37
第一節 研究架構與設計............................................. 37
第二節 研究對象.................................................. 41
第三節 實驗教學課程............................................... 43
第四節 研究工具.................................................. 47
第五節 實施程序.................................................. 60
第六節 資料處理與分析............................................. 62
第四章 研究結果與討論............................................. 65
第一節 社會支持課程對學習適應之立即及延宕影響........................ 65
第二節 社會支持課程對人際關係之立即及延宕影響........................ 70
第三節 社會支持課程對自我效能之立即及延宕影響........................ 76
第四節 社會支持課程的適切性........................................ 87
第五章 結論與建議................................................. 111
第一節 結論...................................................... 111
第二節 建議...................................................... 113
參考文獻........................................................ 117
附錄一 社會支持課程與學習單.................................... 125
附錄二 國小一年級學童學習適應量表(預試版)....................... 150
附錄三 國小一年級學童學習適應量表(正式版)....................... 151
附錄四 學習適應正式量表之信度分析結果............................ 152
附錄五 國小一年級人際關係量表(預試版).......................... 153
附錄六 國小一年級人際關係量表(正式版).......................... 155
附錄七 人際關係正式量表之信度分析結果............................ 156
附錄八 國小一年級自我效能量表(正式版).......................... 157
附錄九 國小一年級自我效能量表(正式版).......................... 159
附錄十 自我效能正式量表之信度分析結果............................ 160
附錄十一 社會支持活動課程回饋單................................... 161
附錄十二 半結構式訪談單大綱...................................... 163
作者簡介........................................................ 165
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