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研究生(外文):Wu, Yuan-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Application of Machine Stress Rating Technique on the Structural Coniferous Lumber
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Min-Chyuan
外文關鍵詞:Machine stress ratedVisually gradedTap tone analysis system
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本試驗之氣乾柳杉材測得之打音動彈性模數相當於CNS 14630機械等級區分E50~E130範圍之間,以E70等級收率最多約占35.4%。機械分等結果E50:10%、E70:36%、E90:39%、E110:13%及E130:1%,此分等趨勢與破壞抗彎試驗分等結果相近。無論是打音法或是MSR分等確實能有效判斷出不同強度之木材增加結構用材之利用率,而機械應力分等確實能有效提高分等效率及可信賴度,且各等級之強度性質也較為均一,為目視分等所不及。
Machine stress rated (MSR) is an important grading technique for structural lumber in North America, and the related MSR equipment used on the production line is very expensive. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to develop a MSR system, based on bending properties of member, which can apply to the grading process of commercial structural coniferous lumber in Taiwan. A visually grading and tap tone analysis approaches are employed to evaluate structural properties of lumber as well as the relationship among lumber grades, dynamic and static properties. The results show that strength properties (MOE, DMOE and MOR) are improved for higher grades of lumber, but there is no significant difference in MOE and DMOE among grades. It is found that the MOR of No.1structural lumber is significantly higher than that of No.3 structural lumber, and there is no difference in both MOE and DMOE properties among grades.
The R2 values of MOE, DMOE and MOR for Japanese cedar lumber are between 0.86~0.54 based on a tap tone analysis. R2 values between specific gravity and MOE, DMOE,MOR of Japanese cedar lumber are 0.27,0.38 and 0.34, respectively, showing the significant correlation but can explain the bending strength with only certain accuracy.
The developed MSR system in this study can be used on the production line in lumber mill and take accurate MOE measurements for lumber grading. The LabVIEW graphical language is used to develop a virtual instruments grading program for a MSR system offering the operation convenience, and providing the operator an in-time monitoring function through easy understanding information from the screen. The loads of Japanese cedar lumber measured from destructive bending test are compared with loads from MSR machine to obtain a better adjustment coefficient of 0.996. According to the load information analysis within the time domain, acquisited data from developed MSR system are not effected by loading rate and roller speed transporting. In addition, the measured load data from both surfaces of Japanese cedar lumber in this developed MSR machine shows highly consistency during the repetitive tests.
It has been found that dynamic MOE as measured by using tap tone analysis system for CNS 14630 machine evaluated classification ranging between E50~E130, are mainly 35.4% yield for E70. Result of MSR graded Japanese cedar lumber shows 10% for E50, 36% for E70, 39% for E90, 13% for E110 and 1% for E130, MSR grading yields is similar with that of destructive bending test. However, tap tone or MSR system can effectively evaluate structural lumbers with high strength and increase structural lumber yields. MSR grading technique can actually improve grading efficiency, reliability, and seduce variation in strength properties within each grade. It shows superior to visually grading system.
摘 要 I
Abstract III
誌 謝 V
目 錄 VI
圖 表 目 錄 IX
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、針葉樹結構用材目視等級區分之原則 3
(一)目視分等(Visual grading) 3
(二)目視分等標準之影響因子 4
二、非破壞性試驗評估木材彈性模數 5
(一)動彈性模數及靜彈性模數與抗彎強度之相關性 5
(二)等級內標準差及強度性質之預估 8
三、打音頻譜分析之應用 9
(一)自由振動基礎原理 10
(二)非破壞打音及應力波試驗法之應用 14
四、機械應力分等(Machine stress rated,MSR) 17
五、虛擬儀表及資料擷取技術之基礎原理與應用 20
(一)資料擷取及取樣速率 21
(二)訊號分類 21
(三)訊號處理 22
(四)虛擬圖形控制程式 23
參、試驗材料與方法 24
一、試驗材料 24
二、試驗儀器與設備 24
(一)打音頻譜分析儀 24
(二)機械應力分等系統之設備 25
(三)萬能強度試驗機 25
三、試驗方法 26
(一)目視分等 27
(二)打音頻譜分析試驗法 27
(三)機械應力分等檢測系統之開發 29
(四)柳杉製材品基本性質之測定 29
(五)抗彎試驗 29
(六)抗彎破壞型態之判定(王松永、1993) 30
肆、結果與討論 31
一、結構用材目視分等於柳杉製材品之應用 31
二、目視分等柳杉材之力學性質 32
三、柳杉材打音頻譜分析之應用 36
(一)木材比重對強度性質之影響 36
(二)各項強度性質間之關係 38
四、機械應力分等檢測系統之開發 41
(一)硬體架構 41
(二)木材分等控制軟體 47
五、機械應力分等機彈性模數之校正 52
(一)載重元(Load cell)之校正 52
(二)MSR分等機載重調整係數與載重趨勢之校正 53
六、柳杉結構用材之機械應力分等 61
(一)打音動彈性模數與機械等級區分 61
(二)柳杉材之機械應力等級區分 63
七、柳杉製材品機械應力等級容許應力之建立 66
八、柳杉試材之抗彎破壞型態 70
伍、結論 71
參考文獻 73
作 者 簡 介 79
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