Journals Brian E. Becker and Mark A. Huselid, Overview: Strategic Human Resource Management In Five Leading Firms, Human Resource Management, 1999, Pp287-301. Dave Ulrich & Jeffrey Pfeffer, Competitive advantage through human resource management: Best practices or core competencies? Human relations, Mar2001; 54, 3. Dave Ulrich, Shared Services :From Vogue to Value, Human Resource Planning, 1995,pg12. Linda Davidson, Cut Away Noncore HR, Workforce, Jan. 1998. Richard P. Rison, How to Reduce the Cost of HR and Continue to Provide Value, Human Resource Planning, 2005;28,1. Richard W. Beatty & Graig Eric Schneier, New HR Roles to Impact Organizational Performance: From “Partners” to “Players”. Human Resource Management, 1997, Pp.29-37. Mark V. Roehling, Wendy R. Boswell, Paula Caligiuri, etc. The future of HR Management :Research Needs and Directions Human resource Management, 2005, Pp207-216. Wayne Brockbank, If HR Were Really Strategically Proactive: Present And Future Directions In HR’s Contribution to Competitive Advantage, Human Resource Management, 1999, Pp337-352. Wayne F. Cascio, From Business Partner to Driving Business Success: The Next Step In The Evolutions of HR Management, Human Resouce Management, 2005, Pp.159-163. Wendy E. A. Ruona & Sharon K. Gibson, The Making of Twenty-First-Century HR: An Analysis of The Convergence of HRM, HRD, And OD; Human Resource Management, 2004, Pp49-56.
Books Dave Ulrich & Wayne Brockbank, Human Resource Champion, United States, 1997. Dave Ulrich & Wayne Brockbank, The HR Value Proposition, United States, 2005. Mark Easterby-Smith & Richard Thrope & Andy Lowe, Management Research, Sage, London, 2002.