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研究生(外文):Hsing-Kuo Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship among Human Capital, Social Capital, Innovative Capability and Organizational Performance-Evidence from the Commercial Banks in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ing-Chung Huang
外文關鍵詞:organizational performancehuman capitalsocial capitalinnovative capability
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The research based on the dynamic case study of the eight Taiwan’s commercial banks. Although Taiwan was shared many characteristics with other emerging economics, the generalization of data might display certain idiosyncrasies. The research aimed in the banking industry instead of the high technology industry or even the manufacturing industry. It was believed that the findings would be beneficial to developing countries, such as Latin American countries or Asian Pacific countries. This study revealed the relationships among human capital, social capital, innovative capability and organization performance. This study also has suggested that the bigger the commercial banks’ human capital, the stronger the innovative capability. It has been proven that social capital played a moderator between human capital and innovative capability when the innovative capability was big; vice versa the organization performance was expected to be good. The implication was: enterprises should cultivate high human capital rather than treating employees as their costs. For different levels of employees, the needed capabilities were surely different. Therefore, the leaders’ characteristics, open-mindedness/vision and execution for core employees were more significant than the low level employees.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………………………….i
ABSTRACT (English)…………………………………………ii
ABSTRACT (Chinese)…………………………………………iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………… iv
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………….vi
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………….vii

A. Background & Motives…………………… 1
B. Research Objectives………………………6
C. Expected Contributions………………… 7

A. Knowledge Management……………………8
B. Human Capital…………………………….11
D. Social Capital......................23
E. Organizational Performance……………36
F. Research Framework……...…………...43

CHAPTER III Methodology……………………44
A. The Strategy of Case Study……………44
B. Research Companies………………………47
C. Data Analysis…………………………….53
D. Questionnaire…………………………….55
E. InternalValidity…………………………58
F. External Validity……………………….59

A. The Background of the Sample…………63
B. Human Capital & Innovative Capability…65
C. Human Capital, Social Capital & Innovative Capability…81
D. Innovative Capability & Organizational Performance…86
E. Human Capital, Innovative Capability & Organization Performance…91

A. Research Conclusions………………………………95
B. Theoretical Contributions……………………….98
C. Managerial Implications………………………….99
D. Limitations & Future Research…………………100

Appendix A: Questionnaire………………………….114
Appendix B: The Background Information of the Interviewed Cases…120

3-1 Definition of Case Study…………………44
3-2 The Summarization of the Interviewers’ Companies & Job Titles………50
3-3 Evidence Chain………………………………51
3-4 Case Portfolio………………………………52
3-5 The Measurement Indicators of this study……61
4-1 The Background of the Sample…………………..64
4-2 The Human Capital of the Core Employees among the Eight Banks…….66
4-3 The Main Elements of Human Capital…………...67
4-4 The Main Types of Innovation among the Banks.74
4-5 Innovative Capability…………….……………….75
4-6 The Recognition of Social Capital in the Eight Banks...82
4-7 Organizational Performance Measure Indicators..87
2.1 Innovative Capability Integrated Framework …43

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